Burundi's President Says He Doesn't Want Western Aid If It Means Accepting LGBTQ

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Burundi's President Says He Doesn't Want Western Aid If It Means Accepting LGBTQ

The LGBTQ conversation is nothing new in Africa. In fact, African countries like Uganda that have said no to the western LGBTQ agenda have been frozen out of funding like Uganda. Ondiro Oganga reports on the latest remarks by Burundis president



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  1. Even if the western aid does not mean LGBTQ , no African country must accept that aid .Why must we rely every time on aid whereas those western countries come to get wealth in Africa ?

  2. I don't agree with you, it's time Africa needs to put together,where the west is getting sll these resources from ? Africa , Africans needs to trade among themselves, come together be one, you notice one united state of America,one Canada, one China, one India one Brazil and Russia,they all have one thing in common, their country is not divided in small blocks , or in other words not in small countries,

  3. Seriously, are gay people really that bad? Are we seriously, supporting the idea of rejection of fellow blacks just because they are not straight? The President is a dumbass and apart of a greater problem.

  4. The Uganda President knows who he is. He knows very much who he is and does not want to be held in contempt of the Most High Court and if you think he is strict The real Creator of the heaven and earth is thousands times much more hash. Just saying. Example Slavery and you know what God said I did It. He said, "I will scattered them into corners." Moses just had to be quiet after that.

  5. The US is now going to send the CIA & FBI to carry a regime change in Burundi as they just did in Pakistan, for their president refusing to back the West war in Ukraine.
    The US is the biggest bully in the world and can not take a "no."

  6. They are trying to destroy the Africaine culture. They want to deter theirs attention from the constructive issues. Like building theirs countries. Africa don't fall into their traps.

  7. The African Leaders Who Stand Up & Against This Nonsense Are Brave And Courageous 🕉️✊🏾🕉️ This Is A Great Choice For A Long Term Healthy Society 🧬

  8. “Is this the best decision particularly now?”
    That’s why y’all are ALWAYS in a bind, because you DON’T STAND FIRM.
    SAY you’re not with it and leave it at that. The West KNOWS you’ll eventually surrender, just by your conversation. YOU’RE WEAK!! Stand up for a change. Damn. Watching y’all buckle is sickening.🤮
    Said by a FBA.

  9. Mr. President Burundi please know there are multiple Millions possibly billions world wide who support you in your steadfast resistance to accept the perverted Freedom of compromised and perverted human relationships which unfortunately comes with the super subtle "Timed Released" "Double Edged Sword" of "Demonocracy" which America aka End Time Babylon the Great is Prophesied to cause all nations to accept by any means necessary to fulfill the will of Satan to Blaspheme the creation with many Fornication’s even the Holy Laws Statues and Commandments once delivered to the chosen Hebrew children of Israel and the Original man who is currently Awakening world wide as Prophesied as the End of the 6000 years Ends Bringing the End of this age to it’s Prophesied close and the Prophesied Return of Yahushua Ha'Machiach, The SALVATION AND WORD Of The Most High Yahawah in Flaming Fire Taking Vengeance upon “ALL” who refuse to obey the Gospel and shall Destroy those who are currently Destroying our earth.