America B.C: How Far Back Does Native American History Go? | 1491: Before Columbus | Timeline

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America B.C: How Far Back Does Native American History Go? | 1491: Before Columbus | Timeline

We are introduced to indigenous creation stories; discoveries by archaeologists, geneticists, linguists and anthropologists about the arrival of various indigenous people that are believed to arrive via the land bridge from what is now Russia and Alaska and also via boat and sailing down the N. American coast, settling in many areas and then…



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  1. Amerikas egentlige historie, landets egentlige befolkning igennem mange tusinder af år er så meget mere interessant end noget andet i the US

    Den hvide mands invadering er også en del af historien men rent historisk meget kort, meget grim og er ikke at sammenligne med det oprindelige folks historie og deres dybe samhørighed med det urgamle land.
    Gud bevare det oprindelige folk.

  2. They were black and indigenous people here on the Americas. And nobody wants to talk about it. Not straight hair. Indigenous black indigenous Chinese on the Americas. Let's talk about who the Buffalo. Soldiers were black native Indians that are still here in the Americas. And nobody wants to recognize them. Because we are black and that's who.
    Straight hair indians kept us slaves .. They kept their own black native indians as slaves in the navajo nation and the cherokees nation

  3. Indigenous is such a disengenuis word. We are indigenous to earth. Regardless of where on earth you are. Otherwise we are clans, classes, races and non individuals. Flood stories and alien sky people stories abound around the world. Nothing special about North America or any other continent. Now that they are digging below the Clovis culture they are finding older and older traces of man.

  4. I’ve always felt that coastal canoeing by fishermen or hunters or just migrating peoples made the most sense, along with land migration. I don’t think it was one big migration by one group. Idk, I’m not an expert. 🤷🏻‍♂️

  5. Columbus absolutely did NOT discover America you might as well walk down the road and discover and lay claim to your neighbors house you can't claim something that has been inhabited by the original Mexican Indians Native Americans

  6. So when they were introduced to Christianity were they all just like "damn we thought we were really close with that turtle idea, we had all our best scientist, inventors, and explorers fairing the coasts in search for its head or tail." Dude it's 1492 there is no one with the moniker scientist living in the America's natively. Like don't get me wrong. Amazing brilliant people. But you couldn't be a scientist lol. I'm no expert on native American life, but I would imagine everyone had to be a jack of all trades and had many duties to attend. Very, very few people I would imagine to be specialized enough to be like "oh that's little feather. He sits in his tent all day and thinks. Sometimes he makes something cool. Don't touch any of the rotten milk, he's seeing what will happen to it if you don't touch it for a year"

  7. When trying to track down the Chumash origins they found out the inly other people that had near identical arrowheads were from Japan. Figuring the Chumash are boating people they think they boated around the coast bypassing the ice crossing. That would make them part Japanese? I'm gonna study this genetic stuff more.

  8. Most of you watching this video talk with such passion like you own the land. Yet these native Indians we're the original owners until it got stolen from there by silver tongued, rich and greedy people

  9. The Karankawa were said to have been cannibalistic, they were from the Texas coast region. White people, brown people, asians, and red peoples have all done it at one time or another, for various reasons, throughout history. Some simply for survival during extreme times, others for more nefarious reasons. Closing our eyes to something, just because it is distasteful to believe about an ancient ancestor is poor reasoning. If evidence shows it, it is what it is. It doesn't reflect on you today, it only reflects on those who did it. And there is nothing that says it was widespread across all tribes or sub tribes of a larger tribe. It just means that in the places evidence is found it happened, that is where it took place. We are all of the human race, no one is greater than another. We all sin, but some evils like this are greater than others to us. it is forbidden, so I would expect the peoples today to be horrified and even to deny it, if related to them. But it doesn't change the evidence. Maybe it is exactly why these societies fell. Perhaps, their wicked ways were their undoing.

  10. The Mormons believe God told them to leave Jerusalem because it was going to fall or taking over by the Romans. After traveling a long time they reached the coast line. God told them to build a ship to get to the promise land. Then two groups spilt up becoming enemies.

  11. Only one not covered is they came by ships they did not paddle or the land bridge. The mound builder's some might of crossed the land bridge but some of the mounds are way before the land bridge they couldn't have used it. But most tribes say they wasn't part of them and they were white. If you believe the Mormon's they came by ship from Jerusalem just before the last King of Jews.

  12. And today, Americans totally ignore their True heritage, they bang on about the ‘Great’ decisive
    Settlements of Plymouth and Jamestown but forget that native peoples lived in this land for millennia…

  13. I have the utmost respect for American Indians and I honor their beliefs and strength to endure the struggles they still face today. Especially the women who seem to go unnoticed. No peoples what-so-ever should be less valuable or important to humanity, we can all learn from one another. However, American Indians are of Asian and Eurasians lineage and migrated here from Siberia to the America's, just like they stated in the beginning of this video. They are not "native" to the Americas, they are no more indigenous then any colonists who migrated here for basically the very same reasons. They just seem to be the first by thousands of years. There is no proof to state otherwise. They were the first colonists. In my opinion, every human being on this planet reserves the right to exist in a manner according to their culture and beliefs without being persecuted. All governments from around this world have failed the American Indians and that is a crime against humanity. That is why they migrated in the first place. However, I do not believe that "any" colonists (including Indian's) have more right to America then the next colonist. No other peoples who migrated to the Americas are called "Native Americans". They are called European, Scots, Slavs, African, or Mexican, etc. Their "title" is based on their true lineage. We are a melting pot in this country and we need to all act as though we are brothers and sisters and respect the culture of each other.

  14. Just seeing a white hand in the beginning painting on the wall means this is all a lie. Wake up the worst part about being in the matrix is you don’t know you’re sleeping until we speak to you and give you a red pill to wake you up it’s time. Neo wake up