Modifiable Risk Factors for Myeloma (Part 2): Diet and Supplements with Dr. Urvi Shah
Modifiable Risk Factors for Myeloma (Part 2): Diet and Supplements with Dr. Urvi Shah
Originally recorded on February 16th 2021 as part of the Nutrition and Wellness for Myeloma Chapter in the Myeloma Crowd Community by HealthTree program.
Hear from Dr. Shah and she explains what proven diets are healthier for cancer patients and answers patient questions.
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Very well explained by Dr Urvi in conversation with Audrey Burton Bethke. Interesting studies combined systematically to bring out important guidance. Great work 👏
It seems like most of these studies basically just use "Meat Eater" as a proxy for the SAD (Standard American Diet). I would like to see some actual data on Keto eaters or Meat eaters who have cut out harmful sugars, plants, fruits etc. Otherwise the data is pretty flawed.
What is your view on curcumin
My father was vegan for past 25 years and now he has mm