AU summit set to ignores continent's most pressing conflicts and political crises

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AU summit set to ignores continent's most pressing conflicts and political crises

37th summit African Union – The African Union Summit is essential to foster unity and solidarity among member states, provide a platform to define and articulate a shared vision for Africa’s future, find common ground on issues, and take action. But most importantly, it serves as a critical forum for African leaders to discuss the most pressing…



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  1. We need Africa union control itself not control by development country is not Africa union for Africa because control to go and fighting fellow Africa same of development country do in paparse of they own lntrest we seen this Congo somalia outcome we don't solve Africa problem through this Africa union what is the resin to have Africa union fell to unity Africa on saif difence nigoshoting

  2. African countries have administration independent only. No African country has financial and monetary independent/sovereignty. ECOWAS was formed with the main goal, and as an umbrella for African countries to unite in achieving their Financial and Monetary Independents/Sovereignty. For almost 50 years of ECOWAS this organisation has not been able to deliver ECO – which could have been, and become the first independent and sovereign currency for African countries. If the ECO currency existed, and was backed by African nation’s national resources, it would have been one of the strongest currencies, on which African nations interests and progress could have been built on. ECOWAS, AU, etc., are all acting as gatekeepers for the colonialist holding/delaying African nations progress; for they spend decades talking, but never deliver solutions and actions to Africa’s current and pressing issues. Why talk about agenda 2060, and ignore the various armed conflicts various regions of the continent happening today, including the mass migration of millions of youth migrating from these war zones in the continent? Why are the mass migration of young Africans migrating from the continent in very dangerous conditions, and the various armed conflicts in many parts of Africa not at the top of the AU list for discussion and proposed solutions to resolve these matters? Foreign military industrial complexes and their military arsenals, carbon footprint in the continent of Africa, should be discussed in conjunction with Climate change; for they are the largest polluters of the African continent environment, and their actions affect the climate of Africa. These foreign military bases activities are responsible for destabilisation of African countries and peoples. There were no active terrorist organisations in Africa, when President Gaddafi of Libya was alive. When Western nations destroyed Libya, assassinated President Gaddafi in 2011, brought in their foreign military bases in Africa, that is when terrorists armed terrorists groups followed western militaries into Africa; and millions of African youths started mass migrating out of Africa. No African country manufactures military arsenals, and this caused the most pollution on the environment. African countries should first discuss the ban of all foreign military bases in the continent, because they are the largest polluters of the environment, with weather modification equipments, bombs, drones, grenades, cluster bombs, military planes, tankers, etc. Africans don’t want Foreign for-profits endless Wars Economy; which are tools for mass depopulation, genocides, eugenics, destruction of innocent precious lives, destruction of infrastructures/regions/countries, under the pretence of ‘democracy’. Africa have to unite in their own Financial independent, monetary sovereignty, backed by their natural resources, and engage in trade with other regions/countries of their choosing.

  3. You mentioned about the Tigray conflict back in 2020 but you completely or deliberately ignored the ongoing war waged on the Amhara people and the heinous massacre and genocide that is happening now as we speak perpetrated by Abiy Ahmed’s military and security forces. If you think you’re a journalist, you need to have a balanced and fair reporting….I’m just saying

  4. no one should blame african presidents for any misdoing,the system is rigged to ensure continent of black people experience false economy, security and independence. our president are naked before the europeans and even if how much they love to work for Africa, they will always be a counter move. africa and all continent bearing black people have no place in the world. the moment you understand the better you start training your children and stop blaming African president.

  5. The AU seems to be a stumbling block for African unity. Is there no one within this body to call for INTROSPECTION? Is there no one to call for ACTION! Must Africa just resign itself FOR ANOTHER SEASON to what the rest of the world dictates? THERE MUST BE A SHAKE-UP!

  6. Democracy is the bane of Afrika, and will do nothing and continue to do nothing good or positive for Afrika and Afrikans as long as Afrika continues to enbrqce it! The west and europe push democracy on Afrikan countries so that they can continue their neocolonization exploitative, controlling, influencing agenda in Afrika! I dislike hearing about errosion of democracy in Afrika as though that is a bad thing! It should be wiped off the face of the entire continent, post haste, for as Afrika is seeing, democracy does not foster or bring good governance, stability, prosperity, or safety! The longest lasting nation in history was not a democracy! It had no term limits, presidents, voting, elections, multiple political parties, and yet it lasted for 3000 years, and, yes, it was an Afrikan nation! So Afrika does not need foreign Forms of Governance! Re the au, the only good thing that organizationn has done is to remove the israeli's representative from their meeting, and deny the state of israel observer status in it! Au is financed by yurugu, hence its anti Afrika position and ineffectiveness at facing and resolving Afrika's issues! This organization is open to europeans, so I dont know why Afrikans expect it to work for Afrikans! Kwame Nkrumah would be tremendously embarrassed and annoyed!

  7. AU is as relevant to the World Order as The UN, WTO, WHO, EU, IMF and WEF. The World is changing, and the U of Sahel state, BRICS, The Asian and EURASIAN States meeting head on with the Worlds Geopolitical Problems… If it doesn't get it's act together it is going to go the way of the League of Nations and The Holy Roman Empire. Good Riddance…

  8. Stop calling it African Union because it has nothing to do with Africa it a western puppets organisation like the EVOWAS these are not leaders rather 🤡s being told what do you by their masters.

  9. European & American overlords are there because they pay for the AU to exist, same with ECOWAS. Same way they fund their handpicked colonial governors & make you to think you voted them into office.

  10. European and White Americans regard A U leaders and ECOWAS leaders as stupid and irresponsible. The above leaders agree by their actions and inactions. When will those puppets and money greed Africans come to their senses?

  11. Who's hands and money have long supported the AU. Who owns the International Monitory Fund and the BBCI? Knowing these things gives us greater insight as to what puppet masters are pulling the dtrings and settling the dialog.

  12. See, I told you…., the invading, colonizing, and enslaving nations will soon attempt to do it again… This is very serious. We should not allow the AU to ignore the real issues that plague the African continent still to this day.

    Greetings to the African Union, Pan African Parliament, ECOWAS, and the African Diaspora Development Institute, and thank you for your audience.

    You do know that…,

    Revenge is a dessert best served cold.

    Meaning Africa must be made to stand firm, stand solid, and stand as one., reform your governments and unite the continent now.

    The plan of action…,

    Unite all of Africa… invoke, include, and demand the participation, and compliance of all African leaders of all African countries. With the main focus of that we must all unite and unite now.

    Defend all of Africa…. These lands and all of her African resources belong to the people and descendants of Africa. Defend it!

    Africa is our past, our present, and our future. Africa is our history, it is our heritage, and our birthright. We must reclaim it.

    Free all of Africa Now! Stand firm and address all nations. Call them all out t the UN and African Summits and hold them all to account for all historical and present wrongdoings. Protect, and control the narrative of what is happening, and what has been happening to the people, and the continent of Africa for centuries.

    Call for cease fire for current conflict on the African continent ie. DRC Congo. No more time for infighting against and killing your fellow Black African brothers and sisters. No more time for colonial mindset. No more time for tribalism… All of Africa must get out of that mind set immediately and see our true enemies. Unite all of Africa now. Get rid of the puppet government leaders that work against the unity of the African continent and the reclaiming the land of Africa and her resources to ensure that it will be used for the benefit of the African people and the lands of Africa.


    Today, there still exists the enslavement of our people on the continent of Africa by the Arabs and the EU.


    All foreign nations should be requested or demanded to retreat to their neutral corners to allow for restructuring, and new development of the African governments, and leaderships. All lagging African countries failing to adhere to the unity of all of Africa should be forced into compliance. These are African issues and great problem areas of concern that should be addressed by the best of the African government and leadership, and this endeavor to unify the continent of Africa should be chaired, overseen, coordinated and/or advised by Dr. Arikana at the African Union. She should at the very least be reinstated to her former position at the AU immediately.

    Leaders like, Dr. Arikana Chihombori, PLO Lumumba, President Kagame, Julius Malema and the EFF, President Museveni, President Ruto, President Ramaphosa, and the new leaders of Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, and Chad all speak about the human, and economic liberation from the invading, colonizing, and enslaving nations of the people and lands of Africa. These all should have a voice at the African Union, ANC, ECOWAS, and at any other governing body of the AU or of the African continent…

    Remove all colonizing and enslaving countries, and corporations from participation in the land contracts of Africa.

    Until, the African People reclaim the ownership of our lands, and all of our African natural resources to be used for the benefit of the people and the lands of Africa.

    Stop paying on the predatory loans received by the World Bank, the IMF, and all other colonizing countries' financial and credit institutions providing bad loans to Africa.

    Begin negotiating all new public and private loans and investments and government funding, and all other government support and operations funding and foreign trade contract deals fairly….

    Stop all unfair foreign trade and natural and precious resource supply deals until all contracts are renegotiated fairly for the benefit and development of the people, the lands, and the governments of Africa.

    All of Africa must now speak truth to power., take back your power, and be of good stewards to what God has given the people of Africa. God is watching. and calls us forth to be responsible and to hold ourselves, and our enemies accountable, to stand united as a people and of us his chosen people against our enemies… against his enemies. and make right the wrongs of Africa and of this world.

    Africa must speak with one voice, and demand back the control of the lands, and resources, and Africa must do this now.

    Demand reparations for all that has been done over the centuries to rob the people of their human, and economic freedoms and liberation.

    And if need be, after failed court or legal negotiations for reparations to be paid, to ensure reparations are paid, Africa can include a continent-wide High Reparation Tax on all natural resources, and precious minerals and metals and any high value goods before leaving Africa to all former invading, colonizing and enslaving countries.

    All African leaders must unite now, and speak with one voice now., or else in the future this issue could compound, and become very problematic for the whole of all of Africa and the whole of all the world.

    Thank you for your attention and consideration., please feel free to forward this message.

  13. not surprised. Africa, should be leading the world in all areas but usually just suck up to its colonial masters for favours and aid. Africa is failing for the same reasons that caused , the Transatlantic Salve Trade. Africa has left us in the wilderness, languishing through the centuries with the cruellest treatment imaginable to mankind and are still letting these injustices go unanswered. The African Diaspora is owed reparations from the colonial masters and the African Sell-outs. I am with the Diaspora not Africa.

  14. Fellow brother and Africans, there's an ongoing genocide in the Cameroons where more than 50K Ambazonians/Southern Cameroonians have been murdered, +500 villages raced to dust, +2m children deprived of eduction for 7yrs and counting, +1.5m IDPs and +500 refugees across neighbouring countries like Nigeria, Ghana etc. This war has been on since escalation in 2017 when President Paul Biya declared war on Ambazonia. France and Republic of Cameroun(LRC) have bought over and silenced mainstream media from reporting this conflict. Furthermore, it is sad that fellow Africa countries have looked away from the plight of the state of Southern Camerons/Ambazonia. Please, please, please, help report on this conflict. Thank you.

  15. There are too many currencies on the continent.

    The continent of Africa needs to be split into four currencies. example. 1) all Southern region countries. 2) all West African countries. 3) all East and Central Africa countries. 4) the same goes for North African countries. If they want it.

    African would have way more currency strength, if they did that. European countries came to the same conclusion. That's why they made the euro. I know some people talk about one currency, For the entire continent. That's too many pieces to align for now.

    Individual countries like Zimbabwe. would suffer way less, if they were under a regional currency. Weaker European countries, enjoy the benefit of regional currency.

  16. 😂😂😂😅 expected AU and African regional bodies are captured useless entities. They is a self protectiveness club, a comaradry of thuggery and incompetence of issues hellbent enabling corruption! 🛑💯🔥