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Welcome to The Master’s Voice End Time Prophecy Blog: (Hear the words of the Lord).

Today’s word: Sudden death is the final judgement for many. Yah judges all secret deeds in public, and many will be taken away because of…



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  1. Please read this passage very well & understand.

    So you, son of man: I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; therefore you shall hear a word from My mouth and warn them for Me. When I say to the wicked, ‘O wicked man, you shall surely die!’ and you do not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at your hand. Nevertheless IF YOU WARN THE WICKED TO TURN FROM HIS WAY, and he does not turn from his way, HE SHALL DIE IN HIS INIQUITY; but you have delivered your soul. Ezekiel 33:7-9

    Hear it well once again & understand: I am not responsible for the failure to hear, receive & repent of any person who God leads here to listen, and they decide not to listen. Not one. Who hears these warnings hears, who does not, his blood is upon his own head. So be it.

  2. The world is in lockstep with the Bible. The prophetic is playing out in real time…and we are so illiterate we are still asking sophomoric questions. The LORD cannot help us and be any more gracious to us than HE is right now. Thank you, Celestial, for choosing the solitary, hard road…💜

  3. ❤ Thank You. However, I must say they are not called Christian’s, salvation is of Judah/ The Judeans, John 4:22 . The word Christian was actually used as a pejorative (meaning contempt). After all it was Christian’s who enslaved , hung, castrated , set on fire, raped, sold Hebrew slaves on auction blocks. They also mislead the slaves regarding the Bible, changed the true color of the Messiah Revelations 1: 12-15, (fine brass burned in a furnace isn’t going to be white), and aided the Catholic Church in changing the Sabbath from the seventh day to the first day of the week. The whole world has been deceived and are worshiping the dragon/beast
    Revelations 13: 3-4. I truly appreciate the calling you’ve been (I believe) ordained to answer.

  4. I repent for participating in porn. I used to write fanfiction and deceived myself that it wasn't porn. I will never write another sex scene again. Thank God for repentance. Thank God for mercy.

  5. May The Lord bless You, Sister. I believe the Lord has brought me here into your video. You just came out of nowhere into my YouTube. I am grateful that he did, and i feel blessed and thankful for His Mercy upon us.🙏

  6. Something I’ve been noticing over the past few days is that influencers online are so popular because they speak half truths that would be complete if they were founded in scripture. People think they have found gold in so many of these influencers but they are receiving fool’s gold and perpetuating sin, thinking they are correct. These idols need to fall.

  7. Does God still have mercy? It seems like the line has already been drawn between the righteous and the wicked. Who in this country and abroad doesn't already know the gospel? It seems the choice has already been made.

  8. Gods words through you are like cool water. God gave me a message in 2008 that the wicked were eating children. This scared me so much I ran from God and thought I was crazy. He recently plucked me from the pit of sin and brought me back to Him. I failed Him then, but I will not fail Him again. He showed me the civil war and the coastal flooding. Your strength and obedience to God revives me. He certainly brought me to your channel. The vile abuse is true and so much more. Truly worse than Babylon. I’m so grateful to God and to you. ❤

  9. Love from KENYA 🇰🇪 thank you celestial for the true spirit of prophecy the testimony of Jesus Christ a re _ awakening of the fear of the lord the spirit of holiness our only true acceptable way of worship FEAR OF THE LORD

  10. Thank you for bringing us back to our first love and may he help us become what he wants in this journey of dethroning our idols let him remain out only love thank you for your boldness and continued obedience to the father

  11. 💥💥💥💥💥
    If appropriate, I just want to highly recommend a YouTube channel called "World of Signs". This is strictly snippet video shots by normal people around the world… showing the horrendous disasters (tornadoes, earthquakes, floods, sky scenes, Northern lights, strange clouds, etc.) taking place in their area. The majority of these videos have already been talked about here on the Master's Voice. If this comment is inappropriate, forgive me, please delete.

  12. “Wait & see” is gonna be the end for many. Being not just HEARERS of the Word but DOERS of the Word. If we hear but don’t BELIEVE & then act accordingly then you didn’t actually hear.

  13. Dear Celestial, it was a bit hard for me to watch this because it touched close to home. When you mentioned about non verbal children being abused and the lady that took money from the man to rape her 5 y.o I literally cried. Because I have an autistic daughter and I have a dream as well as right now 3 open visions of my daughter which is 5 y.o being molested.
    I've been praying AGAINST it as well as fasting because I do not want this to happen my daughter. I observe her body everyday to make sure that is NOT currently the case and I'm just trusting God for it NOT to come to pass in Jesus name.
    Can you please keep her in your prayers her name is Elicia. Thanks

  14. I’m so grateful that our Shepherd led me to your channel & blog. I had prayed to be shown “now what?” bc I had already gone through so much scripture & He pointed out “this is about America; this is about the church in America. This prophecy is coming to fulfillment soon”. I had combed through so much crud to uncover the layers of deception we have been indoctrinated by. He took me down so many paths to reveal the enemy’s deceptions & preprogramming. But a few days ago I finally felt like I had gathered as much info to understand what’s happening but I wanted to hear directly FROM HIM now. I asked for the Spirit of Prophecy, that IS the Testimony of Jesus Christ to be given to me so I could hear from His own Spirit & voice, WHAT NOW? Less than 2 days later I was watching another channel’s past live stream & someone in the comments posted about “this prophetess who is filled with the Holy Spirit”. She put the channel name in a sort of coded way. & then 2 or 3 next comments came in to agree with her. He poked me to scroll back up & go to your channel. All praises to the Most High! I hear His voice coming through LOUD & CLEAR both in your videos and in the writings on the blog (I go back & forth between vids & written blog). For those with ears to hear, the words being spoken on this channel & blog are music to our souls. Its the final-final instructions we need to make sure we are ready for what is now moving upon this earth.

  15. Sis Celestial how absolutely blessed am I. I cannot wait to get home to listen to your impartation of wisdom. Thank you Jesus for this amazing sis. God be praised. Spoilt for Jesus. ❤❤❤❤

  16. I am so sorry for the evil that has been spoken against you until you on all of these five years of your hard work. I am quite grateful for it and my children that will listen to me are too thank you and many blessings from the Lord❤