Black People Made Colonizers Run For Shelter After They Tried To Turn Their Beach Into A Resort

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Black People Made Colonizers Run For Shelter After They Tried To Turn Their Beach Into A Resort

Demetra Kaye reports on Black people making colonizers run for shelter after they tried to turn their beach into a resort.
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  1. I am a white guy from Eastern Europe. I applaud those inhabitants for protecting it from corporate greed. But stressing that it was white colonizers trying to take away their land is such a crappy way of reporting. Seems like you focus on dividing people by colour more than focusing on importance of limiting corporate greed from spreading. Future is not further division of humanity based on any small difference. Way to go is to unite and embrace respect the differences between different cultures. But you were brainwashed into believing all white people are monsters. Learn more about slavery and you will find out that was black people selling black people.

  2. They are trying to destroy Haiti, and own the land in the near future. The elites who are from Lebanon, Allemagne that work for US and French government are providing arms to gang members to destroy the country and the people.

  3. All of these islands should not allow foreighners to buy up property, the best property at that, and then restrict the indigenous people from that property. Even rich Black Americans buy up property. They should invest in resorts that would include the people who live there giving them jobs but never restrict them from the beaches. The audacity. But that's what they have always done and unless the natives stop their actions it will continue. And like a commentor said below, they will be a tourist in their own country.

  4. They singing a beach protest song! They singing “the beach is mine” it’s still English yall could have done a better job to explain such united movement HOWEVER GOOD JOB ON SHOWING STRUGGLES BLACK PPL WINNING âœŠđŸŸđŸ«ĄđŸ‘đŸœ

  5. I love this unity and Black people please wake up and lets take back this world that belong to us…we're the real king and Queens in this world do not forget that…lets stop the fighting and begin the unity.

  6. I just came from a walking trail by a community center in an all black area, and for the past 3 days I have seen white people with dogs. I have been going to that same trail for over a decade, and never saw one white person now that's all I see and the seniors that go to that center. There were never dogs just ducks if there were dogs the owner had them on a leash.

  7. Abba Yah is going to turn up the heat, world wide. You know that they don't have enough melanin to protect them from the sun rays.
    Revelation 16:8And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire. 9And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory.

  8. How you guys recognise colonisers when all colonisations where not straight foward or direct ? Don't ya all know that colonisation will never end in certain countries which will remain part of some empires for ever as the psychology of their colonising style was based on the 5th column and its not easy to stop it as time goes by …

  9. Am a Bahamian and in the back of some hotels might have a little private piece of beach for their guests but all local beaches are open always.we have many beautiful beaches where locals are tourists swim .

  10. That's what I'm talking about, send them packing. I found myself doing a little victory dance 💃. It was the moves featured in the video with a little Irish Riverdance thrown in the mix 😳. One love from Southern California ✌.