Hikes & Outings Around Blantyre, Malawi. Combo 196-199
Hikes & Outings Around Blantyre, Malawi. Combo 196-199
This is a quick preview of 9 day hikes located within a short distance of the town of Blantyre in Malawi. It includes the following peaks Mpingwe, Soche, Bangwe, Malabvi, Ndirande, Michiru, Npemba, Ndirande and the Cross on the southern slopes of Michiru. And 4 a bit further out more (about an hour drive each). These hikes include Chiradzulu,…
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You need to visit game parks in the dry season, when the leaves are off the trees and bushes, the grasses will likewise be dryer and low to the ground, then you will see the animals.!
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