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Black Women and Men are struggling to find Black Love. Many times one side decides to “jump ship” and date other races. Are they valid in this thinking? Or should Black Men and Women have more patience with each other.

Jay 2 Connect
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  1. If you a brotha that wants a life of being disrespected, dismissed, unapreciated and embarrassed in moments notice, marry a black woman!!! She will make sure to treat you less than a human being every chance she can!!!!

  2. As a BM I would prefer a BW ONLY bc of her skin color and not bc she’s a better catch. A matter of fact I find very dark kiwi shoe polish BW are extremely beautiful like some of those from the African nation. However character knows no color. I’ve dated some angry WW in my life as well as some that had a beautiful soul. It just comes down to what matters and doesn’t. When a woman as well as a man regardless of race comes into a marriage for the right reasons and chooses to not only put their spouse first by working not as 2 but as a union by performing their role then the relationship can not only be successful but very enjoyable 👍🏿.

  3. Anecdote/Observation:
    Black Men who premeditate seeking out white women specifically or non-BW in general due to preconceived notions about the women of their own race specifically have shitty outcomes.
    BM who are open to their own race as well as open to other races of women (and don’t hold the women to the different standards) and incidentally end up with a WW based on compatibility and similar factors seem to fair better comparably.


    Of all racial pairings (including same race pairings & interracial pairings) Black Men with White Women have the worst marital success (lowest relationship satisfaction and the highest divorce rates)

    So I’m gonna go with “no” as answer to a title.

    Black men have best marital success with black women
    Intermediate success with other races (ex: Latina, Asian)
    Lowest marital success with white women.

    With Black women the inverse was true. (Lowest marital success with black men, intermediate with other races, highest with white men)

    Being with a white woman resulted in the highest divorce risk for men of any & all races (including white men)
    Being with a black man resulted in the highest divorce risk for men of any & all races (including black women)

    Studies didn’t dive into why but just knowing those two nuggets of info makes it less surprising BM+WW have such rocky marriages

    So we can’t rely on anecdotes.

  4. Jesus Christ already! We keep trying to beat women into submission by comparing women from a particular community to another. This rhetoric is way past tiresome, it’s down right pathetic. This is all in an effort to control women. I told myself I wasn’t going to respond but here I am responding. C’mon people, we can all do a lot better. Bottom line, people are the same. Women are women where ever you go. And the reason why I say that is because the entire planet has access to the web. People are learning, taking in this information and applying it. I’ll share an example. I’m an Uber driver in Las Vegas. I had 3 women riders from South Asia (Indians). They asked me about where were the best night clubs, strip clubs around. I told them I wasn’t sure which ones were the best. The graphic discussion that ensued would make a sailor blush. These women were forth coming in what they wanted to experience. They talked about getting laid, excessive drinking and partying it up. To be honest, I didn’t expect that coming from them. I assumed since they were from a more traditional society, they were more aligned with more conventional values. And this isn’t the first time I’ve met women from outside of the United States behave this way. I suspect that having access to social media and all the information that is being propagated online has leveled the “playing field”, pun intended. This shit about pitting trad vs mod women against each other is hot garbage because the line between the two is quickly dissolving.

  5. I don’t blame dudes for marrying whyte women, if you feel more loved and appreciated there go for it🤷🏽. I’ve just had too many experiences with whyte women early on so I prefer black women , especially the American black women as far as having kids and starting a family, because that’s what I’m most familiar with. But idk to each his own I suppose.

  6. I'm a white man that's been with my wife for over 30 years. Highschool sweat hearts. My best friend is a black guy that's been married for a long time also. But, it seems looking from the outside to me that black women are targeted by politicians and corporations specifically in order to destroy the black family. They are targeted by the music industry and TV also. If they can get black women to get college debt and think as a single person, they are able to keep families from forming. I believe that's some of what Kevin Samuels may have picked up on. But, he wasn't seeking the reason why it was like that, he just seemed to see there was an issue. It seems that liberal politicians and their helpers have persuaded black women to try to
    "get the bag", themselves. This is where ppl like Candace are speaking on issues but maybe not catching that it's done like that on purpose by corp's and politicians by targeting these women with tv, radio, and so-on. It's why ya hear ppl say, well black women are aggressive, or loud, or the biggest one is "hard to handle". A husband shouldn't have to "handle" his wife. But it's being taught as a way to control black ppl without controlling them. Watch how politicians and TV say things and see if it's right. Just my thoughts, having really close black friends and family…

  7. Understating who you are as a black man early on (20s) is extremely important in finding your circle, picking life partner and building a decent family and wealth. If you are a professional, nerdy and blue collar type of black men, my advice to you is look for conservative blk women like youtubers Chez Charde, DeeDee, Chantelle Simone, Nneka Onyilofor, e.t.c. Another option is black women in the STEM fields, they tend to be raised right and conservative; those mathematics have reset their brain and lifestyle. Now, If you cannot find these two types of black women, do not waste your time, go ahead and date and marry out. I say this because most of the so-called professional and educated blk women are no different from the hood chicks; they tend to act the same; single mamas, tattoos, dysfunctional, tainted by pookies, e.t.c. You cannot build a decent family with these type of women! I call them covert pookies, includes blk women like Fani Willis and Letitia James!

  8. Yes, WW are better for BM like that because they are willing to treat her well and with respect forever. BM will actually behave correctly with these WW and stick around to lead the family and raise those children.

    Those same BM make their requirements for BW much more stringent, more strict and stressful. BW have long tried modifying themselves to do the things BM have said they like about WW. That's the problem and how BW started behaving like 304's. The reason relationships between WM and BW tend to last so long is because we already know what to do. WM tend to give us the space, security, provision and encouragement to allow us to do what we know, and show us appreciation for it.

    BW need to continue marrying out and let BM do what they want to do. Society says WW are eternal virgins, no matter how many sex tapes they make or how many OF channels they have. BW are subject to completely different rules and we are considered a 304 because we wore our dress above our knees to church. It is what it is and BW need to STOP stressing themselves out about it. No matter how well raised we are or how well we "fit," they'll find something wrong with us and/or mistreat us. Who needs it? We don't.

  9. Jay, sisters are not "overlooking russell wilson and urkel" they are seeking on the most destructive men and having their kids.
    You are doing what all other afro-centrist do, describe the issue but downplay it with false equivocations that imply proportionate criticism.
    All love though, I love your content

  10. Brother, it's the expectation now that BM worth a damn are competing for B.W with kids.
    Being fair and balanced does not mean ignoring the obvious issue.
    BM are willing to take unconscionably bad deals and willing to work to collapse for it. Let's not make false equivocations. We are renown for bringing more to the table to get the least.

  11. There are many examples of black marriages that thrive…don’t let society distract you with the lies and half truths concerning our people. We can build strong families Amen Jay

  12. this is not a Christian platform, but to those who are may I offer this…you must love God more than anything in order to have enough faith to fully love a spouse. No one person has all the answers, but a strong spiritual life is in my opinion the most important part in marriage. This is not something I heard this is over 20 years of living, loving and worshipping God together with my husband who passed 10 years ago…I can promise my friends with Christ a wonderful Marriage is possible but it does take work sacrifices and a commitment to God first and foremost No matter what race you choose to marry

  13. In college B.W never gave us a chance we were totally invisible.Our sisters have a lot of work to match up to any other races of women. Why sisters are so… angry!!!!!! ?

  14. My son is one of those “nerdy” guys and I don’t expect him to end up with a BW, he may be too far from the stereotypical black man.

  15. It is more about for a men, any man who is the woman who will treat him well. Is she an asset to him? Does she make his life better? Bring him peace? Make his house a home? That is the woman that is better for that man. Maybe we should start to take into account what a man wants. Then the woman can decide if she wants to be what is best for him.

  16. Yeah, it does depend on where you are. I am facing that situation right now. I'm a darker skin woman from California. I grew up in Central California and I live in Los Angeles now. I wanted to move to Texas, Dallas area because my family is from there. I want the life my grandparents had. But my profession pays the most in California, and I do love my state. So I'm sure what to do.