Africa must Reject Foreign Religions to Ensure Its Survival

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Historia Africana

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Africa must Reject Foreign Religions to Ensure Its Survival

Today, we delve into the fascinating world of African spiritual beliefs. This journey will highlight the rich history of traditions that not only define the spiritual landscape of Africa but also offer unique insights into its cultural heritage.

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  1. Great video, brother. It’s an important start to getting our people to think about their own forms of kimoyo/spirituality. It’s way way past time.
    It’s a Mind Game.

  2. Presenter you are right in all point,particular our names lost ,now arabs and european namens not to say our culture and Tradition dead,cos of 2 foreigner stranger Religion.

    🏴1️⃣ The Noble AHL’AL’BAYT/12 IMÂMS OF ISLÂM were persecuted by the NON-real-Arabs(Ummayads/Abbassid, najdi etc) ALSO for being PURE-ARABS/BLACKS.

    🏴2️⃣ The enemies of Truth, Ahl Al Bayt and The Blacks announced: « Anyone who say that the Prophet is Black should be killed”.

    🏴3️⃣ The renowned poet ibn ar-Rumi composed a famous poem – Jiymiyyah – to address the Abbasid criminal and deceiver al-Mutawakkil:

    🏴4️⃣ Ibn Rumi say : « You [misrespect] The Ahl’Al Bayt ( Rass’ul’Allah and Family ) for their BLACKNESS While they are PURE ARABS OF BLACK SKIN. »

    🏴5️⃣ « …However, you ( Ummayads and Abbassids ) are blue-eyed. The Romans have decorated your faces with their color." end of quote of Ibn Rûmi.

    🚫 The BEDUINO-"White-BERBERIZED" (NOT ARABO-ISLÂMIC as western propaganda say) slavery have the SAME indra-hanumanist origin AS THE EUROPEAN.

    🏴 Mohammad Al Naf Azzakiyah, direct descendant of The Noble Shiloh Muhammad Rassul’Allah and relative the Noble Tents of Shiloh – Twelve Stars of The Desert Woman – was knowed as ÂŤCHARCOALÂť and PURE Arab/Ismaelite.

    ⚡️🏴 REAL ARABS / ISMAELITES ( LIKE ISRAELITES ) are ULTRA-BLACK ( MORE BLACK and BETTER ALKEBULANS than many Blacks) and NOT to be confused with BEDUINS and “White BERBERS”.

    🏴1️⃣ Hadith of the BLACK sheeps ( REAL ARABS) and White Sheeps
    Al Mustadrik Ala AlSaheehain Chapter 4 Page 437

    🏴2️⃣ On the authority of Umar Ibn Sharaheel ” The Prophet Mohammed – Sallalahu Alayhi Wa Âlihi Wa Salam – say:

    🏴3️⃣ ” I perceived a vision of myself leading BLACK Sheeps then WHITE Sheeps arrived in their midst until he could not see the Black Sheeps .

    🏴4️⃣  "…So Abu Bakr say: Messenger of Allah, As for THE BLACK SHEEPS ARE THE ARABS and will become Muslims in mass numbers.

    🏴4️⃣ "..THE WHITE SHEEPS ARE THE NON-ARABS and will become so numerous that there will be no Arabs amongst them .

    You need BASIC INSTRUCTION and EDUCATION about BLACK-KUSHITE, BLACK-KËMITE, BLACK/ISRAELITE and BLACK-ISMAELITE HISTORY. 🏴5️⃣ "Then Rassul’Allah – Sallalahu Alayhi Wa Âlihi Wa Salâm say that is the way the Malayka ( "Angel") interpreted the dream.”


    1️⃣⚡️AFTER The Four Messengers of KËM/SHÂM/SËM started The Vertical CIVILIZATION of Being, TWO BLACK CULTURES, Kush~Këmët and Sumer/Babylon emerged,

    2️⃣⚡️Sumer/Babylon were a less evolved BLACK CULTURE ( of Kushite and Këmites origin where the JINNITE SUBVERSION of ADAMITE CIVILIZATION started.

    3️⃣⚡️The Indus-Valley Harrapanites were also a BLACK CULTURE of Kushite origin that was destroyed by the INDRA-HANUMANIST proto-zionazi subversion.

    4️⃣⚡️JINNS (so-called "anunaki" worshipped in The “West") in SUMER is the cause of the abnormal long years mentionned in Babylonism and Hinduism.

    5️⃣⚡️ ADAMITY, MONOTHEISM-ISLÂM-TRUE-CHRISTIANISM INCEPTED / STARTED in Kush and Këmët with Forefathers Âtum, Sét, Idrîs Ahnûh Jëhûti’Habu and Nûh

    6️⃣⚡️ TRINITARIANISM-FALSE-CHRISTIANISM started in Sumer/ Babylon ( other "Black Headed Ones") which is a Black Culture ( NOT CIVILIZATION ).

    7️⃣⚡️The TRINITARIAN Cults of Wasar(Uzayr/"Osiris”)/Isis/Horus and Nimrod/Semiram/Tammuz are the SAME as The TRINITARIAN cult of False-Christianism.

    8️⃣⚡️CIVILIZATION was started by Forefathers Âtum, Sét, Idrîs Ahnûh Jëhûti’Habu and Nûh who invented Writing and ALL fundamental Sciences and Arts.

    9️⃣⚡️ CIRCUMCISION FOR INSTANCE in ALL Black traditional societies is from the ORDERS by Forefathers Âtum, Sét, Idrîs Ahnûh Jëhûti’Habu and Nûh.

    1️⃣0️⃣ ⚡️ TRINITARIANISM-PROTO-FALSE-CHRISTIANISM- then spreaded East and West with cults like Mithraism and in many eastern and western proksy-cults.

    1️⃣1️⃣ ⚡️TRINITARIANISM-PROTO-FALSE-CHRISTIANISM refer cryptically to these proksy-cults / doctrines hyperpolitical agenda as the "Mysteries".

    1️⃣2️⃣ ⚡️European Indra-Hanunanism INTERCEPTED the BLACK-SUMERIAN-Babylonism and REPACKAGED it with the WHITE- MITHRAIST TRINITARIANISM.

    1️⃣3️⃣ ⚡️Then Europeans added (Nicea) the Paulinist-Pharisian subversion of Monotheism by promoting specific books and rewriting/destroying others.

    1️⃣4️⃣ ⚡️Finally Europeans, in this REPACKAGING process, added the old RACIALIST Indraist element: the "White Mithra-False-Jesus” part.

    1️⃣5️⃣⚡️The Messenger Set is a Protector of The INITIAL ISLÂMIAN/MONOTHEISTIC Teaching and LAWS ( SHARIAH) from Rög/Ra/El/Eloh/Allah : The MA'ÂT.

    1️⃣6️⃣ ⚡️The Messenger Set is the Ancestor of ALL KËM/SHËM/SËM/BLACKS. The Indra-Hanumanist Subversion of Monotheism and Black History demonize him.

    1️⃣7️⃣⚡️The Demonization of Set spreaded with the DYNASTIST and TRINITARIAN BABYLONIAN Subversion (Nemrod-Semiram-Tammuz which is Osiris-Isis-Horus ).

    1️⃣8️⃣⚡️The foreign invasions of Këm’ët by the Hyksos, Post-Black-Pelasgians-White-Greeks, Romans etc. WORSENED the Indra-hanumanist subversions.


  5. Hello to you and to the entire community.
    First of all, what a surprise for me to see what you have choosen to show to introduce your video. The spinning <mask> in bast comes from my own tribe and is named <koumpo>. My grandfather was a very well known master of this mask which is connected to the great spirit of the forest <Djalan>.
    Having said that, I totally agree with you. To decolonize our mindset, we have to leave those religions because we have to learn that original africans (as I am) did not have religion before our contacts with arabs and europeans. In fact, we had cosmogonies and our entire system of thoughts (language, philosophy, mathematics, sciences, art, …everything include in what we call <culture>) was articulated to our cosmogonies.
    The term <religion> comes from the latin <religio> (the verb is <religere>). <Religio> means relinked. However, you can relink only what is already linked. Given the fact that we are linked by the so called <culture> (the system of thoughts and the system of expression of those thoughts), a <religion> can only be what every <religion> has always been: a political project. So to speak, the so called <reveald religions> are nothing else than political projects made by the others, for the most exclusive profit of these others who are their engineers.
    Thank you very much for the super interesting contents of your videos.
    Peace, Health and Love to you all.

  6. This only one God. He created heaven, earth, us and everything around us.

    Why do you want to believe in many God? We are all brothers and sisters no matter of what color we have and where we are coming from.

    Thank you very much for your video.

  7. The issue with Christianity and Islam in Africa is as so. Most Africans didn’t get the real version of Islam and Christianity. They weren’t taught the real way or were allowed to half ass through it from generation to generation and the full effect hasn’t set in yet. Some African groups got it, others are on their way and almost there while some are just beginning and or abandoning the practice. You don’t have to look or behave like an “Arab”. However you would be better off to submit to God’s will. With this realization of the supreme power and YOUR job to submit to it and perform at maximum peak in accordance to the God you shake off all fear and rebuke all immorality which will fortify and invigorate you in the face of evil. Trust me. Clean your minds and bodies. All peoples were Pagan, idol worshippers at one point. The Nubians, Kushites, Libyans, Egyptians, Arabs, Hebrew, Mesopotamians, Mongols, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Scandinavians, British, Scottish and Irish were also All Pagans. The Fulani were Pagans.. The Moroccan Amazigh were pagans. The Malinke and Soninke were pagans. The Bambara and Mossi were pagans. And that wasn’t even that long ago. Instead of a person doing the necessary things to make his/her life better or instead of accepting God’s supreme will, we make blood sacrifices and and pray that things will go in our special favor. We go to conjurers and witch doctors for miracles and magic potions to make correct the things that went wrong and the witch doctors don’t know what the heck to do either. The people that made those statues know it’s out of their hands. It’s ALL in God’s hands. Every other people let go of their statues and images (Except Christians). You HAVE to do the WORK!! God helps those who help themselves. It’s ok to venerate the ancient customs and traditions that make them unique but there’s only ONE true God and I used the word ONE (1) in the most sincere way possible. You can call God whatever you want to but just know that there’s only ONE! And no amount of goat and chicken blood is enough to change the WILL of God. You must fall in line and submit. Get in the stream and row your boat 🛶 gently…. Do your very best in life. It will suffice perfectly. Amin 🤲🏽 Amen 🙏🏾

  8. The most ancient African Religion believed in One Almighty Creator God that is All – Knowing and All-Wise and controls all that exist : "Chi-Ukwu Okike, Abia Ama, Olise Ebili-uwa." All the religious ministers know that He exists and they ultimately defer to Him in their hearts in spite of various ritual practices. Msgr. Mmuo.

  9. While I agree that invasions from foreign religionists (in service to their various government's economic/political self-interests) impose restrictions on practicing African Traditional Religions (ATR), I do not agree that ATR requires proselytizing in mimicry of Christian and Islamic arrogant assumptions of applicability in all human situations. As a practitioner of ATR as a citizen of the USA, I do not advise attempts to "compete" with the ways of Catholics, Protestants, or Muslims because the outcomes sought are different. African Traditional Religion maintains its own legitimacy and timelessness by sealing its legitimacy in Nature and its various expressions over–and throughout–time. Proselytizing compels effort to change someone's destiny by influencing his/her decisions about the definition of human existence(s), which becomes important when considered as a component of the fabric of reality. In due time, Africa survives even as The West searches for escape hatches allowing their polluting domination of human cultures. We don't need to join our enemies because we retain that special something that makes for mystery when necessary.

  10. There is only one living God, the are make of stones. They have mouths but can't speak, they have ears but don't hear. They have feet but don't walk. God sended his beloved son Jesus to save us, only thought Jesus are we saved. Jesus is the way, the truth and the light, the only way to God. Believing in anything else is a step backwards and not forward 😢God made all people in his image, every color is beautiful to him. When Satan tempted Adam and Eve, he told they would be like God. And some people think they are God, they think they are better than God other creations. This is a spiritual war between good and evil. Humans want win, only God is capable of winning and he has won with his son. God said wait on him and stay faithful to the end. Our eternal life can not compare to the short time on earth. God will wipe away every tear and restore everything we have lost. Those that have been hated will see them go to hell.

  11. I think you have missed the point. Africans spirituality as you kabkevit, is one if the very few true spirituality we have in the planet today
    The only thing is, they are nit conceotual, one cannot irganisecut, it is very personal. The secrete kues very open in the daily language we use . I am Ewe, we know what we are talking about in conversation, it is always soututyaluty.. African dud not see and should not put emphasis on irganusedcrekugiobs, As far as the Ewe goes, only God is here, Nibody else Africans have not recognized the Ego, there us no word for it in our languages.. we definateky dhould not start making conceots or organize our spirituality.this us the inky thing that has saved Africa all over the centuries.

  12. In ancient times even among our ancestors, if you are in a war or conflict, when you are defeated, the enemy will always steal your Gods. AND more importantly it will be considered that their Gods are superior to your Gods. Since we Africans had many Gods per capita whereas the Europeans had one God and the Arabs are united under one God as well. And since their Gods are invisible 🫥 they can’t be seized. We need a unified religious front. For example the Christians have fought one another for centuries however they are united under Christ against us.

  13. The Most High has delegated in Africa, via its Uniquely unrivaled Spirituality, to function as the conscious of the nation's of this and other Species. That light cannot be extinguished lest the evil powers prevail. As NO OTHER people have either Access nor Agency to fulfill this capacity. IDENTITY

  14. Can't won't do them folks', enslavers colonizers invaders opperssors financiers, so called religions ie judaism christianity islam mormonism jehovah witness etc etc. These "religions" are harbingers to impose their cultures for the eradicating the African identity

  15. Absolutely agree that traditional religions need to be better documented and less restricted. Much of it has already been stolen and remade into foreign images the world over, but that just goes to show what a wellspring of ideas Africa has to offer. We can remake anything in our image, as others have. We can combine/syncretise a myriad set of beliefs and practices, as we have done many times before. Amun exists in many forms with many phonetically similar names across the continent. Our imagination is the only limit. And so long as what we adhere to serves us AS WE ARE, instead of creating that all-too-apparent and uncomfortable desire to be someone else, it's progress.

  16. People are religious because their god does things for them. Ancient egyptians say amun helped them expel the hyksos. Greatest black christians samuel sharpe and MLK used christ to end slavery and decolonize asia/africa.

  17. Who divided Planet Earth into black, red, white and yellow peoples? WHY? Are there any people on Planet Earth of those colors? Do the inhabitants of The Continent come in various skin tones? Is The Continent the source of all of mankind? Must The Continent adequately feed the people there, must The Continent build infrastructure, and must The Continent stabilize The Continent or must The Continent address the spiritual world first and foremost? Why does The Continent seek external modernity?

  18. PLEASE STOP!!! My people perish from lack of knowledge, says One Almighty. Didn't you know, every singe religion that exist today began in Africa? Africa populated the earth, gave mankind civilization, science, mathematics, astronomy, religions?

  19. Witchcraft and the occults are the curse of Africa, and the continent as a whole, will not prosper until they seek out T.M.H God, and put him, and him alone first!