A Life in Extreme Poverty

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A Life in Extreme Poverty



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  1. Furchtbar die armen Kinder es gibt soviel Elend auf dieser Welt und soviel Reichtum die einzige Gerechtigkeit ist jeder muss in die Grube und keiner kann sich etwas mitnehmen wir sind alle nur Gast auf dieser Welt 😢😢

  2. Hopefully God will Guide and touch the Heart of all Our Government Official to make a Resolution or a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) that ALL People Exists in this World in Every FAMILY could Mandatory GIVE Any "SINGLE amount ' And Used as Something Livelihood Program just to Help Our Brothers And Sisters as well as the Orphan Children for the Welfare of their Daily Needs . So helped Us Oh Lord and please hear our prayer.❤❤❤❤

  3. I love this ❤❤ I wish I could get some help for my studio equipment I make beats and I just need some money to set it up life is hard but I believe God ❤❤❤❤

  4. Here are 100 short prayers you can offer for others that can provide comfort, strength, and blessings:

    1. May you find peace in times of turmoil.
    2. Grant them strength to overcome challenges.
    3. Bless them with love in abundance.
    4. Guide them through moments of uncertainty.
    5. May they find joy in the little things.
    6. Protect them from harm and danger.
    7. Surround them with supportive friends and family.
    8. Fill their hearts with hope and positivity.
    9. Grant them clarity in times of confusion.
    10. Shower them with grace and mercy.
    11. Heal them from pain, whether physical or emotional.
    12. Help them find solace in times of grief.
    13. Bless them with good health and vitality.
    14. Provide them with opportunities for growth and success.
    15. May they feel your presence in their lives.
    16. Grant them patience and perseverance.
    17. Strengthen their faith in times of doubt.
    18. Fill their minds with peace and tranquility.
    19. Bless them with prosperity and abundance.
    20. Guide them along the right path.
    21. Protect their loved ones from harm.
    22. Surround them with positive energy and vibes.
    23. Grant them wisdom in decision-making.
    24. Bless them with inner peace and contentment.
    25. Provide them with courage to face their fears.
    26. Heal broken relationships and mend hearts.
    27. Bless them with restful sleep and rejuvenation.
    28. Guide them towards forgiveness and reconciliation.
    29. Protect their homes and possessions.
    30. Grant them clarity of purpose and direction.
    31. Bless them with happiness and fulfillment.
    32. Provide them with strength to overcome addiction.
    33. Heal their emotional wounds and scars.
    34. Surround them with loving and supportive relationships.
    35. Grant them the courage to speak their truth.
    36. Guide them towards self-discovery and growth.
    37. Bless them with prosperity in all areas of life.
    38. Provide them with opportunities for learning and development.
    39. Protect them from negative influences and temptations.
    40. Grant them the ability to let go of grudges and resentments.
    41. Surround them with positive role models and mentors.
    42. Bless them with creativity and inspiration.
    43. Provide them with the courage to pursue their dreams.
    44. Heal their broken hearts and mend their spirits.
    45. Guide them towards financial stability and security.
    46. Bless them with loving and supportive friendships.
    47. Grant them strength to overcome addiction and temptation.
    48. Protect them from accidents and mishaps.
    49. Provide them with strength to endure hardships.
    50. Surround them with love and light.
    51. Guide them towards forgiveness and compassion.
    52. Bless them with courage to face their challenges.
    53. Grant them peace in times of chaos.
    54. Heal them from physical ailments and illnesses.
    55. Protect them from negative thoughts and emotions.
    56. Provide them with clarity in times of confusion.
    57. Bless them with patience and understanding.
    58. Grant them strength to persevere through trials.
    59. Surround them with positive energy and vibes.
    60. Guide them towards their highest good.
    61. Bless them with abundance in all areas of life.
    62. Provide them with opportunities for growth and expansion.
    63. Protect them from harm and danger.
    64. Grant them the courage to step out of their comfort zone.
    65. Heal them from past traumas and wounds.
    66. Bless them with love and happiness.
    67. Provide them with strength to overcome obstacles.
    68. Surround them with supportive and nurturing relationships.
    69. Grant them peace of mind and heart.
    70. Guide them towards their purpose and passion.
    71. Bless them with good fortune and success.
    72. Provide them with strength to face their fears.
    73. Protect them from negative influences and energies.
    74. Grant them wisdom and discernment.
    75. Surround them with love and light.
    76. Guide them towards forgiveness and reconciliation.
    77. Bless them with strength in times of weakness.
    78. Provide them with clarity of vision and purpose.
    79. Protect them from harm and evil.
    80. Grant them the courage to follow their dreams.
    81. Heal them from emotional pain and suffering.
    82. Bless them with abundance and prosperity.
    83. Provide them with opportunities for growth and learning.
    84. Surround them with positive and uplifting energy.
    85. Guide them towards inner peace and contentment.
    86. Bless them with love and joy.
    87. Provide them with strength to overcome adversity.
    88. Protect them from negative thoughts and emotions.
    89. Grant them clarity and understanding.
    90. Surround them with loving and supportive relationships.
    91. Guide them towards forgiveness and reconciliation.
    92. Bless them with courage and resilience.
    93. Provide them with strength to face their challenges.
    94. Protect them from harm and danger.
    95. Grant them peace of mind and heart.
    96. Surround them with positive influences and energies.
    97. Guide them towards their highest good.
    98. Bless them with abundance and prosperity.
    99. Provide them with opportunities for growth and development.
    100. Protect them from all forms of negativity and harm.

    These prayers can be adapted and personalized based on individual beliefs and preferences.

  5. Here's a list of essentials that children need to be emotionally safe:

    *Security and Stability:*

    1. Unconditional love and support from caregivers.
    2. Consistent routines and structure in daily life.
    3. Safe and stable living environment.
    4. Reliable caregivers who prioritize their well-being.
    5. Physical safety from harm or danger.
    6. Predictability and consistency in expectations.
    7. Trustworthy relationships with adults and peers.
    8. Freedom from abuse, neglect, or exploitation.
    9. Emotional security in the home and community.
    10. Stable financial support for basic needs.

    *Nurturing Relationships:*

    11. Attachment bonds with caregivers that foster a sense of security.
    12. Quality time spent with caregivers for bonding and connection.
    13. Positive role models who demonstrate healthy relationships.
    14. Supportive friendships with peers.
    15. Open communication with caregivers and trusted adults.
    16. Validation of feelings and emotions by caregivers.
    17. Empathy and compassion from caregivers and peers.
    18. Opportunities for social interaction and play with other children.
    19. Encouragement and praise for their efforts and achievements.
    20. Emotional support during times of distress or difficulty.

    *Emotional Regulation:*

    21. Tools and strategies for coping with emotions (breathing exercises, mindfulness).
    22. Validation of all emotions, both positive and negative.
    23. Safe outlets for expressing emotions (art, journaling, talking).
    24. Guidance on how to manage stress and anxiety.
    25. Modeling of healthy emotional regulation by caregivers.
    26. Support in identifying and labeling emotions.
    27. Understanding of boundaries and respecting others' emotions.
    28. Teaching resilience and problem-solving skills.
    29. Encouragement to seek help when needed.
    30. Providing a safe space for emotional expression without judgment.

    *Self-Esteem and Confidence:*

    31. Positive affirmations and encouragement from caregivers.
    32. Opportunities for success and achievement.
    33. Constructive feedback that focuses on effort rather than outcomes.
    34. Celebrating their strengths and unique qualities.
    35. Providing autonomy and independence in age-appropriate ways.
    36. Encouraging self-expression and creativity.
    37. Setting realistic expectations and goals.
    38. Promoting a growth mindset (ability to learn and grow from mistakes).
    39. Encouraging self-care and self-compassion.
    40. Modeling confidence and self-assurance by caregivers.

    *Empathy and Compassion:*

    41. Teaching empathy and perspective-taking skills.
    42. Encouraging acts of kindness and generosity towards others.
    43. Modeling compassion and empathy in interactions with others.
    44. Discussing and validating the feelings and experiences of others.
    45. Encouraging volunteering and community service.
    46. Exposing children to diverse perspectives and experiences.
    47. Addressing stereotypes and prejudices with open dialogue.
    48. Teaching conflict resolution and peaceful problem-solving.
    49. Providing opportunities for children to make a positive impact on others' lives.
    50. Fostering a sense of social responsibility and global citizenship.

    *Positive Reinforcement and Encouragement:*

    51. Praising efforts and progress, not just outcomes.
    52. Recognizing and celebrating achievements, big and small.
    53. Encouraging curiosity and exploration.
    54. Offering choices and autonomy in decision-making.
    55. Providing opportunities for success and mastery.
    56. Creating a supportive environment for learning and growth.
    57. Encouraging perseverance and resilience in the face of challenges.
    58. Fostering a sense of curiosity and wonder.
    59. Encouraging children to ask questions and seek answers.
    60. Providing encouragement and support in pursuing interests and passions.

    *Boundaries and Limits:*

    61. Consistent and clear rules and expectations.
    62. Age-appropriate boundaries that promote safety and well-being.
    63. Teaching children about personal boundaries and consent.
    64. Modeling respect for others' boundaries.
    65. Providing consequences for inappropriate behavior that are fair and consistent.
    66. Teaching children to respect rules and authority figures.
    67. Encouraging open communication about rules and boundaries.
    68. Discussing the reasons behind rules and limits.
    69. Adjusting boundaries as children grow and develop.
    70. Providing guidance and support in making responsible decisions.

    *Healthy Communication:*

    71. Open and honest communication with caregivers and peers.
    72. Encouraging active listening skills.
    73. Teaching assertive communication skills.
    74. Providing opportunities for children to express themselves freely.
    75. Modeling respectful and effective communication.
    76. Creating a safe space for children to ask questions and share their thoughts.
    77. Teaching problem-solving and conflict resolution skills.
    78. Addressing misunderstandings and conflicts with empathy and understanding.
    79. Encouraging children to express their emotions in healthy ways.
    80. Fostering a culture of open communication and trust.

    *Emotional Intelligence:*

    81. Teaching emotional awareness and vocabulary.
    82. Providing opportunities for emotional expression and exploration.
    83. Encouraging empathy and understanding towards others.
    84. Teaching children to recognize and manage their own emotions.
    85. Modeling emotional regulation and coping strategies.
    86. Providing support and guidance during emotional challenges.
    87. Encouraging children to seek help when needed.
    88. Teaching problem-solving and decision-making skills.
    89. Fostering resilience and adaptability in the face of adversity.
    90. Recognizing and celebrating emotional growth and progress.

    *Safety and Protection:*

    91. Ensuring physical safety from harm or danger.
    92. Teaching personal safety rules (stranger danger, fire safety).
    93. Monitoring online activities and ensuring internet safety.
    94. Protecting children from exposure to violence or traumatic events.
    95. Teaching body safety and consent.
    96. Providing a safe environment for children to express themselves freely.
    97. Addressing bullying and promoting a culture of kindness and respect.
    98. Teaching children to recognize and respond to unsafe situations.
    99. Advocating for policies and practices that protect children's rights and well-being.
    100. Providing unconditional love, support, and protection.

    By prioritizing these essentials, caregivers and communities can create a nurturing and supportive environment where children feel emotionally safe and secure.

  6. The sad truth is the world elites are to blame. Take the most expensive mansion of the wealthy, how much could that to contribute to making an impact for them? Another thing. Why offer them education? All that does is creates yet another slave to build for the world leaders and capitalists. Advancement in some sort of political agenda rather it be to chase the elites dream. I dont see education as the issue. I see lack of education as a freedom. If you want to truly help them offer them the knowledge of building a structure to call home. Agriculture. Dont teach them how to be a part of the issue. Show them how to survive. Stop offering their leaders weaponry, stop offering them contracts that promise wealth. Your just as confused as anybody else. Rather than taking them food take them seeds. Help them build irrigation using natural resources of the land. The only reason they are barely surviving is the elites see that strong genes come from years of enduring. Pluck them out one by one to create another sheep. During their educational learning within the system they are taught they are better than the ones they used to call family. You misunderstand the Bible btw if you followed Jesus youd know that the bread is the bread of the land, and the spring is the spring of life within. You offer them nothing but false hopes and dreams. And tbh it pisses me off. As they barely survive tell me do you own your home and land inside your country? What makes you any different? You live in a structure built on the backs of people just like them. Eat from a fridge built by laborers that struggle just like them. And im prepared for the whole well you could have it as bad as them your fortunate to be American. I dont see that as fortune i see that as a burden knowing im part of the problem. Whats sad is ive mentioned going to a place of poverty to help out. My government labeled me as a bad guy guided me to therapy for misconceiving my messages. Then offered a pill that caused me to blackout. All while making threats to my life or my freedom if i dont shut up. Sad really. But its all good. Ive taken my chance with facing our God and he burned me from the inside out. I didnt fall for your ways of being baptized so that i would live in fear and my only tool be prayer. Na i took purification and i made a promise to do everything i can to expose the truth. Even if it gets me killed ill finish my work from heaven. In time you will understand. But my government has taken my name, and my voice. And soon my freedom maybe even my life. But im not done. I wont give in. My soul is not for sale. And when i get to heaven i will shake this earth with my vows. The greedy will fall. And the innocent will eat. I promise. So act like you care for clout all you want. I can see you. You aint no saint. 😉