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The Phrankleen Podcast:






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  1. In the Bible it’s says obey your parents. It also says if my mother or father forsake me the Lord will take me up. I pray daily and the Lord has protected me and my siblings. My late father a real father he was. The diabolical witch supposed to be my mother if I obeyed her I would be exactly as wicked as she is. Let’s use common sense sometimes. Why would I obey someone who is toxic and narcissistic and only cares about self.

  2. When the brother isn’t around relocate your family. Change all your information and know your family is your wife and children. If you can move on to a different part of the country or even another country it’s even better.

  3. I knew a man here who was sending money to his entire family. While some of them had smartphone and laptops according to him, this guy was living on €15 groceries per week without proper heating, a tv, laptop or internet in his home. He seemed indifferent to his own suffering as long as everyone who called from home got something. Even the brother with 2 wives and 17 children was depending on him meanwhile he was on benefits and doing small cash jobs to gather the funds to remit.

  4. That same Bible ask us to shon crime and respect lawful authority.
    I imagine that the kid brother has a criminal mind set and will rather have both of them loose everything rather than move out of the UK 😩😩😩😩
    The whole idea of sending money monthly back home to some extent makes people lazy, rather I subscribe to pulling people out of poverty, say by setting them up in business or something.

  5. this issue is deeply rooted in our black community. And I strongly agree with you but, from my own opinion the deed has been done. And it becomes heartless to ignore your parents or ur family back home bcos for most of us the background is poverty..
    You nailed it in the end that we shud strike a balance ..give what you can that will not be detrimental to ur own family and growth. Then stand your ground. finally stop the circle so that u wouldn't be doing the same thing your parents did..its a vicious circle that needs to be stopped buh is pretty difficulty based on my two variables I always say ..poverty and striped integrity through religion and education…much 💘 ..even group economics will not work unless we have a deliberate education and reorientation that focuses on africa heritage, our own goods and services.

  6. Frankly, this your video just made my day! I usually remit highly in the past, attaching emotions that, God probably bless me to bless them, which gave some of them a form of entitlement. Hell NO! It's all hoax. Iyalaiya ostracized, let them all get tfo

  7. Lmao its rough being west african when u are living in another country 😅😅😅. I am sorry thats why i cannot date nor marry anyone here from there. I see too many women being used by men and visa versa because of their religious and family in west africa. And im a South african in England. Red flags are tooo obvious

  8. Just tired of our some of our African families. They all drink from the same water. So so exhausting 😤 Sometimes I wonder how they sleep at night. I gladly accept my title of the odd one out and make no apologies for it. Let’s live and let live abeg

  9. A man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife and become one “Family” a new family is made once a man married a woman and they start producing kids… the wife and kids comes first before others, not even the grand father of his children come first. Extended family is okay but not for extended responsibility, everyone is born for himself and responsible for his own decisions and actions

  10. Brother Phrankleen, I admire your courage talking about this in your livestream broadcast. This type of story gives so much high blood pressure I wanted to implode. This brother needs to summon up courage to completely cut off these family sycophants and leeches before he ruins his own marriage and emotional wellbeing.

  11. This guy must be the most stupid person ever. He should have told them the whole truth about the UK system. He is trying to create problems for himself. If care is not taken, he will regret that he ever lived in the UK.

  12. Phrankonero, The Bible is not the invaders' book. It is The Israelites' book. It is about the Israelites for the Israelites and it is written by Israelites The Israelites are Dark skin people. – All the Prophets in the Bible are darkskinned people including Christ.They lived in the land of Canaan which is North East Africa until the Heathen/invaders decided to construct the suez canal in, I believe, the 1800s to separate Egypt from the area now termed middle east. 'Jesus', an Israelite was taken to Egypt to hide in a country of Very Dark Skin people, as a child, fleeing from Herod who wanted to kill him. In 70 AD when the Roman army attacked Jerusalem, and the Israelites scattered. Quite a number ran into Africa, some into Europe and some scattered around the Lavant and the rest were sent into captivity into every corner of the world as it was prophesied in Duet.28 v.15, 68. In deed, King James that commissioned/authorised King James Version Bible in the 1600s was/is a so-called black man. I say so-called black man because no one is really black or white. We that have darker skintone are actually brown. From Dark Chocolate to very light brown( different shades of brown). All the invaders did is, they took an Israelites' history book whitewashed it; i e paint their own images in it and presented it to the world as if it is their book written by them. Do your research. Pick up a King James Version(KJV) Bible and read Job 30:30, Song of solomon1:5, Jeremiah 14:2. to mention but a few. Daniel 7:9 describes The Ancient of Days ('God')and Revelation 1:1,10-15 and Daniel 10:5 describe Christ So just like everything, inventions etc. the invaders/heathen did not create anything, Stole and appropriate everything. Peace

  13. When it comes to religion have most of you realized the negativity or bashing is based on the many Nigerians who go to church for miracle only without putting in the work to achieve their goals. Or the negative and backward mentality they have towards others due to their beliefs. So what about those that are opposite? That logically think, work hard are successful and believe in God? "White Christians"who are they brainwashed by since that's y'alls only basis of knocking off believers.

  14. Olu ogunlade hiw old are u, yr comment is so imature even a 9year old can reason better. So u want thhs young man who struggled to get his stay and is forging ahead to support hus own wife and chikdren. So u want him to loose his leave to remain and kand up in jail. Secondly 2 brothers are not the same. Sorry he should never take such a command and threat ge will not be punished bc this young woild still assist his parents when he can but his wife and children come forst. The Lord and the Bible says a man and woman will leave their parents and be one with his/her wife husband. Once a child is 18 parents cannot controle his life and his money they can advise but not enforce children. The same way he struggled to get his leave to remain the brother can do the same. Its better this guy get a flat and move his family away from his parents and give his wife an allowance, i m sure the wife herself will aksu hussle. Good luck to this guy he must come back abroad and not discuss this issue infact stop speakibg to them for awhile, communicate with yr eife in secret.
    X pgrankleen for sharing these issues and helping people to think and not be emotionally blackmailed. When Mazi Namdi preaches they think his crazy meanwhile his educating people to think outside the box.

  15. Calvary greetings 😂😂😂
    When and if his parents cut him off and the money stops coming in, then they will realise how much they need their son.
    Mental health is so important in these trying times.
    Thks Phankleen 😊

  16. African families they have entitlement mentality. No parent can force me to do that my siblings are the responsibilities of my parents not mine. I can only help after all we had equal opportunities we grew up in the same home

  17. 😂😂 It is well! My all time favourite “Naija” response. Best time to use it is when someone asks for money 💰 or starts to lay the foundation to ask. Just say “it is well God will surely provide” lol