African Meeting Poor People in Germany | Documentary

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African Meeting Poor People in Germany | Documentary

What does poverty actually mean? Why are there so many homeless people in Germany? And doesn’t the welfare state make people lazy? We tried to look at poverty in Germany through the eyes of a young filmmaker from Cameroon.

“zurückbleiben bitte” is a film by




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  1. Its a very important subject and its nice that you care, but your video didnt give me one valid information. You couldve ask them, what they want to have changed, what they see as biggest problems, that maybe couldve enlighten sombody. Instead you spoke to 1 homeless person, in Berlin and made conclusions for whole Germany. Just to compared it to your not realted homecountry situation .Thats not really the kind of report I like to see. Hope you keep going and improve it.

  2. That is very sad part of Germany .. they are doing everything for immigrant ( like from Syria , Libiya, Pakistan all war zone country) even though they come illegal and make Germany worst but still government proving all the benefits … unfortunately who are actually German they are on the road and begging … such a shit

  3. Firstly nice video but you can't compare this to that of africa. Why do I say so because if you are a begger here or homeless that means you are lazy, most homeless people are people who don't want to work especially Africans who came here they don't concentrate and work hard, they want to enjoy life since that's what Africans think life is all about, they don't wish to concentrate and work hard to earn good money and a stable. So what I wish to say is that here in Germany you are the one to make yourself homeless or a begger meanwhile in Africa is due to lack of jobs or lack of opportunities

  4. Very True and if you are poor in Germany you have no friends.. Same with being sick & disabled. You are Truly Alone. Material comes first..

  5. Sehr interessantes Video und gute Idee. Ich wohne in Köln und komme auch aus Bamenda wie Promise. Wenn Ihr auch mal in Köln so ein Video machen möchtet, würde ich mich freuen mitzumachen und meine Perspektive zuteilen. Ich besuche Berlin auch ab und zu da mein kleiner Bruder da studiert. Mach weiter so 👌🏿👊🏿

  6. Perception versus reality, I had the same shock on my face when I saw beggers on the streets for the first time in Germany. Before arriving Germany all I knew was -it was a land of milk and honey but then again as you rightly said poverty is indeed relative. We sometimes cry we have no shoes untill we see others without legs. Nice documentary I must say.