Exploring Algiers: Meeting Inspiring Youth in Algeria's Capital

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Teddy W

Joined: Apr 2024
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Exploring Algiers: Meeting Inspiring Youth in Algeria's Capital

In this video, I meet two young men who have a drive for business. I met and woman and her brothers who are curious and love talking about different cultures and their home country! The young people of Algeria are incredible!

The tour company I used – www.mosaicnorthafrica.com

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  1. أنت لم تتذوق دڨلة نور الحقيقة في الجزائر العاصمة لا تباع دڨلة نور في الشارع ، إذا أردت فعلا تذوق دڨلة نور الجزائرية ذات الجودة الأولى عالميا أنصحك أن تذهب إلى ولاية بسكرة 😊 .

  2. FABULOUS! The young entrepreneurs were adorable… LOVED how you presented the winners of the "date contest"! Great use of music throughout — also it was really good when you explained why you're making these videos (I think Ghanou really liked that — what a nice human being he seemed to be!). This seemed the most truly welcoming place to you yet — everyone was enjoying everybody else. 😋

  3. Salam les bro. les amis de Teddy, montrez-lui les autres régions. J'ai l'impression qu'il n'est pas beaucoup sortis de la ville. L'Algérie est si vaste et étendue, ça serait intéressant de l'emmener visiter les 4 coins de l'Algérie. Profitez-en aussi pour l'emmener visiter la meilleure palmeraies qui produit les meilleures dattes du monde. Je pas pas s'il est sortis visiter le reste du pays mais ça serait dommage qu'il soit resté que dans les grandes villes.

  4. Hey Teddy 👋. I CONFIRM YOU, ALGERIA PRODUCES THE BEST DATES IN THE WORLD. Moreover, Algerian Dates are famous for that. Algeria exports a lot of it around the world. And foreign investors such as the Japanese, for example, come to Algeria to the palm groves of the producers to study the Dates, and have the best of the best delivered. Algeria also produces a premium variety. This variety can only be eaten for 24 hours after being picked from the tree. It must be consumed within 24 hours. It is the most expensive variety and is only sold to gourmet restaurants to prepare it in their daily specials. Sir, I actively recommend that you go and visit the pale groves, the date producers, in particular the region most favored for producing the best dates on the planet. You will see, they will show you around their immense plantations and they will lovingly tell you how they produce dates. Real enthusiasts. Do your research to contact a producer and arrange a day for them to show you around their plantations. I suggest you go see the YouTube channel of a French YouTuber "Ben N'Co", if you look carefully in his videos, he actually visited a palm farm with the owner of one of the best palm plantations. 'Algeria. You will be able to find information to contact him and offer to come and do a Vlog. It will show you the whole process from production to picking, from ordering to shipping all over the world. Also note that Saudi Arabia is desperately trying to match the quality of Algerian dates. They even came to Algeria to learn how they are produced and then try to match my Algerian quality. So obviously they say that they make the best dates but any expert will tell you that the best dates are produced in Algeria.

  5. هاو علاش السياحة ما نجحتش في بلادنا من حهل قالو انت مسلم اش دخلك فيه راح تعطيه بنتك والا راح ترقد في قبره .