Black Man ATTACKED For Dating Chinese Girl @tranostv

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Flight Madness

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Black Man ATTACKED For Dating Chinese Girl @tranostv

A lot of PassportBros have gotten caught up in a bad situation after posting images of their girls on the internet. One of the guys, Tranos, who made the YouTube series “Black in China” popular also recently got caught up.

You need to be careful when posting your relationships online for public…



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  1. If some Chinese dude or some foreigners goes to some African countries and keep posting their way of dealing with the woman there,will not draw the postive internet followers also.Best is post some of the realistic stuffs that can make everyone happy,old people, children,married, handicapped people watching your videos can also enjoy.

  2. Brother, I hear what you're saying, and understand completely. In 1972 I started dating a white girl in New York. I have even mat member of her family, including her mother , nieces, a nephew, and cousin. I had even sat down and had lunch with her mom. Sometime after we were dating her cousin told her day about us. It was then that everything turned upside down. At least, as far as her birth family is concerned. I've been with her since 1972, Her parents and only brother, never saw our children until they were nearly all in their teens. They never spoke to us until the 1990s. When they realized that I did not do all of the things that they told her I would do. Then too, they realized that these were their only grandchildren and they were getting very old. Their only son never got married, he stayed at home his entire life. So they decided to swallowed their pride. And finally, came to visit their daughter and their grandchildren. For the next few years, I just stayed away from them when they came. Finally, they approached me, and wanted to be friendly with me. I had to for my wife and children swallowed my resentment and started to talk to them. Long story short. A couple of weeks before her brother's 57th birthday, died on a golf course out on Long Island caddying with his father for some longtime people that they did that for. Right on the green he had clot move up to his brain and he died right their on the court. About a year later, His 87 year old mother died of a broken heart, because of her son's death. Then about 3 years later, I had to go to New York to stay with and take care of her father for about 6 weeks because he nearly died in his house from a fall he had, which no one knew about. One of his neighbors hadn't seen him for a few days and got the superintendent to let them into the apartment nearly dead because he got stuck between the bed and the closet. Nearly, a year to the day after I went back home he had another one of those episodes and ended up back in the hospital. He had put in a DNR order. And when he got so very ill that he needed life support. They took him off the machines and he died. So apart from the internet stuff, I know exactly what was going on with Martin and Chen. And quite possibly about the situations that you mentioned. That's the world we live in. I refused to allow anyone to drive me away from someone that I loved. You know what though those people that bashed them would have never married her, because of the cultural outcasting that situation that they have. She was 39, and as far as the Chinese people are concerned, she was a leftover, because she had past age 30. So all of their animosity was just blowing of steam about their own failures of casting her off like some worthless rag. That what I told Martin in one comment that I made to him. But his heart has been too destroyed by all of the madness that they went thru to hear with acceptance anything I had to say when I heard about their breakup.

  3. Shout out to the black men dating Chinese women I doubt you are getting the cream of the crop of Chinese women, you are bound to get some “Sheng Nu” the ones in their prime are looking for Chinese or White men only!

  4. Yeah it's better to keep relationships off the internet. I seen a lot of racist comments on Douyin whenever there's a video about interracial couples. It's super hypocritical too because the comments are fetishizing when the guy is Chinese, but protectionist when the girl is Chinese. Basically the same behaviour Asians abroad have to deal with.

    I do want to be hopeful and I feel like most people on the streets are not those online incels – after all, they are outside doing normal-people things LOL. I feel like most people you meet face-to-face would have no problems with foreigners dating local women as long as he seems like a solid guy.

  5. White boys learnd the hard way, hence, you no longer see them showing their chinese girlfriends or being flirtatious with Chinese women on their social media. Blk dudes should have known better. I lived in china for a short while. I know how it feels with chinese women throwing themselves and being flirtatious with your blk azz. But lots of lonely Chinese men who dont get attention from women are watching. They are justifiably angry and have every reason to flame your azz if you start showing off on social media

  6. I follow those youtubers youare referring to. You are not in their league, after Eight years in China you don't even speak the language. Those guys you are talking about are sociable and after four years in China they could speak the language fluently.

    Because you don't speak Chinese your experience in China is going to be different from theirs. You strike me as a typical antagonistic American looking for the bad side of everyone as a pretext grievance.

    Grow up and grow a thick skin. Stop expecting everyone to like you. Face up to reality.

  7. So true, especially among the local men is some countries. Foreigners got to be careful when around women from whatever country and announcing their involvement with whatever girl. Thos e men can give her or the foreigner a really bad day. Foreigners probably the best to keep their relationships on the downlow, well at least from posting on any social media. but then again it depends on the country.

  8. I know of three Asian women with a child from a Black man. All three are single and the Black man is long gone. At least White men will be responsible and marry the woman and take care of her.

  9. Serves the guy right. You cannot go to any country that is not a black Country and openly post videos of you and a local girlfriend. You just asking for trouble. I predicted that this would happen when he did it.

  10. I can't do China. I hear too much bad stuff. South East. Japanese and Korean…hell vietnamese and Cambodian would be better. China just want to white 🤍 there skin. I love Bruce Lee and jet. Jackie and IP man but… What is lisa ling and Lucy liu

  11. i support you brother but be careful out there in those foreign countries because of anti blackness in those places watch your back, may the most high yahawah keep you safe.

  12. I don’t understand why go somewhere that has a problem with us, I was always told go somewhere you’re celebrated and not tolerated,I understand the curiosity but I’ve seen how they are here in the states and I don’t deal with any of them and I’m not concerned with the entire kumbaya thing because we shouldn’t have to except MFS who don’t respect us

  13. You look like you're in Chengdu. That's the city I'm in. I went viral myself a couple years ago when a photo of my lady and I was posted on redbook. You wouldn't believe the types of comments people left on the photo.

  14. As much as I talk crap about blk women who unfortunately still suffer from the unspeakable traumas of chattle slavery that has been encoded into our shared DNA…..I'm not getting on a plane ✈️ and flying halfway around the world to find a Maria 👩🏽‍🦰, Ulga 👩🏼, or Mai Ling 👩🏻. That barely speaks English and needs a 90 day visa to "visit this country" and will disappear like a fart in the wind before the ink on her green card is dry 📃 ✍️🏻

  15. Duuuh it’s literally 2men to one woman over there due to the 1child policy and then they often done away with girls. Of course they don’t want long 🍖 in their women and it becomes a trend. Soul brothers will be well sought out amongst the women if that happens. Although Chinese men do go to African and get women.

  16. Not participate in their toxic Internet is a very smart decision. I did wonder why that streamer was now in Thailand. The China was better videos where cringe and I stoped watching him.

    Please be Careful young brother, more and more Chinese who have this view are travelling west and now view YouTube then send what you say back home. Travelling the world as I have that's mainly a Chinese reaction thing manly because they look down on ppl of colour. Korea/ Indonesia are getting more and more like China. The love Africa resources but not really Africans lol. It's strange that most Chinese are shocked when they find out ppl of color around the world, on a whole, live better than them maybe because we don't brag about it.