BLACK MEN are DONE dating BLACK WOMEN. Going white!

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This Bahamian Gyal

Joined: Mar 2024
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BLACK MEN are DONE dating BLACK WOMEN. Going white!

These BLACK MEN are DONE dating black women. They are going for white girls. From bad attitudes and masculine tendencies to the complete emasculation of men, black men say they are turned off and have had enough.

They are now turning to interracial relationships, and not just with white women. These men say they are tired of being ignored for…



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  1. I'm Somali American and I think Black/African American men and women ar3 the same. I would never and have never dated an African American man because they hate their women so much and truly just want anything with so called "good hair" and light skin. They are not providers or fathers and have just as much attitude. They are the men I feel least safe around due to sexual harassment. If you reject them they say "oh, you think you better than us." No, I just prefer Somali men cuz I am Somali and that is natural while they prefer women with certain phenotype. They are not interested in West African women because they are after whatever their brainwashed minds translate to less stereotypically Black.

    Black is a very basic descriptor for people with dark skin originating in Africa. Need to get specific. We are speaking of Black people who descend from those enslaved in America. Thats the "Black" culture we are speaking of and that people globally associate with when speaking of Blacks in America. Now just because i am Black doesn't mean i have to like all Black cultures. There is plenty of my own Somali culture that i despise but i am still Somali no matter what and will not run to other groups to escape it. We all have to deal. Overall, i wush Black Africans globally more self love and love to be African❤

  2. Myron Gaines is a misogynist. Male headship is misogyny 100%. Marriage is an EQUAL PARTNERSHIP. Myron wants to be the authority in his relationships and that's not how it should be. Males who want to be in the lead treat women as if they are children and not an equal partner in the relationship and that's the problem. Get the trophy together!

  3. This is my first time seeing your channel, and I can say this was good. 👍🏾
    Derrick Jaxn is not a good example.🙃

    It's not about a one or two black women experience, for us gentlemen, It's a cultural thing. We cannot express ourselves without getting the back lash from our women in the west.
    🤫it's designed to be that way.
    A lot of our women are "educated" but somehow can't or refuse to see this.
    This has been going on for years in america and men have now decided to stop dealing with this issue in the west and try with another race of women.
    So that im clear: there's black women in and from other countries all around this world, so the women who feels a way about this have every right to express how they Feel about it, just know, WE DON'T CARE ANYMORE!
    We can all agree that a piece of mine is everything. We must all do what makes us happy.

    Traditional men need traditional women.
    [[Modern women HAVE TO BE WITH modern men]]
    and we all know what kind of men they are.
    You can't have both worlds 🌎 🌎
    ladies, you have to choose!

    🤔 Note in my statement how I've start out with who leads in the Traditional and Modern relationships.

    Thanks for sharing, keep up the good work.🙏🏾

    Deuces! ✌🏾✈️

  4. LBJ plan has been more of a success than he could have imagined. The black community is always the government’s test subjects. Before pushing on the rest of US communities

  5. Statistical fact…..Blacks married to Blacks 20% success rate, Black men married to White women success rate 20%…………White men married to Black women 70% success rate

  6. You are misreading what is going on. It's a mistrust issue. Black women can't believe that you actually mean it. They have been beat down for so long that when someone is being nice they are waiting for the other shoe to fall. The masculine energy is survival technique. We have had to fight so long to survive, to protect, to make it work. So you put up a protective shield to survive in a male dominanted world. What is missing is how did we get here. Headache that was created from what? We talk about the symptoms but not what at the core.

  7. To answer your question directly, YES! I dated black women for decades and thought there was something wrong with me, because they said so. Then I went to southeast Asia for business. A Thai coworker introduced me to his sister-in-law, a college graduate, who spoke English, with no Children, and was the most feminine woman I had ever met. I have never been treated that well by any other woman. Being a provider and protector for her is my pleasure.

  8. Have you also considered that black women, as much as they are least marriagable as the claim goes, also prefer to date out their race? What does that say about black men?

  9. When a man step 🚶‍♀️ up and try alot of women argue so 🤷 so much a man is forced to walk 🚶‍♀️ 🙄 away to safe themselves. Screen better and keep your legs closed marry before you carry

  10. The decision to not date a particular race of women is not silly or dumb; it is a preference, nothing more. How many times have women not dated men because they were short or fat? The principle is the same

  11. You are wrong in saying that it's the fault of black men for not being in the house. Prior to 1960s feminism movement, black people were married at the rate of 88%, the highest in America. After feminism and government welfare was introduced to black women, black women started taking the free money and kicking their men out of the house. Stop blaming black men and take responsibility and accountability!🤷‍♂️

  12. For the record, black men are not the only ones with those opinions of black woman. There is a cultural difference between men and woman, and within sub groups of men and woman. I have noticed men for decades now have been complaining about woman (black and non-black) acting like men, which I have to agree with. I have also heard woman ask men to be more like woman. Sorry, but woman really don't understand men nearly as well as they think they do.

  13. I guess it depends on who you encounter. In highschool ( we're white) my sons biggest crush was on a black girl. He was so impressed with her because she was smart, could talk about religion and politics, she was moral and modest. She was helping her mom take care of her very sick grandma after school and giving up activities to help out at home. My son said, " mom, black girls are just so much more down to earth than the white girls I know." Anyway, he was shy, didn't get the courage up and her family moved out west.

  14. Most black women don't care that black men don't want us,we have a better relationships with white men same as they do with white women but we not constantly bashing or talking about black men,they keep black women's names in their mouth because they want a black woman and don't know how to love a black woman,,also passport bro are getting killed because the men in the preferences community are not going to let them come in and ruin their women get them pregnant and leave,or never marry them,so being a passport is getting them killed and locked up for dating them,but they say black women are difficult, they're just mad because we not settling for the bare minimum they want to give so they label us difficult and we not putting up with their bs either, so I'm happy that they don't bother with us especially if they have nothing to offer,no peace, no protection, not providing a safe space to be feminine,so we not missing out on anything, we looking for our Russell Wilson❤

  15. Thanks For Sharing This Topic !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I Appreciate It Alot !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈

  16. Key , ….focus on character ❤.
    I am black with white features my fiance is Latino and we are on the same page, mutual respect, friendship, loyalty, commitment and communication.
    Prior to dating him I have chosen to be single to work on myself ..and I can tell you the unresolved issues "will always be the problem in relationships is like carrying an invisible load everywhere you go…. its problematic, uncomfortable and messy. Everyone else can see it but ourselves.

    We need to deal with it.

  17. Black men are not dating or married to white women like y’all think. Do your research and most BM are married to Black women 80% yet y’all initiate divorce at 75% who doesn’t like who here.? Or who doesn’t care for the well being of the children here honestly ? I know what y’all gonna say…BUT IS SHE HAPPY? 🤦🏽‍♂️ Yall taking Derrick jackson word like he’s a real men..the pookie simp😂😂 seriously 😳

  18. Except for at the end of the day….again we are blaming men….
    The men who were boys and little children and baby boys were raised by the women single or not to perpetuate the behavior. There are lots of single women who raise their children successfully and those that don’t- perpetuate this problem

  19. My experiences as a ‘hybrid’ myself: white men tend to expect a certain level of independence (financial, opinions, taking care of problems like a broke down car or clogged drain), where black men leaned more towards the ‘let me take care of that/let me buy that for you’. On the other hand, the white men seemed more secure about themselves where black men had some issues about feeling secure about the relationship/themselves. The ‘reverence’ of their mother (and her cooking) was exactly the same for the Italian and Caribbean men.

  20. Where a lots of black women have made a mistake a lot of black men fake like they love the woman they seem to want men more these days, they just want a reason to abuse black women , don't believe everything these men are saying they all into being with each other, it's the time we are living in and you must acknowledge the time we are living in is not easy, Black women are afraid of White all these boys friends we look for husband

  21. So black men be very careful what you are saying we know you have had time just because the white woman is giving you a little more attention because she has to do more to get the black man from the black woman she got to get more she got to take more not not that the black woman haven't taken so much I had a black mama and a father and they was married and he was not an easy man to get to along with my daddy was abused I can't believe black men are saying that cuz a lot of them are women they call women are really mens that men that they are dating and marrying white men that are calling himself woman

  22. They’ve been saying this since I was little girl. I am now 26 , black m and married to a white guy. We met at college in the North East. I was at a science and math school that had nearly nil population of black guys. You date who you relate to the most.

    It is not really a big deal to have a group of friends in my generation who are in interracial relationships as well as LGBTQ. I have never felt a need to disrespect black guys and I have been at the wrong end of a gun my freshman year with a black guy holding it. Just date who you want. You don’t have to make a weird statement out of it. It’s weird. It’s corny.

  23. I am not on YouTube often. I do not have FB, IG, or any of the other social media platforms. But why is there so much focus on Black American women? Why are there so many channels/ podcasts targeting Black women and fixated on Black women relationships, what they do and how they do it?

  24. Tbh who cares you can find a demon in every race. Give your life to Jesus ask him to fill you with the Holy Spirit allow God to cultivate you and if it’s his will he’ll add a spouse that’s all

  25. I'm a 52 year Asian man. I've dated one too many women in my prime. It's probably why I'm single. Black women is not the problem that men don't want to deal with. Especially successful men. Modern black women, especially the one that listens to modern music artists and social media that any man doesn't want to deal with. Not just blacks, Asians, white s, Europeans. A woman with attitude is just a woman a attitude. Men often steer away from them. Women should check out Kevin Samuels broadcast. God rest his soul.