Certain Black People Want To Oppress Their Own Just Like Them Folks

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Certain Black People Want To Oppress Their Own Just Like Them Folks

Phillip Scott reports on those in our community who want to be just like them folks. Many think, act or speak like the folks and do the same harm to their own community once in a position of power.



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  1. I live in a city where many foreign nationals also live and I experienced that there are people who behave good and who behave bad so I think it is every where in the world that kind of behaving of you are black or white etc now I have learned from that and I choose people who don't hurt me and they are the good behaving people the one who have good Heart and this people are some Blacks some whites etc so now I have friends from different skin colour and they are all good people and they are good to me from my experiences I have learned not to choose my friends on base of their skin colour

  2. Reminder on how politics work.
    Congress has all the say/power and the president doesn't have the power just do anything.
    So for those that don't realize a president is limited.
    Especially a moral law abiding president that didn't plant people that will do whatever they say.
    Just as Hitler did to gain power.
    Just a reminder, before you make decisions that might place melanated people back into the 1920s…

  3. Our ppl had better wake up and realize we have no friends. Some whiteness would have us believe they are our friends. THEY ARE NOT. If they don't trust their shills, what makes you think they will trust you??? This should be our attitude with them. 🤷🏾🤷🏾

  4. Reminds me of that black Somali cop in Minnesota that shot that white woman a few years back. The white cop right there didn't have his back at all. Homeboy went straight to jail. Don't pass go, do not collect $200

  5. Phill all you got to do is look at rikers island; for years black peoples have ran that city detention facility, the largest in the united states. Them same black peoples abused other black peoples for decades. Then they allowed M. Bloomberg to built a prison boat on the Atlantic Ocean. And on that boat are black detainees, then you have the black Americans, Caribbean Americans and latino Americans that work on that boat. We been working against our people for daddies $’s. Time after time we have had these blacks since slavery.

  6. Yep, not all but most of our people treat us worst than them folks do when we are in charge. I naively thought our folks would know our struggles and would treat us better in the workplace. When I was younger, I found out quickly our folks are 1000 fold worst.
    I have had to leave many jobs because of our people.

  7. God had to explain to me when said "those who don't take care of their own house are worse than unbelievers" He wasn't just talking about your personal house. He was talking about the whole house of Jacob. All of us. I'm experiencing this a lot with black female bosses. They keep screaming female empowerment yet setting black men up to be fired and hiring women. Yea we see you.

  8. Like I say you betray your people, your betraying yourself also, because they may use you, but they don't like you Either …. delusional mindset, brainwashed, blind, hoodwinked,bewitched, bamboozled, charmed, hypnotized, and a wretched tool of destruction.🤔