An African Concept of God’s Role

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An African Concept of God’s Role




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  1. I really enjoyed this, I love learning about God and our existence from different perspectives. Abraham was what we call today “African” so I believe that the Abrahamic religions were translated and interpreted with western minds and intentions. I look at the instructions of The Torah as I would look at a car manual, but more sacred. We were created with certain purposes and the instructions tell us how to care for ourselves, each other, and the environment we live in. Part of the Torah also is based on the culture, conditions, and lifestyles of the Hebrews during that time. When He can, God will meet you where you are. My understanding is that it’s intertwined with the Akan perspective, ethics are based on the needs, and customs of the people but more rooted in their purpose.

  2. I didn't learn anything from this video. Although I've learned from many of your other videos, this one was saying a lot without saying anything. Speaking eloquently does equate to knowledge.

  3. I feel the ORIGINAL concepts are correct…and the Western Worlds "religions" were mostly created to enslave the minds of the most powerful beings on the planet. When I see people immediately speaking of voodoo and such when referencing Africa and religion I get the urge to listen for ignorance that doing take long to emerge. The facts are…the more trustworthy and the more lessons LEARNED, the more the MOST HIGH will allow you to embrace more and more of his image and abilities. The more you deny his TRUE POWER and allow others to utilize said power by harvesting off of YOU while at the same time keeping you afraid of the truth using illusions the further behind you may fall. We must continue to study without bias and let our Souls be spiritually guided towards truth. They have blocked and slowed down ALOT but they can never take what is your GOD given rights. However, it is up to each individual. And remember, we are the ONLY peoples that had our true heritage taken away from us PURPOSELY and forced to accept falsehoods. I bet you this: what they denied us, they harvested off of. Now it's time for everything to be returned IN FULL so I appreciate this video and I pray that EVERYONE that need to see it, SEES IT and it is able to spark the ancient ROYAL fire that lies in some of us. It's time. Folks need to know how to call back their energy and power, which has been stolen for a VERY long time, focus on THEIR purpose, and get it together. Those who fail will fall to the waist side. Simple. ✊🏽❤️🫡

  4. It’s nice to hear from you. It seems like such a long time. Also, it would be great to hear more specifically on the Akan people and ethics but I can research it myself though.

  5. In my travels, the Akan polytheistic "religion" is better described and considered as a philosophy – much like Buddhism. It's understandable, considering the HTH primary audience, that Akan, or many other African spiritual traditions be compared to the captive-slave religions forced upon the African slave descendant Diaspora. The principle that everything has a "Devine pre-planned" cause is very fundamental to the population control mechanisms within Abrahamic religions. . Both the Buddhist and much of the the traditional (pre-colonization/pre-Arab slave trade) African societies believed that nothing happens by chance. "Causality, hinged on the Buddhist theory of "dependent origination" – where all things are interconnected and dependent on other things – appears to be concerned with the human (physical) world with suffering as its prime focus, while the traditional African thought Includes the empirical world, and freely blends empirical causation with supernatural causation."

    Again, IMO, Abrahamic religions revolve around controlling the masses in favor of the few, where "traditional" Asian and African beliefs are geared towards individual philosophy. I evidence my position by the FACT that 67% of Chinese peoples self-identify as "convinced atheists". And 86.32% of the Vietnamese population has no religion or is atheist. Both nations were never really colonized at the deep indoctrination level (forced acceptance of a captive religion and a captive tongue) like African Countries, and certainly the American slave descendent Diaspora. Moreover, it was the lack of religious indoctrination that allowed for the largest Slave rebellion in human history; the Haitian Revolution.

  6. I'm southern african, from one of the Nguni tribes, and I'd compare the traditional nguni religion to Shinto in Japan. Like, we do have a creator god (Mvelinqanti – He Who Appears From Nothing), but he's not really involved in day-to-day life. There are other gods (Nkulunkulu – The First Man/Ancestor, Nomkhubulwane – The Earth Mother, etc) but they're invoked rarely (fun fact: due to christian syncretism, Nkulunkulu is also the local word for the abrahamic god), there are also all sorts of spirits, malevolent and benign, but no one really interacts with those save for sangomas. Prayers go to your ancestors, called amadloti (people have shrines, or go see a sangoma for contact with the spiritual, and you can only call on your own ancestors or risk umkhokha, a curse) and you have to call your clan ancestors by their names for blessings and guidance (you can call specific ancestors if you want but generally we refer to them by their clan names). It's part of why family and clan is so important down here, another part is that when you die, there's a specific ritual your family must do (ukubuyisa) in order for you to join your ancestors and watch over your descendants, lest you wander on earth forever as an untethered spirit.

    Among the Nguni (zulu, swazi, xhosa, etc) there's this prevailing cultural philosophy called Ubuntu, roughly translated to Humanity or What Makes One Human. It emphasizes connection, how the people around you and the relationships you have are the essence of what it is to be human, so "good" behaviour is that which promotes community or fosters deeper ties with your family and those around you, while "bad" behaviour is the opposite. I can definitely see how one affects the other, as it is your family's actions after your death that determine your afterlife, or so the belief goes, and members of your own clan that protect you from malevolent spirits.

    The belief system is a bit more complicated than I can explain in a small comment but I just wanted to add a perspective lol

  7. I may be biased due to my upbringing, but I'd argue that morality stemming from the Abrahamic religions was better. It's one thing to say that something should be banned due to your own personal opinion, and another due to it being in line with the will of God. It's just more objective and easier to standardize.

  8. Africans both Sub Saharan And Northern ones were able to have there own varients of gods, godesseses, god, godess, angels, demons, spirits, ghosts ghouls, etc of variers steps and steppers they did not need Non Africans influence, impact, initiaton, or informants for that yeah.