Black Man Wants To Make Peace With 'Them Folks' And Asks Them To Be His Friends
Black Man Wants To Make Peace With 'Them Folks' And Asks Them To Be His Friends
Demetra Kaye reports on a Black man wanting to make peace with them folks and asking them to be his friend.
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He needs to watched the movie 🎥 Rosewood it will wake him the hell up immediately and finally don't have anything to due with them at all they're the same today and the same tomorrow
He needs to watched the movie 🎥 Rosewood it will wake him the hell up immediately and finally don't have anything to due with them at all they're the same today and the same tomorrow
He’s sound like a plantation slave to ask them folks to be his friend he’s a stepin fetchit sellout for making this ignorant statement
This is why i cannot be friends with bigots the liberals the racists and the pricks that doesn't set 📐 right with me at all trust them hell to the nah 🤬.
Who needs friends like them 😠😂 for what it doesn't make any sense at all i don't have any attention to be their friend and finally them folks will be always the enemy.
Another sellout geeze.
Those people don't want to be your friends! He needs an FBA intervention!
This dude is sick 🤢🥶 in the head 🗣️🤕 period don't even ask me for me either just leave me the hell alone i don't have any attention to be their friend for what it doesn't make any sense at all and finally who in the hell wants to be friends with the enemy not 🚫 even me just count me out just dismissed me with that BS.
Keep your resolve friends 😄😜 till one of them don't have have no use for you anymore.
Godly his ancestors are rolling in their own grave they ain't to please 🥺 about him asking them to be his friend he lost his own damn mind that's a insult to the ancestors and the family our ancestors when through a lot want them to be his friend he's not 🚫 all there for real.
Next time we cross the Red Sea, leave him in Egypt lol
There's no Dear to Those People
That man learn nothing
He will soon learn!
This is why i will never be friends with them to many problems are behind it and their history make peace with them no way not 🚫 with the enemy both Esau and the edomites.
MLK syndrome 😂
He is that damn serious to be friends with them but it looks strange.
The sellout award goes to him but godly but damn.
This is terrible.
This dude ain't right in the head at all losing some marbles up there i don't have any attention to be their friend absolutely not 🚫 who wants to be friends with the enemy not 🚫 not even me hell no just dismissed me with that BS don't asked me to be their friend that will never worked on me and finally case is closed 🔒🔐.
A strange guy getting with them 😞😒 not a good looking at all but damn.
I don't want no friends like them absolutely not i know their history that's for sure and finally he doesn't know their own history with our people he is so immature ignorant backward unlearned uneducated and strange his family members needs to straighten him out before the outsiders due.
His own family better needs to get him right 👍 for real before the outsiders due.
We never was the problem remember that my people.
He's very backward.
He's gonna get his feelings hurt 🤕😭 for real sooner or later and finally some folks gotta learned the hard way.
Keep your resolve family.
Is he trolling or is he seriously tap dancing trying to earn his 20 pieces of silver he wanna be friend's with them I have a suggestion for him drive to a sundown town and ask that same question matter of fact record yourself doing it at night time and see how it works out ya.
Black American men; low self-esteem. Just ask the counselors that go to counsel them in prison.
U cannot make friends.
To be friend its an happenning from the depth of oneself.
Be careful what you ask for it can be a trapped or a trick dead jail hospital 🏥 especially coming up missing he's to damn dumb to know that he's setting himself up to be with the enemy they don't have no love 💕 for him to dumb to know that and finally these wicked demons ain't setting him up he's setting himself up and finally he will get what's coming to him it won't be good it will be bad 😞😔 that will be all on him.