Black Elk Speaks: The Profound Spirituality Of The Native Americans

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Black Elk Speaks: The Profound Spirituality Of The Native Americans

Asangoham Books:

The spiritual traditions of Native American cultures, intricate and diverse, offer profound insights into the interconnectedness of life and the sacredness of the natural world.

These insights are vividly captured in the book, “Black Elk Speaks,” which vividly communicates the spiritual…



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  1. Nowhere in this video does he mention that Black Elk was a devout Catholic. He was baptized as Nicolas and taught Catechesis to his tribe. He is recognized as a servant of God in the Catholic Church.

  2. When I was younger I had the privelege of being one of the dancers at a Sundance Ritual. I still have the red ochre piece of the tree the man was hung by hooks on. It will forever be an important childhood memory of mine

  3. Hunter gatherers lived within nature. They were part of nature. They were totally dependent on nature to provide the things needed to survive. The animals were their brothers and sisters. They understood and appreciated the spiritual essence of life. Recognizing and respecting these spirits. They made them part of their daily life and ritual.
    Shaman such as Black Elk taught the people the importance of living in balance with nature.

    I would call these the earth spirits.

    When agriculture took over and farmers stepped outside of nature and lost their connection to the earth. Farming was to bend nature to man's will. Mankind begin to look at nature as a resource to be extracted for their benefit. They begin to be more interested in the stars and the sun and the moon and the impact that it had on its crops. They didn't listeni to the earth spirits. They belived in stars to show them the way. They worshiped what I would call sky spirits. Asking them to protect and the guide their farming practices. The sky spirits evolved into the religions we have today for the most part in western society.

    Mankind has followed that example. We've taken so much from the earth that it's ability to sustain us is beginning to diminish. We call that progress.
    We need the beliefs and teachings of the indigenous people around the world. At some point mankind will need to reconnect with nature and they will need someone to guide them.

    Keep up the good work.

  4. The rĂŠfĂŠrence is very young, 1930. They were already colonised AT that Time. Could be usefull to get morĂŠ oldest rĂŠfĂŠrences to get the profond meaning of the native spirituality, on 1930 they were making Much western films Much misconception and racism.

  5. When you keep using the words "belief", "believe" and "spiritual beliefs" you paint their experience as some sort of make-believe fantasy and just an alternative to our religions. But, many Indigenous people actually experienced the underlying consciousness of the Universe, which the Australian Aborigines called "The Dreaming". We have a bad habit of sticking words on things and completely missing the processes and experiences of Reality. There is a big difference between "believing" and "knowing". We may believe, but mainly they KNOW. I hope you will address this.

  6. I read this as a teenager and it had a huge effect on me. I would, however, like to point out that it's not all wisdom and beauty. Black Elk also chuckled describing how, when the white men "played dead" after being defeated by the Indians on the battlefield, they would freak out when the Indian women came around removing the penises, as trophies, from the corpses.

  7. SeVV 🪡 mucH nnorA ✌️LeaRN aBoT usA anna are LesSon😇MazSeal HidDen🫣Medina OrrLeeAnnS CounTi NuYok aMeriCan🙃MaaMCaiR Ahl🫡Law.

    August 31 1142 💍 🔔🔔
    April 3 1766 Again🫡Niagara MiaMerciSeAt iSr.A.Eli ReWolF🫡FloVVar FoR🫡Raph wE'VE had A MenE naM33nam.

    🪶Neuter ForT 🌀 waS PeeK🥲Keep Mia HidDen HamLet.

    Word🫡Drov we're TriB33DirX

    Fr33 MaiSon😇MeSiAh

    SamUhal💲LavMazE ↩️iS No JoKe

  8. The Earth does not belong to us…! We belong to the earth…i have never forgotten these words…! Country does not belong to us…! We belong to country… Australian Aboriginal saying 🇦🇺👍

  9. This book should be read to all children, early and often. Yeshivah was in the Temple AT Twelve. All children need be In This Temple by 12! Aristotle can manufacture and produce a genius by age 7. Quantum Physician’s Ahn Mental MechanicX that SiHK Yahweh!!

  10. Truth cannot be destroyed only mis understood. The indigenous ideologies embedded within indigenous peoples here in the Americas is the pearl of truth that lies within the heart of my democracy. It cannot be destroyed only delayed in manifestation and its nothing less than god within your heart.

  11. At the Crazy Horse Memorial in South Dakota, there is a placard dedicated to Black Elk. It reads "We should understand well that all things are the works of the Great Spirit. We should know that He is within all things: the trees, the grasses, the rivers, the mountains, and all the four legged animals, and the winged peoples." -Black Elk

  12. I climbed Black Elk Peak (formerly Harney Peak) in SD last June. This was the spot of his power vision. There were prayer flags at the top. It reminded me of pictures I’ve seen from Tibet. This book has always been very important to me. He was a great man.

  13. Many nations of Native people had an enlightened view of the world.. this is why the narrative that makes them out to be "savage" and warlike peoples is a blatant lie.. but that's what you have to do to manufacture concent.. it's why the US calls anyone they don't like or goes against their agenda… TERRORISTS, while they themselves, are the biggest terrorist regime in history.. don't believe me.. who else has 800 military installations around the world.

  14. I read the book when i was young. Used to do some sweat lodges and ceremony with native American .i always felt maybe i was native American and Asian Indian in past lives. If you believe if you believe Para Brahma is in everything and everything than you will have that great love and respect for nature. To all my relations.