The Last Years of the Atlantic Slave Trade | Free Documentary History

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The Last Years of the Atlantic Slave Trade | Free Documentary History

The Last Years of the Atlantic Slave Trade | History Documentary

Watch ‘Ku Klux Klan – An American History’ here:

Slavery is the shared dark side of the history of many nations around the globe. But apart from the accounts of our schoolbooks and some memorable dates, what do we really know about the struggle to…



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  1. This story is relayed as a docu-drama, researched by historians and brought to the screen by Senegalese feature film director, Moussa Touré.

    During the second half of the 19th century, slavery and slave trade slavery were theoretically forbidden. The concept of abolitionism was a known entity among the colonies of various empires. However, the slave trade continued, bringing even more injustice and violence, in a world at the dawn of a major change.

    Based on rare archives – logbooks, letters, diaries – written by slaves, ship-owners, slave-traders and colonists – this documentary gathers numerous first person witness accounts. The results: an exceptional documentary that’s become a reference for an era that must never be forgotten.

  2. I still don't understand how a human being can do anything as ugly as this to another living creature let alone another human being. How was this life for a person? How was the Caucasians able to breath air and live with these decisions? We are the products of this… We Americans of all races are the product of this. The ugly… The ugly.
    dana t.

  3. Wasn't sure about watching this but then I saw it's NOT an American documentary and gave it a shot. Very well done and not political. Just the stories told from several different perspectives at that time through their journals, notes, manuals and narrations. Well worth watching. *I just read the description and it was realistically created by a Senegalese Director. That makes it even better IMO.

  4. Again, off the mark. Prior to European slavery, African slave trade to the middle east was rampant. Even during the European slave trade it was predominantly to South America and the Caribbean. Read some history people. Was it right? No. Did it happen? Yes. Time to remember the past and make sure it never happens again.

  5. That trip across the Atlantic must of ben horrific so sad lots would die b4 they even got there others would die later on from shackle poisoning. Hard to imagine someone could treat others like this like they wer just animals to them cargo just a dark time in history unimaginable cruelty