AMA Considers Dropping RACIST BMI as a Measure of Healthy Weight: A Discussion on Health Equity!!!

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Marc Lamont Hill

Joined: Apr 2024
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AMA Considers Dropping RACIST BMI as a Measure of Healthy Weight: A Discussion on Health Equity!!!

The American Medical Association (AMA) is reconsidering the use of Body Mass Index (BMI) as a primary measure of healthy weight, citing its limitations and biases. Dr. Courtney Patterson-Fye, an African-American studies and sociology scholar at Wesleyan University, joins Marc Lamont Hill on theGrio to discuss the historical and racial issues…



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  1. Her answers sound incoherent.
    It’s like she is desperate to poke s thumb in white peoples eyes before trying to help her community heal and thrive. A new type of sellout?

  2. What does a registered dietitian, the nutrition expert have to say? 🙄🙄🙄🙄. It's like trying to ignore the big gorilla in the room. Being overweight plays a LARGE ROLE in the quality of your life and risks of morbidity/mortality. Moving the bar to have fewer overweight folks is not going to magically make them healthier. I would welcome a conversation about healthy lifestyle. Doing away with BMI cause over half the US population is at least overweight or obese to protect people's feelings and not address the issue squarely is an injustice to the very pt population you represent dr. AA women have double the rate of severe obesity. We need to teach new moms not to overfeed their babies. We need to make eating healthy, being physically active and in shape something to take pride in. There is no room in this campaign for shaming folks cause of their size. Put Lebron and Steph in charge of a national healthy eating/exercise campaign.

  3. I need people to look up the BMI studies. Black people tend to carry more muscle mass making us heavier. Asians tend to have a lower fat threshold so even though they wouldn’t technically be overweight for European standards they are compared to others within their culture. Just some highlights of the studies.

  4. I think using it to determine life insurance is more classist than racist. But the metric itself is not racist. Science has accounted for muscular people and those who don’t carry fat in the mid section

  5. Umm seriously? BMI is merely a calculation that estimates body fat and is used to identify a person's weight status. BMI is a merely a screening tool/metric that can help healthcare providers identify whether a person is underweight, healthy, overweight, obese, or severely obese. It can also be a good indicator of a person's risk for certain diseases, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers. I don't know if you're aware of this but body fat ratio is real and the higher it is, the less healthy you are.

    LOL what will you race-baiters grift about next? Apparently, both punctuality and proper English are also racist lol.

  6. My 14 year old just mentioned her BMI
    She swims, has been in gymnastics since she was 3!!!
    She’s 5” even and weighs 107lbs
    She’s curvy, but doesn’t appear overweight. But her BMI is higher ( by3 points) than the standard
    I try telling her it’s a ridiculous standard of measurement!!!
    And it’s causing my healthy child to say she needs to diet. A kid who eats more vegetables then most vegans

  7. For the people who claim that BMI is racist, I'd like to know what are their dietary choices and lifestyle. I'd reckon that most can't cook, eat a lot of fast food, and if they don't eat fast food, they eat very large portions. Furthermore, I'd bet that most have sedentary lifestyles.



    I am YAHWEH pouring out my holy spirit, I am covering all eternity for those who have the consciousness to receive it. This is something that all must take hold of, to be one with me to face what is to come. I am sounding my trumpet for those who have ears to hear, showing signs and wonders to see making it perfectly clear. I am changing mankind into spiritual beings, the only way that you will continue seeing. All is moving past mankind's illusions, I am YAHWEH and only l can uphold my constitution. You and I are one, you must see and know me to overcome. This takes you everywhere and places, you are seeing me in every face. When you are locked inside my mind, you are only witnessing to me inside. I am only manifesting as myself, l can't be anything else. You are only being me, knowing no other way to be. It's like living in the shade, coming into the light exposing myself as YAHWEH. My life is about a connection, everything l reflect. You must give up all you have, everything must pass. My life is never in decline, my holy spirit is always on a high. This is my message that I circulate to you, only l can bring this to share and see you through.

    Words by l,
    Charles Moore.

    Share share share. Be blessed.

  9. 😂😂😂 BMI is not racist our black women are FAT thats.why theyre having horrible deliveries. Your channel should be ashamed. Look at previous generations of your family. They were not fat 😂