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Dumebi Lea

Joined: Mar 2024
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  1. Don't blame the students. This is the School Board and the Teachers doing. Tell them to stop. Maybe we should just teach all of the history in general and in chronological order from each perspective instead of being singled out for a month. I respect all of us. God made us all. What do you think?

  2. Regarding dance: At least in Europe there are several Africans that teach YT Europeans "African drumming" and "African dance", so to now and then see YT people performing such dances is not surprising. Many of the pupils at those courses have been middle aged YT women.

  3. We should stop calling it black culture and call it N culture they can't use the word . For instance N dance N music N hair styles

  4. As an East African, I find this disrespectful
    Why? Because this isn’t even African culture, it’s a stereotype of what they think African culture is.
    That would be like wearing stereotypical east Asian clothes and dancing to stereotypical Asian music.

    At this point it’s just mocking, I don’t know who looked at this and thought it was a good idea lmao, it’s like the “African” drumming they did on MLK day.

    There are thousands of different cultures in Africa and a lot of them are very different.
    There is no tribe or culture I know that wears cheap clothing like that or dances like that.

    It’s also quite disrespectful to African Americans to try and teach them what they’re ancestral culture is based off a stereotype.🤦‍♀️

  5. These people never lived in a dirt hut a day in their life, and something tells me they wouldn't.

    They've also never had to walk for water and food.

  6. I do not see a problem with it, and there's nothing that none of the black people that made negative comments about the dance can do anything about it. They are not hurting anyone. Worry and do something about the black crimes, lack of education for black children. There is no pleasing some of you ignorant black people. Of white people hate the black culture, they are racist, and if white people appreciate the black culture and want to participate in it, then it is culture approciation. There is no getting along with other races.

  7. It just pisses me off! I DONT EVEN KNOW MY CULTURE! I don’t know my tribe! My soul would love to know my tribe’s colors, language. And you would pi** on it all. The ancestors they stole from me, and then the ancestors of our oppressors slap us in the face. I can’t. I’m fed up

  8. This is WRONG!! Whites are taking EVERYTHING from BLACKS! We blacks need to stop this, this is OUR BLACK TRADITION (S)! You whites leave our CULTURES and HISTORY ALONE! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH WITH YOU WHITE PEOPLE!!!!!!!

  9. Who really is surprised? They would dare to do anything and everything without abandon and decorum. They love absconding people and culture and mannerisms and technology for themselves to corrupt and demean. Peace

  10. Our Cultue is fool of LEECHES. What i saw was a total insult too Black CULTURE alone. This is a of pure example of what White Privilege is. Their assumption of ignorance is a total mockery, making our history theirs.

  11. Um…well…um…that was something.
    Wouldn't it have been easier, and less nauseating, if they'd just invited a diverse group of black speakers and activity leaders to actually teach what various aspects of black and African Diaspora cultures mean and how they influence global life. Instead, they take it upon themselves to perform a dance they know nothing about, that they have no connection to, and then pat themselves on the back for how good a job they did in…what? Looking both stupid and offensive? I don't think this was intentionally racist, but the level of "tone deafness" and inappropriateness expressed is precisely what racism creates.

  12. The US is a mixed culture. Yea, maybe this was once part of your native culture, but now it's part of American Culture, because, you know, we are mixed. How do you know there are no blacks in the crowed besides skin color, you don't. There might be one or two white mixed with black, or whatever. I'm a product of mixing, and so are my other family members. I don't see this as stealing, at all. I don't see anything a person finds interesting, and deciding to copy as stealing. It's a good thing you can't copyright culture, or this would've been so bad for all people. I'm a male, and when I did have long hair, I loved beading it. Now you know beading hair is not part of American culture, but it was for me, and back then no one accused me of stealing. Also, my niece just stared in a musical, she is a black mixed, but her skin is ivory, light brown hair, and looking culturally white as ever. Did that stop her from playing a black role, that god it didn't because she was spectacular with her performance. You do know that, these kids had to learn the dance and the culture, there might have been a deep research done before this performance, and that is learning some aspects of black history. It would've been nice to had interviewed the kids and see what they thought was the lesson with their performance. You can have for opinion on this, and say it's bad, it's done wrong, but stealing just does not fix if we are a mixed culture. I feel this is an over reaction, because of the hyperpolitical climate has implanted these views so now we carry and react to our own installed biases. When a black man dances salsa, is he stealing the culture? of course not, if he enjoys it, and is able to make it work, like bring the ladies to him, how is this stealing? It's not. It's a performance done by light skinned people, but you can't sit here and say they not black if you have not even gotten a chance to talk to them. If the death-drop, created by drag performers, appropriated by a straight person, I would never accuse them of stealing, because if you can do it, then you got abilities that should be noted. Now think about it, this will bring parts of this black culture into the community, make people talk, wonder, and even encourage research. Isn't that the point of black history? Lashing out at white people when their intention was a positive one can make you look bad. Blaming this group for what politicians are doing to everyone is also not a good look. CRT has nothing to do with these kids, and neither does book banning, but there was stiches in the media including them. I'ma tell you one thing people, If I like it, I'm rocking it, and I'm going to ignore you if you accuse me of stealing culture, because I'm going to see you as crazy and politically brain washed. So, people calm down and think it through. And you know this content creator had lots of time to think this through, because of the work she put into editing this media. If you trying to make money and further create more divisions in the communities, this is very good content. Otherwise this content does nothing to help anyone and only a negative opinion of people can be extrapolated from this type of content. If you are a person of god, and what to bring goodness to people, this is not the way, and it's something the content creator should keep in mind. Again, will make good money, but you selling your soul because it divides people, instead of bring the community closer. BTW, if you can see it and you can copy it by using what you have lying around, this is not stealing, this is making it work, but what ever. God Bless you all.

  13. You gave it them. The African race gives white people everything there culture, there land,etc. and they didn’t steal they gave it to them willingly. They love white people more then they love themselves.

  14. If I was a Black student at that school I would be on that floor laughing with my legs in the air busting a gut, then would proceed to let them know how stupid and ridiculous they look cause there was no heart or spirituality in it. Stop hating us and stealing our culture and customs. Find your own culture and embrace it. Thank you. Fuck. Not everything is for you.