Angola's top tourist destinations just waiting to be discovered
Angola's top tourist destinations just waiting to be discovered
Rich cultural experiences, exceptional encounters and marvellous scenery are just waiting to be discovered in Angola. With desert, coastal roads, beaches and wetlands it has something for everyone. Explore some of its top destinations.
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But you don't want to go there — borders are nightmares —- roadblocks are wet dreams —- police is corrupt — Luanda is so expensive that you can't sleep anywhere — you have to stay awake — or sleep upright —- truly a nightmare
The train passes through DRC and Zambia to Tanzania. Is it safe especially in DRC?
a bit short
Allah tauba
Welcome to the Angolan gas
Is Angola safe to visit with my wife please ?
Born in Iraq, live in the US, in love with Angola
Proud Angolan right here!
There’s no other place like Angola in the all world
Angola is a country of mixed cultures. Evolution is an event.
This not tourism.
1:13 😂😂😂 why?
Yesss, if you want to die, or be despised for being white. The perfect place to go!. In my experience!
Wow!! My country is so beautiful. It's a shame it's so engrossed in greed and corruption….E Como sempre, o mgueta da mais valor a essa riqueza do que o proprio africano. Smh!
Real beauty! Please don't spoil the eco system in the name of tourism! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼