Angry Farmers STORM the EU – Why?

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Angry Farmers STORM the EU – Why?

Farmers haver turned the streets in Brussel into a tractor parade, but not the fun kind. They blocked roads, lit fires outside the EU Parliament, and even flipped a statue to make a statement. And it’s not just in Belgium; this wave of farm fury is hitting all over Europe, from the Netherlands and Germany to Italy and France. This video will…



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  1. Don't hesitate, when the European Commission in Brussels treats your country like a piece of shit, voting in the European elections this June 2024 based on national concerns for your favorite national party is the very best option. It is the only way to change Europe and have your country respected in Brussels so that they do not trample it again with their laws that do not take into account the natural particularities inherent to your country. The French know this very well, and the Germans know it even better! because they are always the most benefited in decision making

  2. Abolition of subsidies and excessive regulations along with a sound customs policy for importing goods from countries with less regulatory policy to keep competitiveness.

  3. Is it possible to see somewhere how the funds get divided between the members ?
    I mean 50 billion is a big amount but assuming the 50 billion get divided equally between the members (27) that would give each member a bit less than 2 billion. In France there are what around 700k-ish farmers, that would give them less than 3-4k/year as "aid". But in Belgium there are a 35k-ish farmers, they would receive almost 15 to 20 times more what the French would receive.
    I suppose and hope the money is divided in another way. Where would one find such data/info ?

  4. europe needs to understand stop taking sides in the war and burning money for someone who is not even nato nor european union member. don't be the good guy to other countries. Be the good guys to own countries and talking about climate change… Dude if you don't have money ont do it. if you don't emit someone in asian country will and earn money. i am not telling you to stop i am asking you to think like a genious instead of dumb ideology that your gen z generation has. gen z is useless

  5. Unbelievable biased take on the protests. EU regulations are destroying small and middle sized farmers by overwhelming them with bureaucracy. To such a large extent that more and more start to believe that it's a deliberate distribution of the means of agricultural production to large companies. The EU should simplify the whole bureaucratic framework around agriculture if it wants these protests to stop

  6. imagine getting 1/3 of EU's budget in subsidies and still being so inefficient that a country at war, with 20% of it's farmland being unfarmable – destroying you and cutting down your prices………….

    yea, i think there IS a problem in EU's agriculture policy.
    however, i don't think farmers would've liked the proper sollution…

  7. Governments should ignore their protests.
    These aren't struggling small land owning farmers.
    These are millionaires who are just angry that Brussels is reducing their subsidies and is telling them they just need to follow environmental regulations.

  8. I think one problem is that the price of food is too low. The food prices have been driven lower and lower over the years, and consumers are not ready to pay more, so it's reflected into the upstream of the value chain – the farmers. They should, like everyone else in this capitalist economy, be able to make some profit from their practice.

  9. Not a "war in Ukraine" — it is a russian war against Ukraine.
    The proper naming is important.

    Saying "war in Ukraine" makes it sound like something isolated, while it is not. Doing so also removes the name of a culprit.
    It is important to say explicitly that this is a russian war.

  10. EU farmers become even more gullible when you realize that Ukrainian farmers do farm the mined and burnt land, scorched by russians. Under constant shelling.
    While THESE guys think there is no war and allow themselves to fuck around and cause problems for all of us in Europe.

  11. I am Belgian and yeah, it's a hot mess. As usual, the common person in the street is fucked over by these protests a lot more than any politician they want to convince. It doesn't endear me to their plight. My son couldn't even get to his therapy session on Thursday. Then there's the vandalism. As usual, a lot of "protesters" are just there to run amok and act like animals…

  12. Whatever good reasons the farmers may have for their protests, I feel the truckers who earn even less shouldn't bear the brunt of it. Blocking high-ways makes as much sense to me as when truckers would set fields in fire to protest against high costs of the fuel!
    If farmers want higher prices for their products then they should refuse to deliver their goods to mighty corporations and stop voting for right-wing corrupt politicians who have the most of the time connections to that agricultural industry. The british farmers being fooled by Brexit, should be a lesson for all farmers.

  13. Europe needs to toss that envirowhacko crap out with the manure. Fertilizer & cows farting aren't causing global climate change. Look into the magnetic poles swapping because THAT IS HAPPENING & it causes CHANGE ! It has nothing to do with your cow farting !

  14. My opinion is that EU should help them out and protect them.. but also make all of the vandals pay heavy fines for public property destruction
    There are farmer protests in Croatia every 2-3 years, but are always poorly lead, so not much success there
    Subsidies should be replaced with regulated market for crucial products such as those from agriculture

  15. I understand supporting farmers, but they think that our collective climate future is less important than them spending gaining a little less for a little while, maybe while having to pay little taxes, like 4-7 ‰ of tax multiplied square meter on the yield.

    Surely they have some serious questions that must be listen, but some of those farmers really think that their interests go over the common market or the rights of conusmers, just because they are part of Coldiretti.
    If we were to listen to those, we should have to cancel subsidies to leave fields not cultivated, like if those field will not end flodding the market, crash prices and make themselves poorer. Those ones should really learn about the "tragedy of the commons".

  16. THE EU is the problem … overregulating farmers and citysens …. we dont need Digital ID , we dont want CBDC ! We dont want unelected EU commission to rule our lives, and destroy our freedom .! We dont want to eat " the bugs " but we want real food from our farmers. Were are the SMS form Ursula to Bourla? Wy dit Ursula & co give Bayer ( monsanto) jet another 10 jear permision to use THE TOXIC

  17. The problem for example in holland is that the farmers have been suggesting many alternative solutions and innovations before but the government is not backing down and looking at their solutions. That is one of the big reasons our government fell 2x behind each other. The population stops voting on the same parties the caused this and the shift is clear.

  18. Very confusing, are the farm subsidies enough to cover their needs and be reasonably comfortable, due to losses from competition, with all the rules placed on them but not on the others?

  19. Okay, so, we are angry at the EU for enacting too many and too strict green policies, trying to save what we can from global warming induced climate change, while also being angry at the EU that it also does too little against global warming induced climate change. Got it.. 🤦‍♂

  20. Well, it's maybe because I'm French, but if your protest doesn't make any impact, you're protesting for literally nothing.

    If, as a big group part of the society , you want improvement in your life, you have to make sure you're being heard.

  21. Farmers and farming organisations are trying to work with the governments. The problem is they are not being listened to and the governments are bringing in these new rules and mandates anyway

  22. Why not work alongside the people who are pumping laws with the intention of closing half of the farmers in your country because they need more space for building homes for migrants?
    Fck this channel.

  23. Only when the last farm in the EU closes will the people understand that importing all the food leads to famines.
    Also our farmers contamine less than the rest of other countries, hence, the farmers are right.

  24. Any protest can be justified it just needs a talented wordsmith with an eye for opportunity.
    What cannot be justified is the subsidies for anything. If farmers need to raise their prices to make ends meet then do so. This will be passed to the wholesalers who will pass it on to the retailers and then to the end user. If that end user decides he/she does not wish to pay that price then that is their choice. That end user then searches elsewhere for what they need. In the case of food there are options of what to buy and where to buy it. Maybe for the sake of the green voters they may be in a position to grow/breed their own – at the very least they will get to understand why the farmers are groaning at the cost of being able to remain in business in some small way.
    Government does not need to interfere in agriculture, let the market find its own level. This nonsense has blighted the EEC and the EU for decades. Time for it to stop.
    The EU subsidies are being paid out of money being paid into their coffers by states who have taken that money in good faith from their tax paying citizens, it is then handed over to the farmers in huge subsidies in order for the wholesale/retail industries and the transportation of goods industries etcetcetc……. so prices keep going up to keep everybody's profits going up and then the people paying through the nose to sustain those prices and keep profits going up are then again taxed to pay the EU to pay the subsidies……….. the magic roundabout has to be stopped and possibly not just in agriculture.

  25. I see a small group of globalists here hate farmers because they associate them with things they dont like

    But they are native europeans, working on the land for our food

    If you get rid of them you just get food from other parts of the world with more chemicals that are worse for the environment and humans

  26. The biggest grip I have about the protests is many people hated "just stop oil" (rightly so imo) for blocking roads and causing minor damage to unrelated property, but supporting this protest which is causing far more damage and disruption.