Despite backlash, this AP African American studies class perseveres

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Despite backlash, this AP African American studies class perseveres

Over a dozen states in recent years have implemented restrictions limiting how teachers discuss racism. We visit an AP African American studies class in Virginia that garnered significant backlash and almost didn’t happen. The teacher of the class says, “It’s just history,” but for a class in the political crosshairs it’s never that…



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  1. What is taught in African American AP anyway? That slavery was a racist institution? Well I got some bad news for ya.

    Slavery is as old as mankind itself and before man could cross the oceans, europeans enslaved other europeans, africans enslaved other africans, asians enslaved other asians and the american natives enslaved other natives.

    In fact, slavery exists even today. An estimated 21 mil to 45 mil. But you will not hear NAACP or Sharpton talk about it because it will jeopardize the reparation narrative.

    * warning as comment risks deletion.

  2. Facts based class. I really want to hear some of these "facts" and ask some questions. 1619? That has been been proven irrefutable false. I would like to ask that student what political party performed Jim Crow?

  3. 4:12 who was the major labor source for all construction at the White House? Slaves. Wrong. That may have been true in 1860, but since then major additions and improvements have been made. Including a vast underground series of tunnels and rooms. Slaves built none of that

  4. In Southern California my HS had one semester Chicano studies and the second as African studies for an elective. If it's based off of full historical content and not opinion or politics why is it such a problem

  5. Obama started the great divide and now with blm pushing hate it’s got worse Then Obama and his puppet Biden are doubling down on it, using it to their advantage in politics it’s a fact, folks, not a theory

  6. That makes no sense at all! How is it not of value? Do they not have to learn about the civil war or the declaration of independence or how their constitutional law came into effect? African American history is very much apart of American history. So how is it not relevant?

  7. American History should include all Americans. Lots of people have been treated poorly (Italians, Irish, Poles, Chinese, Hispanics, etc). We don't need separate history classes for different races or ethnicities, and it should be a regular class, not an AP class.

  8. Do they mention that African slaves were sold mostly by other Africans? People on the lower end of the socioeconomic scale were often targets, and tribal kings/leaders would often order raids into neighboring and rival tribes for the purpose of kidnapping their members. Those not sold were often kept for slave labor. I will be willing to bet that this is not taught.

  9. There is no such thing as freedom.
    There is only power. One can claim to be free when there are no external inhibitions on ones power.

    So the question is: What right do any people have to inhibit or coerce other people?

  10. I think this piece excludes the true reason why some states review these AA History classes. It is not because they teach history, it is because they also attached modern critical theory notions that White people are in inherently racist and that racism is evident in every area of life thus making AA perpetual victims. This teaches children to attach inherent moral
    values to races which is racist in of itself. But this news piece makes it feel as if some states don’t want kids to know tidbits about Black slave history.

  11. They fear us having our own economy, because if we have our own, they won’t have one, BECAUSE, WE ARE THEIR ECONOMY AND GAVE BEEN FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS! Remember WALL STREET AND THA REST WE BUILT THAT THEY HATEFULY DESTROYED!

  12. Lacks educational value tu them because it’s about our Truth and Their lies! come on yeah wake up! They are still trying to tu bamboozle us! Come on my People, Please wake up! We are better than This!!

  13. I was only introduced to black and Native American history after returning to college at 55. So eye opening. This generation will turns things around and stand for injustice.

  14. Trying to prevent history from being taught… they are just manipulating their ignorant voters. They know that they don't understand these issues. The politicians who pass these backwards laws know their voters couldn't even understand this video. But they get their votes. People: voting is the most powerful thing you can do.

  15. A couple days ago randomly I found Virginia Christian’s execution story. My heart fell a apart. I wanted to go her burial place and say sorry to her. I can swear but can not prove that she was oppressed by her house lady and resulted with accidentally murder. She was a teenager and white authority did not give her any chance. Unfortunately American History has many incidents like this which is not human and resulted by white supremacy ideas.

  16. Very much appreciated news segment. And the question is, are we really free will always be there. Whether the history on slavery or white supremacy is taught or not. We live in the actions of those that came before us. And what they did was despicable. What would stop them from doing it again???? History has a way of repeating itself.

  17. "The English Colonizers Are The Victors." Which ones? They only allowed 6% of the Population to vote for the first 30 years. so backtrack a little, Whites fought a Revolutionary War for their freedoms, then were not allowed to vote for another 35 years, they fought to free Blacks, then fought to free the Jews. all along being told we are racist.

  18. 5:01 She funnels the group into a specific spin, conclusion, and woldvew about 'race-baiting.' She is begging the question, dripping with disapproval for the opposing answer. When they unanimously chant their 'opinion,' she stamps it hard with her approval. A pure indoctrination event. Enforcement of group-think.

    Two seconds later, the teacher extolls that the students are "unscripted!" He is in tears over that.

  19. If a child comes home from school with "teacher said The Founders were racist slave masters and USA is built on the backs of black slaves" …. read them the foundation Statement in the Declaration and say, "England left us with slavery, but we destroyed it in philosophical principle in 1776, then struggled for 80 years to destroy it in reality, on the earth, forever."

    Does this AP course teach this?
    The United States of America forged the greatest triumph over slavery in the history of humanity.

  20. On a personal level, self-awareness and accountability is hard- it takes courage and strength- but it's the only way to grow and develop and become the best version of yourself you can be. It's the same on the level of the community and the nation. The parts of ourselves that we feel ashamed of and don't want to accept is our shadow, and the more we try to ignore it or hide it the bigger it gets until it ultimately destroys us. America as a nation has a lot of shadow work to do and the more it gets delayed and suppressed the higher price we pay. It doesn't go away, it's with us all the time, it's the reason for the things that are bringing us down in the present. Facing our shadow and dealing with it is hard but it's the only way our country can survive the challenges it faces. When people try to suppress the truth about our history for their own comfort that is cowardice and weakness.

  21. They want to erase us so bad and what's worse is they want to erase what their ancestors did to our ancestors and are currently still going on. Ruby Bridges was only 69 years ago my mom is 64. So, definitely not that long.

  22. Did they teach what groups in Africa captured other people from different groups and sold them into slavery?

    Did they teach them about the history of slavery and how it was first abolished by western countries and still exists in Africa enslaving other Africans in 2024????

    I doubt that….

  23. But they are basically teaching one POV of history. If they don’t teach the work of Thomas Sowell and other black intellectuals who have a different POV then they are just teaching them how to be victims of history…

  24. It’s good to learn about slavery, but if you use those teachings to promote an anti-white agenda, you’re just another racist.
    In 2024, 9.999% of Americans are NOT racist, but you won’t hear that from the Establishment media.

  25. As we all know about slavery, we are all taught in the same classrooms. There are children of all colors in our schools today. It’s American history not any certain race it describes the people who make up your country. We are not slave owners and in most of our lives there haven’t been any here.But in Africa there are still thousands of slaves and you blame us for being the worst people on earth. Gives us a break and remember your past don’t use it as an excuse for all your woes. Blacks where not the only slaves so were white Irish people, but they were called indentured servants they had to pay for their boat trip. But we fought for everything we accomplished and didn’t get special treatment . We all make America America we have nothing to be embarrassed for till now. Our forefathers are turning over in their graves. Stand up America and be proud of America. Freedom was the best they could do. And it’s up to Americans to keep it that way. Vote like your life depends on it, because it does.