European court rules human rights violated by climate inaction in landmark case | BBC News

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European court rules human rights violated by climate inaction in landmark case | BBC News

A group of older Swiss women have won the first ever climate case victory in the European Court of Human Rights.

The women, mostly in their 70s, said that their age and gender made them particularly vulnerable to the effects of heatwaves linked to climate change.

The court said Switzerland’s efforts to meet its emission reduction targets…



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  1. My government is violating my human rights by allowing our country to be invaded by illegal economic migrants and as a result increasing my tax burden and pushing me to bankruptcy. I'm sure the ECHR will take up my case and uphold my rights.

  2. After nearly a century humanity shows it has learnt nothing. With religious fervor the lawyers have decided democracy is wrong and should be crushed. The champions of the bureaucracy, the BBC fully support this and champion the Green God. We're back in the mid twentieth century, this time not with brown or black shirts but with green shirts. The muslims covering their womenfolk from head to toe is bad enough but at least the excuse that they are uneducated is true. The lawyers and Judges have been educated at vast expense only to decide that makes them superior to ordinary citizens and they should not interpret the law but make the law. We need close the woke propaganda machine the BBC and start preparing for when the tanks to roll into Poland.

  3. If any one should get a pay out, it should be the farmers! They lose hundreds of thousands due to bad weather, plus farming has the highest suicide rate. Just let that sink in for a minute!

  4. Quite right, ECHR have science on their side, the opposite view is wrong. The have no science, no reason, just dumb, It is not a matter of opinion,, the court is right those against are wrong. Full stop

  5. The BBC at it's very worst once again peddling the idiot Greta Thunberg as if she has anything worthwhile to say about anything. Thats why I no longer pay the licence fee and why millions like me don't either.
    The real truth is that now we know for certain that the ECHR is run by a bunch of know nothing idiots. As if the Swiss Government has the power to change global climate systems so that the temperature outside is just right for little old ladies to have a comfortable tea party with their families. If they don't find the temperature outside to their liking then thanks to the idiots at the ECHR they can now claim their rights to a family life in comfort have been violated and grab millions in damages from the Swiss taxpayers as compensation. You couldn't make up this stupidity if you tried. Its time to get out of the ECHR or disband it altogether.

  6. Funny they don't sue or protest in China, India,Russia Nigeria or USA which are more responsible. EU is doing its best to tackle climate change but is also the easiest to protest and do all those shows

  7. Can you find it in the DECENCY of your heart to adress the absolute CHAOS that migration is all over the west and interview those responsible? In short – DO YOUR JOB?

  8. i hope this includes pollution & how altitude affects pollution, eg, imho, in Moutiers, France, although the Tourist Office says that Moutiers is not very high up and that the wind brings in sand that could exacerbate the lung problems i conjecture the residents of Moutiers have, with respect? hashtag: tunnel for Moutiers now! 2. ppl will eschew ethics to keep their jobs?

  9. Since few years now there's been more & more high intensive levels of natural disasters (of water, wild fire, wind, sand,..)/ weather calamities that's been pummeling every corners of the world in a repeated/ high frequent fashion that's never ever been seen or recorded in the recent or ancient pasts.

    Unbelievably, while there seems to be a large number of climate denials are constantly being generated & thrusted upon many vulnerable/ innocent peoples to misguide them with false/ fake informations that may even put them in a dangerous level of false sense of security/ safety,.., by some stake holders, possibly, (the fossil fuel & other high carbon footprint based industry) $=/Oligarchs whose innocent or %N%efarious intents are to block all form of carbon emissions controlling measures that's already way too far behind compared to the very increased levels of intense/ vigors of the weather disaster counts (due to increased Co2 levels) that's been already happening at very increased levels

  10. Portuguese have a inferiority complex and want to shoe Europe they are “ modern” and fighting the cause that is fashion now. Colonizers that are totally colonized .