Why Do Black Folks Idolise Religious Leaders ? // SAY IT LIKE IT IS – Ep 122

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Why Do Black Folks Idolise Religious Leaders ? // SAY IT LIKE IT IS – Ep 122

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  1. Hi guys, please forgive the slightly out of focus video, I have a really bad flu, was drained and really tired while filming….hope it doesn't take away from the message

  2. Phankleen, you are the man. I’ve been saying the same thing over and over. I fail to understand why our people can’t see that pastors are human. They treat these self proclaimed spiritual leaders as if they are gods. I insulted a pastor last week and one of his church members got angry. I hat to tell her off.

  3. You are so right P!!! It is prudent for us to know what the truth is… I believe in Jehovah, and I know enough about religiosity to know that we have to seek truth for ourselves. I was one of those person who idolize them, now I know that they are humans,, and we are all sinners. Also, I don’t give what I don’t have… and our pastors don’t ask for anything. They don’t have cars, houses, ect. Their mission is to preach the gospel…

  4. Phranlkleen, I think this is one of my favorite videos you‘ve made. I like how u speak so calmly. It’s seems this topic is personal to you. U are so amazing! I can actually relate to u.

  5. But black folx will still say it’s a relationship not religion, how the heck did you find Jesus/Mohammed anyway, was it not through religion?

  6. I grew up Catholic in America. I'm used to people questioning priests. The priest is still popular, but I have seen unwelcome priests get replaced.

    I have only ever been a visitor in other denomination churches. Catholics aren't perfect, but my experiences have mostly been good to me. Catholic private school was a different story though…

  7. Thank you for this one phrankleen well said. I am glad going to church wasn't other choice because the part that you take from going to church instill those good values in you.
    I know because I got some of my good values by going to church as a child.
    But i am like you, pastor are from the devil do you know how I know that. I learn that when I was 6 you see my grandparents live 5 miles from the main road, the community church ⛪ was 5 minutes walk from my grandparents house. My mother would sent me and my sister up on the bus and we would walk the 5 miles to other grand parents house now phrankleen on many occasions this pastor would be driving by going in our direction with noone in his car, we would stop him and he would drives by as if he didn't see us. And this went on for year i think I was testing him to see if he would stop one of the time he never did.
    And that is how I come to the conclusion as a kid. That pastors or not man of God but man of money their is no love within them, because God would never see 2 kids walking in 90 degrees weather and drive by when the child ask for help. Kids that you know everyone know everyone in that community.
    Phrankleen when I go to a church and the pastor say give or else I smile and never go back to that church because I know that is satan talking god would never tell you how much to give because I am 100% sure God is not going to know that you make 1000$ and after you pay all your bills you only have the 10% to buy food and God would say give it to me and go hungry because that is the only way to get blessing. God is in my heart and that is how i know he don't think that way. People should listen to their heart their common sense and not some man that call themselves a man of God because if they did they would see that the man is not of GOD!
    thanks again phrankleen.

  8. We could rebuild our communities around the world 🌎 and especially the Motherland if we would keep our 10% and INVEST IT IN OURSELVES‼️ When will we learn⁉️ This religious system was purposely set up to drain us and our communities!! It doesn’t circulate. It grows stagnant.
    This is just the TRUTH 💯

  9. We have been fed the wrong Gospel for years.
    God is a Spirit and resides in your spirit.
    Once you allow him to come and reside in your spirit he stays forever.
    Yes you have to invite him into your spirit. You have a choice in the matter.
    You can talk to him one on one.
    You don't have to pay a Pastor to do the talking on your behalf.
    It's a relationship between father and child. It saddens God that we don't think we could speak to him directly. Try it .we have to have trust, believe and rest in Him. Its called faith in God

  10. The refuse to read the bible for themselves. As a result the preacher tell the congregation what suits them and make money out of them.
    Now there is Pandemic churches are closed so hopefully the congregation will realize God doesn't reside in the Pastors house.
    God is a spirit and reside in our spirit if we invite him.

  11. because the government and political system has failed the masses and now see their only way out from poverty and penury is by putting their faith on God that is the truth and religious leaders know this and take advantage that is why doctrines of Nigerian pastors are centred around wealth and success because that is what the average Nigerian clamours for security and wealth due to a failed system.

  12. I went to my pastor to discuss or get advise on my trouble marriage and life because I thought he couple save me because he claims himself as prophet. After that Everytime I go to church he keeps preaching about my problem I felt like he was shamming me and gossiping about me. I felt like he bullied me for one year till eventually left the church.

  13. Has anyone heard of Spac nation? They are ripping off young people they attends there church. Its absolutely sick people need to check them out on YouTube. And the people they thy rip off are ex gang members the very people who are trying to change their lives. Sick community we live in, and it's all because we don't think for ourselves, we'll most of us don't.

  14. Black folks are the most spiritual beings on the earth..since the beginning of human existence. But the challenge is that most are drawn to the dark side of religious beliefs. While avoiding the right side of religious beliefs that helps create society at peace with itself. Righteous promotes a nation while wickedness demotes a nation. There is no nentrality or seating on the fence..we are moral creatures. .religion is the spirit language of the human soul..