Africans React To The 2 U.S Navy Seals That Went Missing Off Somali Coast

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Africans React To The 2 U.S Navy Seals That Went Missing Off Somali Coast

Wongel Zelalem reports on the U.S navy seals that went missing off Somali coast.



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  1. I dont think their missing but dead. Its probably got something to do with Red Sea trade… USA wants to control the ports. They want to monitor Somalia because tyrant USA wants to police the country and its related to resources – off shore oil, they want to have full control on good coming in and out of the country.

    Somalia is focused on development and stability. An unstable Somalia benefits USA because it will be easier to loot and control the trade route on the sea. Biden sent troops to Somalia. Its been ongoing since black hawk down and USA govt dont like to say on press to people their in Somalia because public doesnt support it.

    USA military has base in Djibouti but so does China, France and 2 other nations.

    USA military is not as strong as in the past. We dont want your gay military on our shores.

  2. If you want to know about what was done to Somalia, try and get hold of the book "their terrifying plan". Amazon might ship it there not too expensively. The truth is towards the end of the book but it's all worth reading.

    In short, it's penny chews again…..but you all think it's European whites because they look like us, and can pretend to be anyone they breed out to look similar to. They didn't always look like us, nor like you in Africa. Some look SE Asian, too. Look at Kalergi. He looks more Japanese because he is mixed. They do that to infiltrate countries and obtain power and wealth. They practised on the ethnic French and we Britons before they got to your shores.
    Cohen = Khan. Think Gengis Khan for their original appearance.

  3. Warburgs + IMF = Somalia crushed.
    Burg is German for mountain. War mountain.
    They financed Hitler so he and his covert central banking relatives in Germany could pretend to be enemies.

    All wars are bankers wars. Look it up. It might still be online. Same as "who brought the slaves to America" jah truth.

    You STILL think it's whites, don't you? 😏 I mean European whites. You still think that despite that all the billions individual whites have paid to charities to help Africa and Asia, even when my 1920 born father was a child and people here were starving to death and dying of cold, in large numbers….but then again, now we know why. Africans and Asians didn't receive what people intended for them to receive. A lot fewer people here give to charities now that we know they are almost all another bankers business model. Same as everything now.

  4. Half-brothers fighting Ishmael and Isaac (Issac is of the Jews Israel and Ishmael is of the Moslems the Arab nations). And sadly, all the other mostly Western nations who profits from oil and desire to gain contol of Israel because of its Spiritual importance will encourage and supply arms to both these half brothers to allow them to kill each other, rather than make peace.

  5. All seals carry beakers ….. They would have activated it if something had happened and they couldn't make it out alive… So their bodies would be found………….🤔 What's really going on



    Perhaps this is simply just another case of organ harvesting , since that fits the pattern of most Black people disappearances and even many of their own covertly .

    Plus isn’t all of this a perfect way anyway for never recovering bodies they claim to be forever looking for , especially when we have the Somalians to pass that blame on to this time ?

    There’s always some Africans somewhere to blame in a WS operation that went wrong , or as usual some Black people somewhere on this planet to blame , especially when their evil plans goes right in the wrong in the right direction or right in the wrong direction from what they planned at the start ?

    I put absolutely nothing pass what wickedly evil people will do , because they argue and plan to benefit on both sides of an equation , regardless how their devious plans goes one way or another .


  7. you cannot be the best swimmer in the world, every sea is totally different, the idea that you passed a training course so you can go anywhere in the world and be good is stupid. these guys either drowned, got captured/killed by another countries special forces, got eaten, or simply decided to runaway

  8. They were clearly conducting a mission. Most likely a nighttime mission which is why they couldn’t retrieve the two of them. The US is not going to put out any details on what happen because it’s a special ops unit and they keep those details on a need to know and secondly they were most likely doing something that they did not have approval to do from the country they were visiting. The US is pretty foul like that as we already know. 4:48

  9. America is a terrorist to any and every other nation or country state land it doesn’t matter this is a evil place governed by a nation that have a Wetco spirit they will never stop until everyone is hurting or dead they are the master of torturing people human people normal don’t go around destroying everything valuable on the planted and killed for something that doesn’t belong to them it is an act of destruction greed and fear (as per the Indian) anytime they hear screaming the ack of helplessness it triggers a desire a thirst for more they can’t hurt enough to satisfy themselves
    Do you really believe 2 is missing their lie about anything to continue the killing spree

  10. America is a “warrior nation” that prioritizes war mongering over true democracy and humanitarianism! The fact that the military makes up the bulk of its annual budgetary spending is a testament to this reality!

  11. It sicken me as a Black person in America because this white supremacist corporate government continues to rob, sabotage and murder our black people in America and thru out the world. America corporations and christian religions use slave tactics as their means of power and control over the minds, economy and lands of the nations. The use of their fiat(paper) dollar thru-out the world has allow white supremacist nations to hold and enforce their economic power where ever they go and allows them to rape, rob, sabotage and murder at their own evil will. Our 400+ years of free labor that was stolen, raped and sabotaged from our Black nations has continued to be the world's problem. You can believe these navy seals are around Somalia, Africa and Saudi Arabia to create more problems. America does have the best of technology.

  12. I believe that Captain Ibrahim Traore needs to be careful. They have tried to kill him so many times and fail. They had to resort to this method. Those men are going to roam around, gather friends, and give them money as they get closer and closer. I give them maybe a month or two before they try to take him out again. In their conniving minds people are supposed to be thinking like you guys are thinking. But you're never supposed to think that they would go way over there just to get him on the opposite side. But he is the biggest threat to the European nations right now. He is highly intelligent and they know it. Not just intelligent but also faithful to his people. They want him gone. And when you want to get devilish things done the best thing to do is turn to the devil's themselves the Navy Seals. I pray that everything they have planned against that man backfires. I pray that his people cover him, protect him, make sure nobody touches him. He is not just a diamond he is a Cullinan diamond. 1 of a kind!amen🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

  13. They about to send a fleet with amphibious Marines to hit your beaches to join in on the search.😢Then their going to drop Marine ForceRecon in your inland water ways to see if the two frgmen washed up in any nearby rivers,then they'll place a few scout snipers all around just in case your rebells dont like it,and then we're going to have Blackhawk Down all over again!History always repeats itself.

  14. Y’all have to realize the USA are the world biggest bad guys, but our leaders don’t want to conquer anything. They just want to make sure other groups don’t take anything over. Russia, China, and many Arab nations have footholds in Africa. America doesn’t want those countries gaining anything from Africa. In the USA eyes Africa is only to be looted by Europe.

  15. I don't like what Americans have been doing around the world, but it ain't a good thing that USA marines are getting killed. The same logic can be used to black people living in the west that migrated here post slave trade.

  16. American military and CIA need to get their noses out of other countries' business!
    Somali pirates? – I am honestly much more worried about American pirates, those are more dangerous!