Amazon Planet (full documentary)

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Amazon Planet (full documentary)

The giant Amazon, has since its birth in the Andes to its mouth, 6868 miles, the equivalent distance between New York and Berlin. We begin our journey on Brazilian lands, Tabatinga.

We full ourselves with nature and immerse us in a beautiful and rewarding journey flying over the Amazon River. We will check that this water-flow not only carries…



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  1. Leave these people alone! They are isolated and free from modern contamination. Thanks for letting us see their culture, but their preservation and privacy are more important. These people will survive longer than "civilized" people.

  2. @@

    '저와 관련된 영원히 가 들어간 모든 부분들은, 중지들과 남은 것들은 취소들이 됩니다.이렇게 되어졌으면 합니다.' 정도로 진짜 신들 또는 하느님께, 반복의 기도들을 할 필요가 있다고 함. 어떤 다짐들에, '영원히' 가 없어야하고, 진짜 신들을 포함하여 모든 이들에게 해당이 된다고 함. 잘못된 경우, 직업, 업무, 겨울, 여름, 해충소멸, 행성,자연산림, 휴식, 수면, 태양, 정도들이 안되는 게 어느정도씩 발생이 된다고 함. 기도문들, 종교찬가, 성경원본과 다른 성경내용, 노래, 가요, 등등에 올바름의 수정들이 필요하다고 함.

    'All parts that have been related to me forever, the suspensions and the remaining ones will be cancelled. I hope this will happen.'~~It is said that to that extent,it is necessary to offer repeated prayers to the real gods or God.In some pledges, 'forever' should not be included,and it applies to everyone,including the real gods.~~In cases where it is wrong,it is said that there are some cases where occupation,work,winter,summer,pest control,planet,natural forest,rest,sleep,sun,etc.

    ~~are not corrected.It is said that corrections are needed for prayers,religious hymns,Biblical content different from the original Bible,songs,pop songs,etc.

    여기의 기도를 안하여, 휴식이 충분하지 못할때는, 피곤으로 인한 마음문제 들이 있다고. 피곤에 의한 토 나옴으로, 음식이 싫어지면, 동식물들과 인류들에게 식량의 부족함과 먹지않게 하려는 발생들이 있었다고. 폭력, 살인, 연쇄살인, 자살,자해, 음란, 기운빼앗기, 나태, 정신이상, 직업들과 기술들과 일들도 같다고 함.

    If you do not pray here and do not get enough rest,there are mental problems due to fatigue.Because of vomiting due to fatigue,if you do not like food,there are occurrences of food shortages and ~people not eating.It is said that violence,murder, serial killings,suicide,self-harm,lewd,sapping of energy,laziness, mental disorders,occupations,skills,and work are the same.

  3. Just had a thought! All rivers have a start a source; but what feeds this start/source? The rivers lead to the oceans; so with the extra amounts of water flowing into the oceans why have the oceans not flooded the land mass. Just s thought!

  4. The modern human, is more sophisticated, in terms of pass times, hobbies, this jungle life would bore us to deaths! No fast foods, cars, travel, computers, food, etc. No thanks ❤😊