Domestic Worker Mauled To Death By Her White Employer's Dog

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Domestic Worker Mauled To Death By Her White Employer's Dog

Reneilwe Morema reports on the death of a Black Domestic worker who was mauled to death by her White employer’s dogs, she further questions if there was a motive behind her death as she and her employer had a dispute regarding unpaid salaries the month of her death.



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  1. Why does this page make everything about race? How about teaching your people how to be civilized and contributing members of society. You guys create the mess for yourselves and need other groups to help you clean it up. Pull yourselves up by the bootstraps, stop having children you can't afford to take care of or provide for, pull up your pants, and work. Put down the K2 and cheap hard liquors, go fill out some job applications and make something useful of yourselves.

  2. “If they are bribed, that is their matter” = It’s okay and nothing will change

    “As a human being” = when have they ever been human to us?

    How did they have a video of them beating the dog w/ a stick?

  3. The level of weakness of the native people, their government, and their laws, is shocking. If they were standing in the strength, the courage, and the protection of The Most High, they could put an end to this buffoonery in their own land. smh

  4. South Africa better vote Julian Malema on May 29th why isn't South Africa standing up you are the majority population where are the Aguns?? you're too passive and too busy buckdancing for every wht person you see on the continent.

  5. You got to be kidding me. As if black people don't own pit bulls that attack people of any color. Aiyayai. This is freaking ridiculous. This makes this channel look really bad. And the hostess here don't look all that black to me.

  6. Here's what REALLY happened.

    'Them Folks' chewed her up AND spit her out!

    She did not fly all the way from the African continent to vacuum someone's living room and clean someone's kitchen.

    She was not a 'domestic worker'

    SHE WAS A 'SEX WORKER' come on people read between the lines.

    As soon as her service was no longer needed..she was deleted and replaced.

    This is the common scenario for most African women that go abroad looking for so-called 'WORK'

  7. There is so much to say about this , but all I know is I don't go to nobody house who have Medium or Large dog specifically bully breeds. They're unpredictable and will turn on you whenever.

  8. So much for the end of Apartheid, the biggest farce of the 21 century so-called Caucasian people rule so-called south Africa and they will continue to until the African TAKE it back. My cousins forgot about a fundamental fact, if you look at history power is never given you must take it.