Flight MH370 Vanished 10 Years Ago. What’s Happened Since? | Insight | Full Episode

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Flight MH370 Vanished 10 Years Ago. What’s Happened Since? | Insight | Full Episode

10 years on, are we any closer to knowing what happened to MH370? For a decade, scientists, investigators and journalists have dug deep into the mystery of how Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 vanished on March 8, 2014. But many questions remain unanswered.

Meanwhile, family members of the missing passengers are calling for the resumption of…



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  1. A cellphone "having a ring tone" when called means absolutely nothing. So sad that people grasp at straws to claim their relatives still live. I sincerely doubt it.

  2. It did not crash IN water! It’s in a remote mountain range. So remote that no one saw the crash or close enough to see smoke from the wreckage. The chances of a water impact resulting in next to no debris, especially in the dark,
    has to be next to zero. Basic physics to be under water, basically intact, would have to “glide” on the surface or hit the surface perpendicular. Any other angle would have created a debris field with items that float. I question the items found that supposedly belong to MH370. 2 witnesses, also, add to my theory. One in this vid said phones had ringtones, meaning, they were dry and functioning? Another vid had this fisherman claim his net pulled up a gigantic wing, but had to cut it free. Yet, he reported it, but gave no coordinates of such a major find for experts to immediately search? Surely, he would have made a fortune once confirmed, but here we are. It’s not “lost at sea!”

  3. Four years ago former Australian Prime Minister revealed the Malaysian prime minister had told him on 12 March 2014 that it was murder suicide by the Muslim captain. Also the FBI supplied deleted flight plan to the southern Indian Ocean is the smoking gun. Australian government complicit in the coverup.

  4. You dont need to go down in the electric bay to turn off the ACARS !
    You can do it on the cockpit there you ” cut ” the electric sources while piloting with only RAT TURBIN..
    Its a small generator that only gives electrical to the most critical systems like navigation and cockpit systems.

  5. Verry good that there finnaly also showing victim statments from Chinese and Malaysian families …..
    Most MH370 docu's ive seen you only see white Australian families testimonies which i always found a bit strange and near the edge of racist .

  6. This is a FACT:
    – The pilot ran pretty much the exact same route on his flight sim at home before he carried it out.

    If this isn’t a massive 🚩 then I don’t know what is.

    All the people defending him saying he’s a lovely person that would never do that, how would you know? Have you spent your entire life with him? Can you analyse his brain to know what he’s thinking? Point is you may think you know a person because you’re a ‘close friend’ but the truth is you’ll never really know what goes on inside one’s brain.

  7. The only mystery for me is, was Zahari Dead when the plane crashed from 35k feet straight into the India Ocean! Disd he kill himself! Allow himself to succomb to hypoxia or oxygen depervation! Or did he die in the crash! Either way he's a coward!!

  8. Occums Razor! There's no such thing as Coincidences! Zahari done this horrible act! A perfect storm of a Capt with an axe to grind and technology allowing for transponder being allowed to be shut off! And the ane to be decompressed! Only someone with 18k hours and 33years of experience knows how to disappear! Make a 180, fly along 2 air spaces then head to one of the most remote places on earth to crash the plane!

  9. There is so many conspiracy theories regarding the disappearance of MH370. But what is more believable is that there is only one person who is in the best position on the aircraft who can perform all these necessary functions :
    1. Switching off the radar transponder.
    2. Performing a turnback
    3. Plane flying over the Malaysian airspace during the turnback and then heading towards the Indian Ocean.
    4. Someone in the cockpit of Flight 370 re-programmed the aircraft's autopilot to travel south across the Indian Ocean.

    5. The flight data transmission system were turned off deliberately by someone trying to hide the plane's position and heading.
    All these can only performed by one person……the pilot Captain Zaharie

  10. Just after that last hand shake with Malaysian aircraft regulators the entire plane and its ACARS disappeared suddenly. The pilots were apparently disabled. Suddenly.
    There is only one logical explanation.

  11. My very clear understanding, from the very top levels of the Malaysian government, is that from very, very early on, they thought it was murder-suicide by the pilot." Tony Abbott, Prime Minister of Australia at the time

  12. Although the Captain's family gave glowing accounts of him, his friends said Zahari had significant personal issues. NY Magazine obtained a confidential report from the Malaysian Police. They said the Captain did indeed run a flight simulation following an identical course. The captain was very political. The day before the flight a friend and distant relative, the leader of the opposition party, was arrested on trumped up charges.

  13. 25:45 I'm sorry but that mobile phone explanation makes no sense because the phone is dead no matter what – even if it didn't get destroyed, it's not going to have any charge after 10 years!! It doesn't matter if the phone was smashed into bits, sank to the bottom of the sea, or is collecting dust on a remote island. The phone is dead, and the phone network has no way of distinguishing between "dead battery" and "smashed to bits".

  14. It's not hard to figure this out. The captain wanted to become a MARTYR for his stupid religion Islam. Muslims will never learn how stupid their religion is. Come to christ and you will find the truth. Stop live in denial. Your Allah will not help you.

  15. The Malaysian PM did nothing at all during the early hours of the off course MH370 diverted from Beijing. Makes me sick the PM never launched a military chase aircraft to follow MH370 immediately. They new the transponder went off at 0121. The PM watched, looked and never did anything to PHYSICALLY locate MH370.

  16. kotabaru kelantang malakka perak ipoha pahang penang malesiya place its missing plane from kwalampur i be their in two thousand fourteen march eight nazib period happen this

  17. Mentour Pilot just released an excellent video on this. When you examine the facts alone, it points to a very tragic insidious scenario of a mass killer who intentionally avoided detection by the military AND other aircraft with a carefully planned flight path to the Indian ocean. Before the final descent into the abyss, a figure 8 was done and the plane was flown into the sea with the intention of minimizing the debris field. The plan to disappear the plane would have been flawless, except there are great minds who can piece together roughly what happened, and hopefully with new info, restart a SEARCH for the plane yet again, to close this case and give peace to the families. FIND THE PLANE!

  18. 3月8日
    Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, a Boeing 777-200ER, disappeared from air traffic control radars while over the South China Sea, en route from Kuala Lumpur International Airport to Beijing Capital International Airport. The flight carried 227 passengers from 15 nations and 12 Malaysian crew members. The sudden disappearance of the aircraft triggered an extensive international search and rescue operation, the largest and most expensive in aviation history.
    As news of the aircraft's disappearance spread, a multinational search effort was initiated, encompassing vast areas of the South China Sea and later expanding to the Indian Ocean. Back in Malaysia, a wave of prayers and support activities unfolded across the country, with citizens uniting in hope for the safe return of those onboard.
    Families of the passengers began arriving in Kuala Lumpur, seeking information and support. Financial markets reacted to the uncertainty, leading to a significant drop in Malaysia Airlines' stock price. Meanwhile, authorities investigated oil slicks in the South China Sea, but tests confirmed they were not related to MH370.
    INTERPOL confirmed that two passengers boarded the flight with stolen passports, raising concerns about the security of international travel and the possibility of foul play. Additional data suggested that MH370 had significantly deviated from its planned flight path, deepening the mystery.
    Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak announced the nation's commitment to an all-out search for MH370. The same day, China released satellite images of potential debris in the South China Sea, although subsequent searches found no link to the missing aircraft.
    The Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency deployed aircraft to investigate reported sightings of debris. This intensified search effort underscored the urgency and complexity of locating the missing plane.
    US officials speculated that MH370 might have crashed into the Indian Ocean, a theory that shifted the search focus and expanded the search area significantly. Inmarsat, a satellite communications company, disclosed that it had received automated signals from MH370, offering a glimmer of hope and a new lead to follow.
    Prime Minister Najib announced that MH370's communications systems had been deliberately disabled, transforming the search operation into a criminal investigation. This revelation prompted widespread speculation about the motives behind the aircraft's disappearance.
    Malaysian police seized the flight simulator from the pilot's home as part of an expanded investigation, now considering the disappearance as a possible act of terrorism.
    The search area expanded to the southern corridor of the Indian Ocean, based on the aircraft's last known satellite communications.
    Australia took a leading role in coordinating the search in the southern Indian Ocean, reflecting the international effort's scale and scope.
    Malaysia sought the FBI's expertise to analyze data from the pilot's flight simulator, hoping to uncover clues about the plane's fate.
    Satellite images and aircraft sightings suggested possible debris fields in the southern Indian Ocean, far from the original search area, leading to a shift in search efforts.
    As air and sea search efforts intensified, additional countries joined the operation. The sighting of more potential debris by Chinese satellites and the extension of the search area underscored the challenges faced by the international search team.
    Malaysia Airlines officially announced that MH370 ended in the southern Indian Ocean, based on satellite data analysis. This devastating news led to nationwide mourning in Malaysia, with newspapers publishing in black to honor the victims.
    Despite adverse weather conditions, search operations resumed with renewed vigor, employing advanced technologies like autonomous submarines and deep-sea vehicles. The Malaysian and international communities continued to express solidarity and support for the families affected by the tragedy.
    The search for MH370 continued with international support, including contributions from the British Royal Navy and the enlistment of private resources like Peter Jackson's private jet. Despite extensive efforts, the aircraft's final resting place remains a mystery, with only sporadic pieces of debris washing ashore on islands in the Indian Ocean, offering poignant reminders of the unresolved tragedy.
    This detailed account captures the relentless search for MH370, the outpouring of global support, and the enduring mystery that has led to widespread speculation, grief, and a reevaluation of aviation security measures.
    The beginning of May was marked by public dissent against the implementation of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) in Malaysia, where more than 10,000 people gathered for a protest at Dataran Merdeka, Kuala Lumpur. This event underscored the nation's broader social and economic concerns amidst the ongoing MH370 tragedy. Additionally, the demolition of a 150-year-old mansion once owned by philanthropist Wong Ah Fook in Johor Bahru, and the discovery of Malacca Sultanate ancient coins at Pulau Nangka, Melaka, highlighted the complex tapestry of Malaysian heritage and current issues.
    KLIA 2, the new low-cost carrier terminal part of Kuala Lumpur International Airport, commenced commercial operations. This development was part of Malaysia's broader efforts to enhance its aviation infrastructure, even as the country grappled with the unresolved disappearance of MH370.
    The month continued with various events that, while unrelated to the search for MH370, painted a picture of a nation continuing to move forward amid adversity. Notably, Teresa Kok, Seputeh MP, was charged with sedition over her Chinese New Year video, showcasing the tense political climate. Meanwhile, widespread power failures affected multiple states, and significant transitions occurred in Malaysia's aviation sector, with the closure of the old Low-Cost Carrier Terminal (LCCT) and the shift of Air Asia and Air Asia X fleet to KLIA 2. The political and social landscape saw further developments with the resignation of Terengganu's Menteri Besar, Ahmad Said, and the controversy over halal certification for Cadbury chocolate products due to the presence of porcine DNA.
    The Red Bull Air Race World Championship at Putrajaya Lake offered a brief respite and entertainment for the nation, showcasing Malaysia's ability to host international events. The culinary achievement of Ipoh-born chef Catherine Chin Wan Ping, who won MasterChef UK, brought pride to the country. Concurrently, the political and diplomatic engagements continued with Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak's state visit to the United Arab Emirates and significant achievements in sports, such as Nicol Ann David winning the British Open title, demonstrating Malaysia's resilience and multifaceted presence on the world stage.
    The end of May saw Malaysia Airlines flight MH1348 experiencing a lightning strike, a reminder of the inherent challenges in aviation. The arrival of two giant pandas from China served as a symbol of international friendship and cooperation. The period also witnessed political and sporting events, including elections and the Thomas Cup finals, reflecting the ongoing life and vibrancy of Malaysian society despite the shadow cast by MH370.
    Three foreign men suspected to be members of the Sri Lankan Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) terrorist group were arrested by the Malaysian police of the Special Branch's Counter-Terrorism Division (CTD) at different locations in Klang and Petaling districts, Selangor.
    June brought various significant events, including concerts, the retirement of Malaysia Airlines' Boeing 737-400, and the opening of Pinewood Iskandar Malaysia Studios. These developments signified Malaysia's efforts to strengthen its cultural and entertainment industries. The rescue of the tanker Mt Ai Maru by the Royal Malaysian Navy highlighted the country's commitment to maritime security.
    The search for MH370 saw the deployment of an additional vessel, amidst the restructuring of the Eastern Sabah Security Command (ESSCOM) and Malaysia's strong stance against Israeli air strikes on Gaza. The latter half of the year continued to unfold with Malaysia actively participating in international diplomacy and regional security, alongside commemorating the tragic loss and ongoing mystery of MH370.
    As the search for MH370 transitioned into a more prolonged and complex phase, Malaysia and the international community remained engaged in a multifaceted dialogue about aviation safety, regional security, and the challenges of modern governance. The saga of MH370, while primarily a tragic mystery, also reflects the interconnectedness of global events and the resilience of communities in the face of uncertainty.

  19. I think its time, after ten years that they acknowledge that mostly all went bad, with rescue mission. Planes go up, planes go.down, planes also ditch into the oceans, but ….. planes never ever just disappear 😢

  20. It was not traced at the time When it had gone missing. How can it be traced today? The plane might have been buried inside the sand of the ocean by now.

  21. 47:05 – the words said by Mr. Li truly touch my heart. It seems that simple and ordinary as he said but seem to never happen again to Mr. Li and his family. My thoughts and prayers are still with everyone.

  22. As I have been saying for 10 years, MH370 will never be found because it was jacked to the 25th dimension by beings from there that collect people and stuff from all over the universe & all time!!!!!! ENOUGH ALREADY!!!!