Behind Bars: South Cotabato Jail, Philippines | World’s Toughest Prisons | Free Documentary

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Behind Bars: South Cotabato Jail, Philippines | World’s Toughest Prisons | Free Documentary

Behind Bars Season 2 – Episode 2: South Cotabato Jail, Philippines | Prison Documentary

Banged Up: My Story – Toughest Stories from Behind Bars:

Note: This is a reupload. Due to the episode’s subject matter we had to make some adjustments to make the video available on YouTube.

Behind Bars: South Cotabato Jail….



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  1. This is a re-release due to some editing adjustments we were required to make.

    Ronnile Dumagit doesn't yet know what to expect. He's new. First time in jail. The learning curve is fast. There's no other way to survive unless you're quick to realize who's really in charge. There's one name: El Presidente. He and his henchmen rule the world inside this hellhole. This hellhole where the struggle for space, for air, for food, is constant. Until, if ever, you are able to walk out of there on your own two feet.

    South Cotabato Prison is one of the worst in the world. And followers of this series know – unimaginable and inhumane conditions reign. Guilty and innocent all squished in together. Rapists, murders and petty thieves incarcerated into the most appalling living facilities (if you can even call it that) together. Thanks to that rather evil person aka the president of the Philippines outside with his war on drugs, the justice system is completely overwhelmed. What does that mean? Thousands of accused individuals – many innocent or for minor offences – are forced to wait months, years, for their trials in the tropical heat and the conditions you'll see in this documentary. It's not an easy watch.

  2. What did you all say their guilty or not guilty if the person is not guilty they should have not been in there and to be like a pig in a pen get out all the innocent people out of jail right now 👑⚖️🌍🧐😳🤔🧑‍🎓😡😠

  3. Dudes wearing a mickey mouse shirt that says " we enjoy a free life together, every day." Talking about how he's been to court 23 times for a verdict and talking about how they took his gf to jail for his crime also. Typical Disney fashion.

  4. 5:05, "2mil humanos viviendo como animales" deseo que esos 2mil humanos entren a la casa de quienes redactaron esta nota nefasta, para que hagan con el y su familia las maldades que están acostumbrados a hacer.. quisiera ver luego si no les daria satisfacción ver a sus victimarios en esas situaciones pauperrimas 😘😂

  5. I knew that our justice system is bad but this is far worse than I expected. To think that most of them already spent years in there waiting for a trial is crazy and acceptable! Some are probably even innocent yet they are already living the life of prisoners. Even if they are indeed guilty, some could've already been released early for good behavior had they already gotten their sentence. Another thing that shocked me though is how they managed to maintain the order in the prison with that kind of system. A prison that is ran by prisoners.

  6. Mi pregunta ❔ es todos los presidentes no tienen cerebro yo lo que veo hay es plata para el país en esas cárceles Despierten yo les sacaría plata para el país y que los presos salgan rehabilitados y con plata y el gobierno no tenga que dar un solo peso antes le van a darle

  7. 7:40 and 7:50 dude in the blue jersey was legit being weird and wanted to be seen for the camera.. then when Ronil was getting his haircut he was literally showing off for the camera by laughing out loud smh 🤦🏾‍♂️

  8. Aquiteven por YouTube amigos esto me parece pasajero en esos estados, aquí en mi Patría Colombia los hombres presos matan a sus mujeres en las famosas vicitas conyugales, las mujeres hanciosas de hombre y por Ley y garantías de los derechos humanos entran a la carcel a hacerle el Amor 💘 a los hombres hombres elegidas por ellas mismas y los buscan por Internet y el resultado la Muerte por apuñalamiento y lo peor estos reclusos estan presos en la carcel por que ya han matado por femenicidio a otras mujeres, carachas esto es descabellado pero es la 👍 verdad y la pregunta del millon porque una Mujer busca marido en una carcel?