As More Brothas Are Leaving Democrat Party, Biden Invited To Give Commencement Speech At Morehouse

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As More Brothas Are Leaving Democrat Party, Biden Invited To Give Commencement Speech At Morehouse

Demetra Kaye reports on as more Brothas are leaving the Democrat party, President Joe Biden is invited to deliver commencement speech to Morehouse College graduates.
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  1. Biden is much worse than Trump… no doubt. I left out that Biden is walking us towards a Nuclear War for oil… America has wanted Iran's oil for decades. Everything is about oil and stealing resources. Read more below:

    For, forty years, Biden has been deadly to the African American Community and global black communities. Biden created the cruel crime bill that has devastated the black community. Also, the crime bill is being reinstated and harsher around the country. Biden's harsh homeless bill — wants to arrest and jail homeless black vets and black men… they make up the majority of the homeless. It's illegal to sleep in your car? Why is that a thing. If you're caught with fentanyl (Created by the Sackler Family, not in Mexico) The Sackler's killed millions around the world with Opioids (Fentanyl is a stronger version of Opioids) Just like crack is a weaker version of cocaine… but, blacks got more time for crack??? Well, with Fentanyl… if caught with it you get 25 to life? This can easily be planted on black men via cops. That's the plan of the Biden Adm. So, the Sackler family killed and poisoned millions of people with the help of their doctors… no one went to prison???? The FDA new Opioids were deadly. Only, poor blacks go to jail???

    This President Biden has caused mass genocide of African Americans in America with his policies, toxic foods, toxic water, prison industrial system, criminalizing the homeless, and mandating a dangerous vaccines to the black community. Over, 17 million people have died from the side effects of the CV vaccines. (The FDA, WHO, and Media has censored the news of the people who have died suddenly from the deadly shot for a virus that never existed.) 60,000 blacks die monthly from sugar alone. Shame on Morehouse President.

    Also, Biden's admin assassinated four African Presidents because they wanted to study the Covid Virus before giving their citizens a deadly vaccine. Biden also assassinated the President of Haiti because he refused to vaccinate the Haitian population who never got sick (CV never existed.) and the Haitian President was updating the Haitian constitution giving the citizen more rights over their country. Now, Biden, started a false flag war in Haiti to genocide the Haitians (its happening now, called a Quiet Genocide) and Biden will steal their trillion dollars worth of resources (Diamond mines, Oil, and billions in minerals). Biden also voted on invading Iraq and Afghanistan… Biden is truly evil. Surely, the President of Morehouse knows the history of Biden.

  2. It is absolutely abhorrent for the president to decline any offer to speak at any institution or organization where they are initially invited to speak only to accept that same offer much later because we are approaching the end of an election season and they are currently losing badly in the polls! Joe Biden and the Democrat party continue to prove daily why they're the absolute most despicable disgusting deplorable and irredeemable political organization in the 249 year history of the of the United States of America!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬

  3. I wonder if he'll call them boy, like he did LL Cool J, actually Biden said boi, with the white supremacist inflection !! 😳😠😠😠 Look it up, and mispronounced his name, no respect, and LL Cool J is 56 years old !! 😠

  4. President Biden is the only president who has given the student loans three times! Also wants all of Black Americans to be slaves again! That's why he wants to be a dictator so he can have people killed without being held accountable! He wants to be like Putin ! Vote for life or death America you choose!

  5. Everyone needs to recognize that Almighty God got President Biden who will put him in office! The person is another NFT demonic and stupid! Hello if President Biden didn't care about Black people in wouldn't have showed up at the George Floyd protests! Trump was President then and Trump hates HBCU schools and wants to close them all! This Black girl needs to get her facts straight!

  6. Let me educate you Black people for a minute don’t get it twisted this election is about white peoples rights and they got idiots like this helping them not too smart. You people need to get educated because this crap you talking it’s not cool. Get a book. Read it get educated my black brothers because you acting stupid

  7. Such is what I think about Black foke's from Atlanta and HBCU's in general. An HBCU is nothing more than a pit to raise Gate Keepers. America's education system is exactly like Invisible Man shows it to be.

  8. All of my Democrats they want them Democrats to win that ain't going to happen this time no Democrats Trump for president Trump for president how you going to turn a criminal into a president you see how bad is the handle things a disaster everything he touched during the doo doo you can't turn a criminal into a president buying the showed you that he can't change he's a criminal destroying the United States seems like he trying to make America go broke

  9. For as long as Biden as been in politics he has not done one thing, specificity for black people. Kamala did said she was not going to do any thing specifically for black people, at least she was honest about that. However, here is what Biden said about his kids going to school with black kids in 1977.

    Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has come under fire for a 1977 quote regarding the racial integration of public schools. Claims posted online show a photo of Biden next to a quote, “I don’t want my children to grow up in a jungle, a racial jungle.”

    Do your research people! Joe Biden trying to get back in the White House, and if he does, I guarantee you, you will not hear from him again!

  10. Why go to a all black college just to make promises the democrats never keep when it come to the black community. All the pandering is tiring we tired of all the lies , Jim crow Joe Biden and hoe Harris had 4 years to do something for black people and they ain't did anything for the black community that whole time. But the democrats sho did something for the Asians, white Jews, indians, Arabs, Ukrainian, Israel, and transgenders, and illegal immigrants and legal immigrants so why don't the democrats go ask them for there votes and go pander to the groups they actually did something for and the democrats need to just leave black people alone like they do once they get in office.

  11. I hope you all get whatever it is you looking for from Trump and the republicans.Which will be nothing for sure but humiliation.Fools a lot of you are thinking you will benefit anything from them.

  12. f that speech the time is up dont talk us show us and he not doing that so f him and his speech quit talking and black people dont listen learn action

  13. The students don't want him there. I am sick of Biden, Harris, Trump, the complete government as a whole, and the federal Supreme Court. I hope they turn their backs on his corrupted behind.

  14. Just asking you leave the Democratic Party and white racists and others are solidifying the Republican Party? The reason wjy the current Supreme Court is like it is rests with the solidarity of the Republican vote. Congress reprsentation hangs by a thread for Democrats. Are Blacks going to risk having Republicans control all 3 branches of government? When Democrats control there is a greater protection of rights under federal law and oversight, e.g. US Dept of Education and other federal agencies. Did we forget the Republican push to try to end the US Postal Service? How many Blacks work there?The sentiment is universally anti-anything Black. You see the Republican trickle down in legislatures across the nation,e.g. financial attacks etc. on HBCUs? So while Blacks are concentrating on the man, Biden, they are forgetting the bigger picture of wht they cannot afford to not support him and all Democrats. IT IS BIGGER than REPARATIONS! Are Blacks willing to think that attacks on the laws that support Civil Rights arent next??? Are Blacks willing to go back to legalized segregation. Blacks need to wake up and see where they need to put their vote. The time has not come where they can afford to decide critical choices based on who they like as a person( people did tgat with Hillary and thats how we got Trump and all his current legacy). It's about which party gives the greater protections to the most people.

  15. Throw biden out he and Eric Adams of New York only supporting Latinos especially Dominican n they are more black than black peoples
    I hv worked with Dominican they hate black Americans so black college don’t let biden or Adams

  16. The American government has attacked and destroyed BM for the last 70yrs. It has been studied and proven by the greatest black and white minds in the country. BM are done with the honorless American government.

  17. Joe Biden always going to places where he never went where our people of color go to.
    Untill he want our people help to put him back in the seat do not vote for Biden or Trump.
    Our BLk people need to put on their thinking caps, to figure out what Trump means by saying let's make America great again.
    Rather it for just his race or for both race, don't wait untill Trump gets voted in,
    And he started saying something different then y'all gonna say i wish we hadn't voted for Trump.
    Just don't vote for none, our Ancestors never voted before they coulda vote.
    And they made it through Everytime we vote they lie who wanna go through that mess again.