A Sista Says That Biden Is Not Perfect But He Is The Best Option For Us

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A Sista Says That Biden Is Not Perfect But He Is The Best Option For Us

Demetra Kaye reports on a Sista saying that Biden is not perfect but he is the best option for us.
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  1. Look up Angela Stanton King, a black woman who trump pardoned. Angela went from prison to Congress. Trump released many of our brothers and sisters because he felt black people were unfairly incarcerated

  2. Family, are we all forgetting that Trump is a white supremacist? The KKK supports this man who, when president, lied about and spread Covid, which disproportionately affected Black families, and was responsible for January 6th, a white riot attempt to overthrow the government. It's not much of a choice but keep this man out of office.

  3. Lesser of two evils. I'm not voting evil period. We need to vote for ourselves. B1 Democrats or Republicans they on the same team. Why we can't get that and get on code?

  4. Though I have enjoyed this channel, this ludicrous statement that Frump isn't races is insane. He said Proud Boys stand by and he was sticking up for those white nationalist in Virginia. So why with anyone take up for that man. Neither one of these candidates care for us brown people and I believe those statements were power plays, but for who.

  5. Trump’s father died a DEMOCRAT! He died a planned parenthood supporter! Why didn’t they say anything about it then? Why turn on Trump when he changed parties and stopped giving to planned parenthood? They didn’t say a damn thing about him before then!

  6. She and others like her are in the 'sunken place'. Any self-respecting powerful people would and do only exchange their vote for their demand.

    Black voters are the Dems base and they know it yet they intentionally disrespect and refuse to grant the demands of Black people for justice, resources, and legislation, etc. owed them as US citizens.

    Giving your vote away to folk who've harmed and disrespected you is idiocy. The Dems know they're in trouble. Enough Black voters have awoken from their 'sunken place' and are refusing to exchange their vote for anything other than their demands.

    Biden and the Dems are showing in their refusal to grant Black demands that they'd rather lose than change the status quo of white supremacy. That's the real message of their refusal to treat Black people justly.

    These 'sunken place' folk are complicit in their own oppression and I suspect they know it. A moral person doesn't vote for evil or the lesser of two evils. They only exchange their vote for their demands.

  7. Trump gave a blak homeless woman a place in his hotel because sve was living on the streets outside. And the staff was trying to chase her away so he told them to give her a place. That was yesrs before he tan for president.

  8. Ms. Demetra i dont hold those 90s crime bills against Biden. Black communities begged him to come up with a solution to the crime of that time period. When crack and gang-banging touched down here crime went through the roof.

  9. These BLACK WOMEN are the problem along with the Democratic Party. These mindless SAMBOs are a threat to us BLACK PEOPLE, can't you see the things going on in the world. STOP stooping for crumbs and liking the ass of the colonial, genocidal demons. Get a grip on life, know yourself.

  10. What many black people fail to see is that the Democrats are not this party of civil rights as they have been led to believe. Might of fact what a lot of black people were never told was that the Civil rights bill was originally a Republican bill. In 1866 the Republicans tried to give freed black slaves full constitutional rights but, the Democrats shot it down. A hundred years later it was the Republicans who numbers helped passed the civil rights act in 1964. Again Democrats tried to put a stop to it. The Democrat party is now the party of migrations. The party of transgenderism. The party of the lgbt agenda. The party of thought policing. The party of authoritarian control. If Trump doesn't win re-election then it's over with for black people and the country.

  11. That woman obviously was riding the Short Bus to school everyday! Her way of thinking with no research is extremely dense…Pookie is at home waiting for her right now to fix him a sammich'

  12. That sista need to just speak for herself because she definitely doesn’t speak for me. Just due to the title She is disgusting 🤢😡 to me that I can’t even indulge in watching this video

  13. This is brain washing….still who will give Our people what’s Due to Us as a people that is the same rationale thinking that we go through every 4 years and let’s fight for a better future