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  1. Neocolonialism is a hoax and facade to obscure the incompetence and wickedness of post colonial presidents in Africa.
    Ghana the first subsaharan Africa country to gain independence was not intended to be an island of independent country in black Africa, it was a pilot program by the colonial masters to determine how the first independent black Africa leaders would manage their own affairs.
    But unfortunately for ghana, the first dictator and egotistical Nkrumah,a man who upon becoming the first leader of newly independent ghana could not find a wife in his own country but a white woman from Egypt,apparently failed to realize that.
    Instead of Nkrumah,upon ghana’s independence,deploying a simple strategy of displaying prudent and convincing management of limited resources in combination with high level negotiations aimed to secure total liberation of Africa.
    Nkrumah rather and arrogantly resorted to exploiting the resources meant for providing infrastructures across his newly independent country to spur future economic growth in an unwarranted war for total liberation of Africa.
    Nkrumah funded tema motorway 18miles and stopped, however as part of his war path strategy for total liberation of Africa, he doled out 10million pounds to Guinea, which could have been used to extend the motorway to northern ghana.
    Currently,ghana doesn’t have a single highway running from south to north or east to west.
    Instead of Nkrumah,deploying the army of his newly independent country of six million people and more importantly without basic infrastructures such as roads and highways to help spearhead a revolution in new roads and highways construction across their newly independent country,Nkrumah rather deployed them in Congo to fight.
    Ironically, the soldiers Nkrumah deployed in Congo to fight returned to ghana to overthrow his dictatorial and oppressive government.
    Had Nkrumah had the humility to adopt a peaceful option of negotiations for total liberation of Africa and engaged his soldiers at home to help execute national and patriotic duty of new roads and highways construction across their newly independent country,the practical task of helping to build infrastructures in their new country would have kept them very busy and prevented them from planning to overthrow Nkrumah.
    And Nkrumah would have had the necessary political stability to accomplish his goals for ghana and Africa.
    Africa’s underlying problem is not neocolonialism but rather official corruption and very bad governance, which started from Nkrumah’s regime in ghana and lack of ability to extract and add value to our natural resources in Africa,if now fragmented Africa becomes a single entity in future and the underlying problems,especially bad governance now inhibiting economic growth in individual Africa countries persist the continent would still be an empty giant.
    So clearly the focus must be on good governance in individual Africa countries now before long lasting union can be sustained.
    This is very important to prevent well fed Africa leaders to meet again in the near future only to come up with another acronym to replace AU, which superseded OAU.
    Finally l described Nkrumah’s war for total liberation of Africa as unwarranted because it’s my conviction that, if an impasse can be reasonably resolved through a peaceful dialogue,why go for war which entails loss of lives and financial losses?

  2. I will not be surprised if they r behind the trafigura judgement debt saga etc so they can use back door to buy those assets themselves. Kai the height of wickedness of this set of characters really shocks the dead