Acosta discusses 'bizarre' video Trump shared on social media

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Acosta discusses 'bizarre' video Trump shared on social media

CNN political commentators Ana Navarro and Karen Finney join Jim Acosta to discuss a new video former President Trump shared on social media declaring that “God made Trump.” #CNN #News



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  1. How has every cnn anchor, as well as the 16 devout viewers not been tossed in the wacky ward. You guys lie, you cheat, and you steal everything and then project all day long and ignore all the illegal behaviors of your own party (especially Biden, who somehow has become a multimillionaire after working in congress for over 50 years). Trump is bad, but cnn and it’s mindless puppets are worse—and independent voters like myself will choose the lesser of two evils after watching the left act like children compared to their counterparts on the right.

  2. Well, I was one of the last Home Office warranted mental health workers here in the UK with the final say as to whether someone would be admitted to psychiatric ward compulsorily. If I received medical recommendations concerning someone who spoke like this, I would not have had to consider the situation very long.

  3. Trump said of fallen soldiers “I don’t get it. What was in it for them?” and called them “losers” and “suckers” for dying for their country while he got 5 deferments. (He said this to his Chief of Staff – a Marine Corps general whose son was KIA in Afghanistan – while at Arlington on Memorial Day!)

    He refused to attend a ceremony for fallen American soldiers in France because the rain would mess up his hair.

    Denigrated John McCain’s service.

    Extorted Georgia’s Sec of State for 11,780 votes, threatening legal consequences if he did not comply.

    Hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin and bleach.

    Refused personal CV19 hygiene protocol – got CV19.

    Exposed his Secret Service agents to CV19 to take a post-hospital drive for photo op.

    Blamed for CV19 Infection of more than 130 SecServ agents by campaigning during the pandemic at super-spreader events

    More than 30 former Trump admin officers say he’s unfit to be president

    Most of his former cabinet members state he’s unfit for office.

    Trump staff convicted or plead to felonies: Rick Gates, Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen, George Papadopoulos, Roger Stone, Michael Flynn, George Nader (child porn and sex trafficking), Elliott Broidy, Steve Bannon, Allen Weisselberg

    His hideous comments about our fallen soldiers would easily disqualify any other human being. (I'm surprised Gen. John Kelly didn't slap him silly.) This is "supernatural" fascistic cult behavior from a large segment of our populace.

  4. Bragged about committing sexual assault on tape as well as attempted adultery – Access Hollywood.

    Paid hush money to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal to hide adultery during 2016 campaign

    Found liable for sexual assault and defamation to the tune of $83M dollars.

    18 Women have accused him of sexual assault.

    Strangely gave very public well-wishes to Ghislaine Maxwell after she was arrested for sex trafficking. (never wished anyone well before or since.)

    5000+ children separated from parents at Mexico border with no tracking process/records to reunite them (many still have not been reunited)

    $25M settlement for fraud Trump University

    $2M fine for fraud Trump Foundation charity he stole from.

    Lied about the severity of CV19.

    Fomented a violent insurrection by lying about a rigged election beginning long before the 2020 election.

    Paraphrases Hitler at his political rallies.

    Promises retribution and a dictatorship if reelected.

    Represents the face of white, fascist christian nationalism.

    Indicted for stealing reams of highly classified documents & hiding them when subpoenaed

    Met with Russian ops in Trump Tower to get dirt on his political opponent.

    Asked Russia to hack his political opponent

    Had several private meetings with Vlad Putin then confiscated and tore up the translator’s notes

    Divulged classified info to Russian foreign minister in clandestine Oval Office meeting

    Admitted to that Russian minister he’d fired “nut job” FBI director due to being investigated

    Extorted Ukraine to launch a sham investigation of his political rival for optics.

    Praises Putin, Kim, Orban, Xi – dictators and strongmen – at his rallies.

    Six bankruptcies for $7Billion+ debt from over-leveraged casinos

    Called Nazis in Charlottesville “very fine people” after one killed a protester (injured many) with a car.

    Told white nationalists to “stand back and stand by” when asked to denounce them.

    Lied that he didn’t know who David Duke was when asked to denounce the KKK – he refused.

    Emboldened hate groups by tacitly inviting them into the GOP coalition by repeatedly refusing to disavow them and "dog-whistling" to them

    This is only a partial list. Any one of these should disqualify him. We're dealing with a cult movement not seen since 100 years ago.

  5. There is a Guardian Angel for everyone you Know!!! Than God said The Plague and the FULL MOON are OVER ,Enough is Enough- Justice does happen sometimes when we think of Kindness and the Brotherhood of man….
    Without the Orange Broken One.

  6. Of course God made Trump!! God made us all in his image. All this proves is if you're a Christian or not to believe/not believe.
    And if you don't believe, too bad. Worry about something else.
    👇let the hate begin! Lol

  7. Evangelicals are not pretending that Trump is a good Christian. They are, maybe literally, making a deal with the Devil. They think that he will deliver to them what they want, regardless of his (im)moral character.