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Free speech laws of RT. African Stream channel gets taken off of Youtube and Meta (FB) and instagram.

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  1. Why doesn't the Caribbean speak up for their HBCUs?
    Why is everyone out here disrespecting Tuskokee University?
    What access does anyone who is Black have to Africa?
    I don't see it. What Pan of Africa?
    There is a Pan of America.

  2. Now it's Russia. Before that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq that did NOT exist, eliminate Gaddafi, divide and rule- make sure Africa is always unstable to keep them dependent. There's a real FEAR of seeing Africa unite and the reality is it's inevitable.

  3. Anthony Blinken pan Africa has is giving their own news, to say pan Africa listen to RT is an to Africans, this is one of reason they killed Gaddafi, sooner or later Africa will start impose sanction on United States this nonsense can't continue

  4. They NEVER send me notifications even though I am signed up for all. They are shadow banning for real. I had to manually type in your name and channel to come to this page.

  5. 'unwanted comments' … lots of censoring
    Note. … this is this is a C in August cut out, mining African thoughts… the channel brings nothing , a disinformation vessel…

  6. It's bulls***!!! They want the eyes off of Africa. Why? Because there will be no goodwill coming from the west toward Africa now that they are seeking their independence. In the near future you will start seeing policing of the internet. Why? Because dirty players no longer have the free will to do their dirt around the world with everyone having eyes on them.

  7. I sink is more about trying to recolonize by taking all the resources of Africa but since Africans are becoming interested in Internet and progressing, it's going to become harder to convince them to give up as much resources as they're doing now.

  8. Remember what they did to Marcus Mosiah Garvey when he bought that ship and encouraged african to get back to our beautiful continent and encouraged african to invest in it the ship the guy was stopped and FBI was born just to keep us under our watch. RIP Mosiah Gurvey you are alive today in Bokinafaso,Mali and Niger.True pan africanist we are because of you indeed.0ur hair indeed might be kink but not our minds you are loved Marcus Sodier the father of pan Africanism we will make africa great.

  9. Great content! Americans don’t realize how propagandized we are. African Stream is just one of many new independent media channels on attack. Thank you for calling out fascism.

  10. If YouTube keeps this up Africa will become like china and build their own media and streaming system and its very close. In life there is something Call agreed to disagree. All opinions matter and should be heard one-sided conversations Never let success Remember that. God Bless

  11. this is serious problem with laws makers in America, when person grows up with misleaded education, with misleaded knowledge, then they always speak unknown knowledge, I don't think blinken even realized this is disrespectful and insulted, because for them african is not humans enough to speak for themselves either without be influenced by Russian and Chinese, only reason make America think that it because they never deal with human family with fairly, and they alway abuse human beings to prove they Superiority,that weak Consciousness, allowed human family to Identify politician in America as army's of the Antichrist, and principles of the Babylonian, who doesn't wake up to reality by nature, because they have deaf Consciousness that still leaves past, not wake up to realized time travels,

  12. If they can't listen to us why should we listen to them, your media is full of propaganda and we've been debating with it for lifetime but in this case is where African leaders should grow balls and start removing US platforms like YouTube, CNN and Fox.

  13. America has never been a nation that respects freedom of speech or democracy when that speech or the direction of the democracy doesn’t suit the interests of US businesses. The long list of American-led deletions and coups of democratically elected leaders in the Americas and Africa are proof of this, so often done to keep other peoples resources in the hands of US businesses.

    African Stream provide legitimate reporting on issues that affect Africans and the African diaspora, from an anti-colonial, anti-imperial perspective. They call to account the hypocrisies of Western nations, and shed light on injustices done in Africa and to African people, including crimes committed by western nations and businesses in Africa, of which there is a long history.

    Regarding the AES revolutions – America, France and others are very keen to crush this movement and put their boots back on the necks of Africa, and this will be a harder task if there is a strong media reporting from the perspective of Africans, letting people see the progress this revolution is having, the independence, sovereignty and self direction Africans can achieve, the obstacles they face and where these obstacles come from.

    It’s important to note that Tim Pools Timcast IRL and Dave Rubins Rubin a report are still alive and well on You Tube, even though evidence has been provided that these people have received hundreds of thousands of dollars from Russia to promote Russian talking points. They get to continue their work I believe because they are both strong supporters of the American imperial project. They defend US interference in other countries, and in general don’t criticise the American system and the principle of American exceptionalism in any way that would reduce support for it.
    So I believe the cancellation of African Stream and not Pool or Rubin does point toward both some bigotry, but more so toward the fact that African Streams crime is that of challenging American and Western hegemony through reporting and criticising that hegemony.

    Also, a correction – Russia is not communist or socialist. It hasn’t been since the USSR was dissolved in the 1990s and neoliberal capitalism installed, the transition to which caused a significant loss in Russian life expectancy, rise in crime, poverty etc. it has rebuilt and retains some social welfare networks but it’s been a capitalist country since the 90s.

  14. Blinken thinks he could manipulate the people with his lies? He is too naiive to believe he can box Africa into a corner! He has just killed & burried US & Africa relationship with this call. Africans will respond in their ways in due course of time.

  15. Africans have to stop looking for non YT saviors (America, Europe, China, Russia India, and the list goes on). Africans have to build Africa. T Karlsen (purposely spell incorrectly) does not like Africans. Notice he called Obama as ‘Hussein’.

  16. And so what if the channel gets money from Russia to operate! Every government pays media houses and social media influencers to promote their propaganda, and the US is notorious for their "propaganda machine" since the 20th century. its all smoke and mirrors and another step towards the same socialism they claim to fight against- one big hypocrisy!

  17. African stream is about uniting African, CNN, BBC, and all white media are the founders of spreading lies and propaganda was design to suppress the truth, destabilized Africa and her people, This is part of their drive to stifled the rising of Africa that is in Actions, Do the math, This is a wake up call for all African, We can no longer allow ourselves to live on these evil forces eye top, All it take for them to silence us is a squint of their eyes

  18. The African People in Africa also know all to well now about raclst patronisation and saw it and felt it with their own eyes now so really banning them from the rest of the world from the global stage on social media platforms is way too late. The word is already out for what they know and talk about which has nothing to do with Russia its normally talk about Africa trying to grow and become independent on its own without a Master. So I have to agree with what they are trying to do. Also not to forget to keep their people from being unalived in their own country by who they consider to be colonizers.

  19. I know that Mr. Yeshittela is right about African Americans should have the right away to be free and total freedom has not been granted. Reparations given is part of African Americans freedom also.