Afraid of Him|| Western Powers Attempting To Befriend Senegal’s President After Blocking His Bid

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Afraid of Him|| Western Powers Attempting To Befriend Senegal’s President After Blocking His Bid

Ever since the new Senegal president came into power, Western countries are beginning to lean closer and closer to him. Could this signal the beginning of a mutually beneficial relationship? Ondiro Oganga Reports



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  1. "To be America's enemy is dangerous, to be America's friend is fatal." – Henry Kissinger. America's own former secretary of state said this. That should tell you enough.

  2. Senegal is not rich country as she claimed, it is very poor country with $1500 gdp per capita a year. Where they get those “ journalists “ from 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  3. The way we gain power at the table is Africa has to control its natural resources is that simple there's no other way around it we let these other countries gain powered by taking our natural resources Out of Africa Southern products back to us that they manufactured and produced in their country using Africa's natural resources this has to stop Africa should be a powerhouse on this planet what is up to the leaders to stop leading us to the slaughterhouse the people who should be leading is women and men that are warriors because Africa has to take back control of it's natural resources that means war preparing for war not many countries on the continent of Africa that's the only way we going to gain power buy uniting every country in Africa has won and then defending our natural resources there is no other way around

  4. Did you not see the video where the Muzungu said, they have to keep Africa impoverished, so they can continue to exploit it ? Another one said, they have to invade, in order to ( secure) the Raw Materials they need.

  5. Never trust the evil slave colonial masters because they will never change, they don't mean well for Africa, all African countries should join Burkinafaso, Mali and Nigre for the total freedom of Africa from the western evil colonial masters.

  6. Good to see u, I follow u on Facebook and u are looking good. I was wondering where u went. I’m glad u are well and ready to resume 👍🏽

  7. Ondira, I am glad to see you back. Question: Is it possible to petition all African nations to make it illegal for any African leader to govern their country again the best interest of the African people? Shouldn't the AU or African countries penalize &/or arrest all puppet leaders who sabotage the Africans' economy using the western (fiat) currencies? Should not the African government leaders renegotiate foreign contracts, trades, treaties and agreements that are illegitiamate? Otherwise, if NO DECENT NEGOTIATION can come about then such agreements, trades, contracts, etc. should be CANCELLED, NULL and VOID. Your western controlled economy (Corporate America businesses, Western Education & Religions, Tourism, Legal & Illegal Drugs, Alcohol, Banking systems, etc.) will continue to destroy Africa's currency. Africans leaders must learn to trust and invest into our Black youth to create and organize businesses, built communities, schools & colleges, etc. Only Black Africa Can Protect and Govern the African Nations.

  8. He should treat the west like the scumm they are. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me… The me is you president of Senegal: Believe nothing the west says, believe nothing the west does – Walk circumspect of the west: weary eye!


  10. Afraid of hin wglhy? Do thwy hace the military power and monwy rht China have? I diubt it. You dont wanna trade with the world, fine thats noney your corruot and greedy govts wont ve helping you with anyway and the Chinese will simply bargain it all from yiu anyqay, good luck!

  11. African leaders must learn the lessions of dealing with the west and other foreign powers and their corporations by reading "Slouching towards Sirte: Nato's war on Libya and Africa " by Maximilian Forte, "Economic Hitman " by John Perkins, "Lets Make a Slave" by Wille Lynch and they must also understand how the USA and their corporations work hand in hand to gain Economic Advantages, by listen to this YouTube discussion "West Colossal Mistake: US Decline, Rise of the BRICS, Tariffs Damage US Economy " with Prof. Richard Wolff. Learn these lessons and how to maneuver around them. Errol Walton Barrow in one of his speeches to the Barbadian public asked the following question "What is the mirror image you have of yourself as a Nation." My question to African people and leaders is "WHAT IS THE MIRROR IMAGE YOUR HAVE OF YOUR SELF AS BLACK PEOPLE?" Are you going to continue to allow foreign people, corporations, and governments to continue to use and abuses you, give you aid and debt trap high interest rate loans, or are you going to Stand as prode Black people, who will develop and manufacture and unite as a powerful Economic Block free of out side forces influence as you control 70% of the resources you partner with other investment interest(giving only 30% if any at all when signing Memorandum of Understand

  12. You Ondiro, you are very selective and selfish. Where is the documentary about President Ruto you promised us. After discrediting the Ghanaian president Nana Akufo Addo, you find it difficult to speak about Ruto(your president). Are you trying to say that you have nothing to say about Ruto? Despite all the rot in the Kenyan government organized by President Ruto, you are still quiet about that. Let that be the last time you talk about my country’s Presidents. Hypocrites!!!

  13. I’m from Senegal. And we fought hard to finally elect the people’s candidate despite all of the killings, imprisonment and oppression. We’re moving on from these western oppressors.

  14. Hello young lady. Great to see you come before us again. Thanks so much. I ❤ seeing the young President taking charge. Africa needs more of them, who will stand his ground for right & helping his people.

  15. Let’s hope all will go the right direction, otherwise the people will suffer.
    I hope they will not use divisive politics to split Diomaye and Sonko because togetherness makes strong.

  16. Never forget just because they got to a phds 2 bachelor's degrees and their highly educated etc that doesn't mean that the country is going to be experiencing real freedom equality Justice for everyone and true freedom just look at America🎉

  17. They want Africa to have a president like Joe Biden or Donald Trump the Democrats and the Republicans the government etc they're all political laughter when it comes to Justice equality an equal rights etc people in America always bragging about how Highly Educated they are but look at the state of America in the state of its politics etc 🎉 not very intelligent folks. These people have in America have some of them have two bachelor's degrees two phds they're very very highly educated in America but look at the state of America.