About JANET JACKSON — Are people being too soft? — This is the home stretch lady.

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About JANET JACKSON — Are people being too soft? — This is the home stretch lady.



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  1. Uncle Tim..I normally don't always agree with you. But Janet Jackson story..you are right!! She deserving all the smoke she's getting. Just because she famous we should give her grace! If you not sure Janet. Just don't say nothing! But Im still a big fan!

  2. Now that Kamala Harris has been anointed by the Democrats to run for President, I want to remind you that she is a horrible human being that doesn’t deserve a single vote.

    Behind her polished exterior and progressive rhetoric lies a record replete with actions and policies that have caused irreparable harm to countless individuals and families.

    Let's dive head-on into the extensive litany of controversies and misdeeds that paint a damning picture of her political career.

    Kamala Harris' tenure as San Francisco's District Attorney and later as California's Attorney General is marred by a series of deeply troubling decisions and policies.

    One of the most egregious was her support for a policy that mandated police to notify Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) about undocumented youth arrested for felonies.

    This policy, implemented in a city that prided itself on being a sanctuary, led to the deportation and detention of over 100 immigrant youth, many of whom were turned over to ICE even before their guilt or innocence was determined.

    A poignant example is the case of a 13-year-old Australian boy detained by ICE after a minor schoolyard scuffle. Despite his immediate apology and the minor nature of his offense—stealing 46 cents—he was thrust into the harsh, unforgiving gears of the immigration system, traumatized and threatened with deportation.

    As California's Attorney General, Harris spearheaded a punitive campaign against truancy, which disproportionately harmed poor families, single parents, and communities of color. Her tough-on-truancy stance resulted in laws that criminalized parents whose children missed school, leading to arrests and severe penalties.

    One particularly egregious case is that of Cheree Peoples, who was handcuffed and arrested in front of her children for her daughter’s repeated absences due to sickle cell anemia. Despite the school being well aware of her daughter's condition, Peoples faced the full brunt of Harris’ draconian policy.

    Harris' decision not to prosecute Steven Mnuchin’s OneWest Bank despite overwhelming evidence of foreclosure violations remains one of the most glaring indictments of her career.

    Mnuchin’s bank was found to have illegally foreclosed on thousands of homes, using backdated documents and other illegal practices. Despite a detailed memo from her own office recommending legal action, Harris inexplicably declined to prosecute.

    This decision is made even more suspicious by the fact that Mnuchin later donated to Harris' Senate campaign. This reeks of political favoritism and a blatant disregard for the suffering of the homeowners who lost everything due to OneWest’s predatory practices.

    As District Attorney, Harris oversaw the prosecution of numerous nonviolent cannabis offenders, many of whom were disproportionately Black and Latino.

    These harsh penalties stood in stark contrast to her later professed support for cannabis legalization. The lives ruined by these convictions highlight a troubling hypocrisy and a disconnection between her actions and her progressive claims. The damage inflicted on these communities cannot be undone, and Harris’ shift in stance appears more opportunistic than genuine, reflecting a politician willing to change her tune to align with the prevailing winds of public opinion.

    Harris’ refusal to investigate Herbalife, despite substantial evidence of fraudulent practices and exploitation, further taints her record. In 2015, a detailed memo from her San Diego office called for an investigation into Herbalife, yet Harris did nothing.

    Soon after, she received significant campaign donations from lobbyists connected to the company. The timing of these donations suggests a disturbing pattern of political contributions influencing prosecutorial decisions, undermining the very foundation of a justice system that should be impartial and fair.

    The scandal involving the San Francisco crime lab during Harris’ tenure as District Attorney is a dark chapter in her career. The lab’s technician, Deborah Madden, was found to be skimming cocaine from evidence samples, compromising hundreds of cases.

    Harris' office failed to inform defense attorneys of Madden’s misconduct, a clear violation of defendants' rights. The ensuing chaos forced Harris to dismiss over 1,000 cases, a move that highlighted her office's gross mismanagement and failure to uphold justice.

    Harris' office stood by silently as California spent $730 million to move inmates to for-profit private prisons, despite her purported stance against mass incarceration.

    The use of private prisons, known for their profit-driven motives and often deplorable conditions, runs counter to the principles of justice and rehabilitation that Harris claims to support. Her inaction in this regard reveals yet another disturbing example of dissonance between her public statements and her actual policy decisions.

    After the devastating San Bruno gas pipeline explosion, which killed eight people and destroyed a neighborhood, Harris had the opportunity to hold Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) accountable. Yet, despite clear evidence of negligence, she refused to prosecute the utility.

    This decision, coupled with PG&E’s substantial political donations, paints a damning picture of a politician more interested in protecting powerful corporations than seeking justice for victims.

    The explosion, which was a result of a “litany of failures” by PG&E, highlighted systemic issues within the company that Harris chose to overlook, prioritizing political expediency over public safety.

    Kamala Harris' record is a gross amalgamation of contradictions, hypocrisies, and failures. From immigration to criminal justice, her actions have repeatedly harmed the very communities she claims to champion.

    As voters, we must look beyond the polished speeches and campaign slogans to the harsh realities of her tenure. Harris has shown time and again that she is willing to prioritize political gain and corporate interests over genuine justice and reform.

    She is a politician who doesn’t deserve our trust, let alone our vote.

    Chase Oliver 2024👍🏽

  3. It’s my understanding that Jehov Wit are discouraged from voting in political elections & participating in politics. Wonder if Janet is a practicing JW? Her mom was/is. Just a thought…

  4. Janet knew exactly what she said and she needs to be held accountable for her misinformation and outright lies. For a woman who has a biracial son by an Arabic man, Janet should know better. I am interested in hearing her answer when questioned about the race of her son or Michael Jackson's children. The fact that Janet fired the publicist that attempted to help her correct her lies, let's me know Janet meant what she said, and she should reap the harvest for the lies she has told.

  5. Janet is entitled to support whomever she chooses, but she knows that spreading lies isn't right. After all, for years people have been saying that she has a secret daughter with James DeBarge,and that she dumped the kid on her sister Rebbie. And she adamantly denies it. All she had to do was Google Kamala Harris's Black family to see for herself.

  6. Mr. Tim, the former insinuated that Obama wasn't born in America. When they were campaigning against each other. This is why he's doubling down on VP Harris' ethnicity, race, and nationality. We know her mother is Indian and her father is black. Jamaican is black. This is why Janet's comment stung some. Especially when her family is biracial. The hypocrisy of it all.

    When cops pull over someone in a car, they tell you to get your black arse out the car not your Jamaican arse. CATCH!! 🤨🤭

    The former's base is slowly closing. He's insulted and alienated every group of people, in this country, including our illustrious military. The world needs peace. Men bring war. VP Harris will change things. This scares some.

    The former's base is hate-mongering poor folks and some blacks thinking they're better than others. Chile, bye and please, no thank you. Have you seen that nutty black man in Alabama? I think. He's so out of touch with reality that it's scary. He sounds like a white MAGA supporter. His rhetoric is racist against his own. He's a very sad case. He should campaign on a real platform. The Republicans already have their platform (PROJECT 2025). That's why they're not really saying much. Pandering to hate as a black man is disgusting like those folks care for his arse. 🤮 I hope self-deprecating black politicians isn't the new normal.

    I hope everyone votes. No matter the candidate. Please vote for the person who embodies your values. I don't agree with nor would I ever wish to have any commonality with the former. I was raised with morals, values, a conscience, and compassion for others. The former can't say that… honestly 😅😂🤭

    Back to the commentary. 💋✌️🙏

    Project 2025 will take about 100 years to untangle. Civil rights applies to us all. It's crunch time y'all.

    Get registered to vote. Research the candidates in your local community. They make a direct impact on the city or state you reside in. Vote for president as well.

    Lastly, there is no choice really. VP Harris has no competition. The Republicans best is the former? Wow. His presidency will be questioned til infinity in the history books. The former stole Hillary Clinton's presidency. We let him. Why wouldn't he try to shield himself from justice by becoming president again? We need action in this country not selfish divisiveness. This racist, misogynistic, homophobic, anti-(legal) immigrant rhetoric and violence must stop.

    This is the time to change America with VP Harris as president. If we fail, don't complain when your security is stripped away. Whatever security is to you.

    Please register and VOTE! Y'all be easy and stay prayed up out here. ✌️

  7. Mr. Tim, I love me some Janet Jackson. I do. I was a child when she married James DeBarge. I was present. That was like watching royalty get married. I'll never forget it. ❤

    Aside from politics, Janet's family is bi-racial. Michael's children are biracial, as is her son, some nieces, nephews, cousins, and other family members. This is America. The one drop rule applies. VP Harris' father is black, which makes her black. PERIOD!! Next case…. 🤭

    Miss Jackson is aging now. Beyoncé, Rihanna, Meg the Stallion, and other females are on top now. I think Miss Jackson suffers from the same syndrome as Madonna. They've aged. We all do. The thing is, Janet Jackson is an icon, diva, and legend. She's a Jackson. That's it. That's all. 🥰 I'm a Jackson, and I'm a nasty. 😂😋

    In regards to the former, he has already been president. What did he do with the privilege? Nothing. Y'all are smoking something crazy if you think Project 2025 won't be implemented as soon as the former is elected. Remember, he's the head of the snake. The Republicans will run his administration because he doesn't have the sense of a feral cat with persistent diarrhea. 😂😅🤣

    Great commentary. 👍

  8. Janet does not even vote being a Jehovah witness for most of life. I am not sure why she want to get into politics. By the way, she dates mostly mixed or non black men. Why should care. I ❤ Janet but I do not support her commentary.