Why Germany is in decline | DW Business

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Why Germany is in decline | DW Business

Once upon a time, Germany was the embodiment of fiscal stability. Today, it is the worst performing major developed economy in the world. High energy prices due to Russia’s war in Ukraine and rising interest rates are among the reasons for the decline. But wider structural problems, such as a shortage of skilled labor, lack of innovation and…



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  1. Germany must realize. . That they have to corporate with Russia. To have a steady cheap supply of resourese. .To run there economy. . Both Napoleon and Hilter . learned that the hard way. .Plus there biggest mistake . was trying to invade Russia. and taking control of there resourses.

  2. Wages are rising? But it can't keep pace with inflation. You can thank western sanctions on Russia that has caused a avalanche of supply shortages and higher prices. It's necessary to fully restore energy ties with the Russians. Russian war with the Ukraine is not a German issue. This has been largely created by NATO's lack of respect for Russian security. It was a mistake to do away with nuclear energy. Germany needs to stop worrying about what Europe thinks. Political leaders are still very weak in dealing with the Americans, French and British. It's not what is best for the Allies, but what is best for Germany. If Germany must proceed on its own in some area, so be it. The war is long over and it's time to lose that subservient mentality. Yes, taxes are too high, but German corporations could still get tax breaks and locate factories in China. German corporations are betraying their own people and nation in doing this.

  3. Can Russia be blamed for this as well? Germany has inflicted severe damage upon itself, not just on a minor scale, but to a catastrophic extent, all in service of furthering American interests. This incident unmistakably illustrates the detrimental consequences of being subservient to the United States.

  4. Germany is in the economic problem for several reasons: First, they voted in the Green Party and incompetent politicians. Second, too much bureaucracy. Third, they follow the US in every conflict and at the expense of their own people. Also, I live in Germany full time and this is my experience as a consumer: Customer service here sucks, the people are rude, hateful and do the bare minimum at their jobs, lousy work ethic, laziness, many places don’t take credit card as method of payment, and when shopping online at a German store, they only offer German. While yes, if you live in Germany, you should be able to speak enough German to get by and make everyday purchases. However, when your country borders numerous other countries whose first language is not German, it would make sense to try to make it as easy as possible to attract as many customers as possible by offering multilingual websites. As a consumer, I hardly shop in German stores anymore because of the lack of customer service. I drive to the next country over and give my business to them instead. You deserve what you get.

  5. I know people who overworking every day. Everything above 80 hours(on your balance) is payed out. But at around 40% of TAX.
    The people collect their 80 hours and then just use them to stay at home every Friday , or working 2/3 hours less at some days. It doesn’t pays to make overhours to make money, it’s better to stay home and do your private things.

  6. A multitude of factors all go into German decline. Poor Covid recovery, no more cheap energy, declining demographics, the poor brexit agreement negotiated by the eu and lower demand from China.

  7. Riggghtt… no energy shortage but paying twice as much for it since the US bombed Nord Stream and now the US, their ally is charging them twice as much. Higher wages offset by astronomical energy prices means no reinvestment into the economy.

  8. Kissinger foretold German's future: He said, it may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal.”. Sweetheart US destroyed the Nordic Stream thus crippling Germany's industrial infrastructure. For Biden and the US Congress, this is a wonderful act hurting Russia. America couldn't give a damn about sinking Germany's economy in the process. YEt, few German leaders have the courage to question the US. As a member of NATO, they have a delusional fear of Russia.

  9. yes and add a million immigrants with no education, no health checks, no mental health checks, + the fact that the whole system is more profitable for NOT WORKING = FREE HEALTHCARE, FOODSTAMPS, RENT ASSISTANCE, ETC.

  10. The common problem in European economic failure is bureaucratic delays and politicians draining companies and individuals via taxation and then trying to force struggling businesses to buy new equipment and constant regulatory changes for agriculture.

  11. The very idea of simultaneously shutting down coal and nuclear powered energy production in the name of the "green at all cost" mantra that now prevails in Germany is ludicrous and totally unrealistic. Cheap energy is essential for the German economy, a reality shaken to pieces by the American "divide and rule" objective of preventing closer economic cooperation between Germany and Russia, particularly in the energy sector. The dependence on imports of LNG from the US is completely irrational from a pragmatic economic viewpoint, and the German objective of depending mostly on renewable energy supplies is hardly achievable in terms of steady supply and reasonable costs for industry. The stifling red tape and excessively high taxes do not exactly encourage new investments in a country where the large qualified workforce of the baby-boom generation is now retiring. The huge numbers of "newcomers", linked to Merkel's foolish "open border" decision of 2015, mostly do not have the required qualifications to keep the German economic engine room running. Germany needs to boot out the present disastrous socialist-green government ASAP in order to have a living chance of standing up to increased competition from Asia. If the German economy falls, the rest of Europe (the EU) will go down with it, no question.