Ancient DNA Shines Light on Human Evolution During Out-of-Africa Migration

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Ancient DNA Shines Light on Human Evolution During Out-of-Africa Migration

In this video, we’ll explore the Out of Africa and Into Eurasia – The Arabia Standstill Hypothesis. This hypothesis suggests that the modern human species originated in Africa and then migrated into Eurasia. The Arabia Standstill Hypothesis states that the earliest migrations into Eurasia took place through the Arabian Peninsula and not from…



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  1. There is no anti europ6 stuff. And so much of astronomy, maths, arts, building, religion s, medical knowledge, etc. Iriginated outside Europe in near middle and far east

  2. These people THINK we're dumb the Arabia peninsula is in the SAME equatorial zone as north Africa which is a desert…this zone is NOT conducive for light skin adaptation or cold weather in other words this is FALSE based on simple logic which science can't escape…meanwhile right across the red sea we have DARK Africans with zero admixture!!!

  3. Arabia standstill..hahah I love it we will chase our tails around for a millennia to come, truth is it’s all guess work, and based on only the evidence that has been bought forward, leaving other evidence out that doesn’t suit.

  4. Nah, this sounds like cap. Humans and neanderthals co-existed together for 100,000 years but white people from europe could'nt co-exist with other humans who were darker and killed off and brutalized entire populations within the time span of 500 years. I guess when white people discovered that part of their ancestry is from an " other" hominid, now neanderthals are these super great, super adaptiod beings that brought so much to human prehistory.

  5. Still seems weird to me that we conquered directly through Neanderthal habitat and yet we only have a tiny percentage of their genome left in us.

    It's like we
    A) had superior "food technology" so our populations were much higher,
    B) we killed them on sight, for some reason, but not other people (why tho?),
    C) Hybridization was biologically hard to do. Perhaps only 1 in 100 pregancies were successful. Sort of how big cat hybrids like Ligars have a hard time successfully reproducing, but sometimes it works.

  6. Why not just admit out of Africa and evolution theory are nonsense. Humans originated in the Middle East, dispersing and converging again and again over thousands of years. Prolonged isolation and inbreeding combined with periods of convergence and admixture is what developed our present characteristics – not evolution. You can see an identical process in cattle, dogs, chickens and any other animals we liked to collect and carry around with us.

  7. Oh yes, and Arabia had ancient lakes at the time you mention. It didn't become the desert we know until some 5,000 years ago. Before that it was lush and green, prime hominid habitat, I'd think.

  8. I doubt that homo sapiens species like all animals even thought about continents. Isn't it time to explain hominid adaptations as a result of exploitation of specific ecological niches? This makes more sense to me as migrations could be explained by ecological models. For example, when the carrying capacity of prime hominid habitat is reached, moving and adapting to new ecological niches would force hominids to act to find new food sources. Also, isn't it time to update maps? 40,000 years ago, there was no Mediterranean Sea as we know it. Perhaps if prehistorians talked with paleo-geographers they'd come up with better explanations.

  9. Yet the Peri Reyes map proves they knew about continents in antiquity no matter what some modern day academic says. When can we stop listening to people who are only guessing about the past because they get paid to make up scenarios that are constantly being updated when new discoveries come under scrutiny. The only way homo sapiens and neanderthals intermingled is if copious amounts of beer were being produced.

  10. I t has baffled me all of my life how and why Europe is considered a separate continent! There’s absolutely nothing separating Europe from Asia anymore than the Rockie Mountains separate North America. It was the egocentric/ethnocentric ideas of early European intellectuals that made this up.

  11. In the Levant the species had replaced each other several times. Looks like modern humans dominated during interglacials while Neanderthals dominated during glacials.
    When using MIS terminology modern humans dominated in MIS 7 220ka ago and MIS 5 110ka ago while Neanderthals dominated MIS 6 and MIS 4 while humans retreated to south Arabia and Egypt. Humans expanded again in warmer MIS 3 and this time crossed the dry Persian gulf towards the east around 75ka. This time modern humans had more advanced tech so despite MIS 2 cold period Neanderthals were gradually displaced.

  12. GOD HAS CREATED MANKIND NO EVOLUTION ADAM FIRST MAN WAS 30m high !!!! This is zionist programming so the zionist jews can rule over donkeys 🫏 and make us slaves wake up fucktards

  13. El-Choctaw-lord-de-AztlanMexicoCalifas ANTZ Holywater i Cali Mexifornia Mexicali Chicano Mexicano Mexican Mexica Teotihuacan Tenochtihucan Amarru Azteca empiro

  14. Do you want a simple SCIENTIFIC explanation of why evolution is NOT happening? Here it is. There is a biological system in all life doing adaptations without any of the bio-mechanisms of Darwinist evolution. No mutations are involved! This system is called the EPIGENOME. Its actions are called EPIGENETICS. New adaptations come about while the DNA sequence stays the same. Such as in the case of the Darwin Finch…materially proven as fact in 2014 by Dr. Michael Skinner's scientific method.

    This comes down to evolutionistic mutation vs. intelligent designed modification. There you go. Evolution is not happening. We are from an intelligent design. The intelligent designer? Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is a fact. His death on the cross and sacrifice, shed blood, makes our sins…past…present…future…to become a non-issue when it comes to the FREE GIFT of eternal, forever life…by faith in His payment for OUR sins without merit or works on our part being needed. It is by 100% grace.

  15. Due to the lower sea level prior to the Younger Dryas, a land crossing from Africa to Sicily and on to Italy would also have been a crossing point. The whole of the North African Mediterranean coast would have been a very livable climate. So it is not unreasonable to think that the general world climate was 5+ degrees Celsius cooler, the Mediterranean Basin was very livable as well.

  16. Iberian peninsula. Nile and dried up Red sea were the three points of human migration. Adapting to cold climate was key to the rise of racism and the white race were the last to enter the civilized fold. They seem to have a defective genetic evolution out of Heidelbergensis (pre-homo sapien migration). Migration of homo sapiens from Ethiopia-Somalia region migrating across dried Red sea were the perfect race out of Africa55000-35000 bp. The true Indo-Arians, recorder in Vishnu Purana dated 11,000 bp.

  17. Great explanation on why biology is indifferent to human geography description. When looking at OAT trends, I see no one, including the Sahara greenings. I believe at one point it was green through Tha Sahel. Possibly having a distinct root population for the Bhantu.

  18. We homosapians didn't come out of Africa. We came from the Persian gulf and spread from there. The garden of Eden is under the head of the Persian gulf. The maps that you're showing show this as more likely than out of Africa. People forget that only a few thousand years ago the Arabian peninsula and the Sahara weren't deserts but far from it. They were lush and green with plenty of water, lakes and rivers everywhere.

  19. I concider the present african boat refugees, attempting to reach Europe and breeding with european people. Fugitives as they are, they're nothing different from what the people did thousands of years ago. Let's welcome them with open arms.


  20. The Western route to Iberia i west of Gibraltar by 100 to 200 km since the is a deep trench at Gibraltar that runs east to the deerp part of Western Mediterranean Sea.

  21. Homo Sapiens now date back 300,000 yag. Several hominids called the levant home. There they had a free love society. Like man today if it looked remotely female he hooked up with it and the same went for the females hooking up with males.

  22. I am not convinced by this. Rather I think it more likely that humans dispersed far and wide. Why would they just stop for so long? Secon Humans have been in Australia for at Least 60,000 years, and maybe longer. We are far from knowing the full story