“Algerians are White People” African American puts North African woman in her place ✊🏿🌍 #algeria

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Africana Beats

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“Algerians are White People” African American puts North African woman in her place ✊🏿🌍 #algeria

Une femme afro-américaine dit à une algérienne “vous êtes des blancs, pas des noirs”

أمريكية من أصل أفريقي تقول لامرأة جزائرية “أنتم أبيضون وليسوا أسود”.

“Algerians are White People” African American puts North African woman in her place. Maghbreb people…



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  1. Africa is litteraly a Carthaginian name. WTF are you talkin about. Modern colonialism from the west called you Africans. There is no Africa term in any nigerocongolese or bantu related language. So go educate yourself more. North Africans are true Africans.

    Subsaharians aren’t and all of them were called Nubians basically.

  2. So black people in America are considered white and white people in North Africa are considered black, is logic taking a day off work?

    I am Algerian by the Way

  3. North Africa is closer to the peoples of the Mediterranean.. Secondly, the word Asian is only used for the Chinese and Vietnamese, and Asia includes Indians, Arabs and Persians.. The word African is just a term like when we say that Asian is said to someone with narrow eyes..

  4. She looks like a light skin Black American there’s plenty of sisters who look like her, I don’t know what hell yall talking about, I don’t even think yall real Americans making stupid comments like that, especially compared to the average Algerians that look like Turks and Arabs or Bedouins. So I would say yes she can pass for a Black American, but ethnicity she’s an African by way of Algeria making her an Algerian American or a real African American, but not an ethnic or historical Black American.

  5. At the end of the day anything that's in Africa is originally black it is impossible for you to be white from this region or have any type of white skin. genetics doesn't work like that. In some parts of Africa especially North or Northwest you have people who are of dark complexion and literally 20 miles away you have people who are white like snow. This is naturally impossible. Peoples skin color doesn't change because it's hot or cold, these Caucasian looking people come from foreign invaders that settled on the African continent , you have white people living in Australia (hot) they are still white. I live in the Mojave desert located in California and part of Nevada which is the hottest place on Earth (death valley) The residents are still as white as they were in the caucus mountains!!!!! You have black people of (African) descent living in Iceland ,Greenland, and they are still black (African).

  6. Well first off Black is a color not a race this is where people get that misunderstanding there is no such thing as a black race. Black is just an identity use to describe a skin tone of a person. It is originally used to describe African Americans in the United States where else. Indians are black but they're not African, people from Turkey Armenia and Russia are Caucasian but they're not European but they are all described as white

  7. Actually human beings didn’t originate in Africa, thats a theory that darwinists try to make so they can claim humans were a monkey like creature that evolved. As a Muslim I know mankind was not created in this earth at all but was created in paradise. The difference in people with various ethnicities and skin colors we see today are from the descendants of the sons of Prophet Nuh (Noah).

  8. Thank you, it gets so confusing when people refer to themselves as COLORS. Only black and white do this (and it seems colorist.) Sometimes brown. But to say someone is yellow/red/green/purple etc just sounds weird.

    Some of family members are "white"- passing creole and I also have albino relatives who ARE NOT "whites". Some of my family members are darker skinned as well. LET US JUST LOVE EACH OTHER.

    I'm 🇨🇮🇦🇴 african-french & portuguese (basque / iberian). I will marry an 🇩🇿 algerian. We both live in AMERICA. We are both african-americans but not black. We mark other/2 or more races.

  9. I'm sorry but the Peopes of North Africa are technically decended from Asiatics that migrated into Africa from the Levant 12000 years ago.

    Africans, (black people) their phenotype is an adaptation to Africa. But this Algeria girl is has white skin and straight hair which is a phenotype that came from the Russian steeps.

    So technically she is an Asiatic-African

  10. it is so false. The san people the oldest genetic people in Africa are less black than the Nilo Saharan. Black doesn't always mean more African. Africans of all shades are African, not necessarily Black

  11. First black Afro American that is right 👏 we are Africans but we are just acros Spain we can swim to Spain Thas why we look more like them to get to sub Sahara is 3000 km