The History of Nigeria (Igbos, Hausas, and Yorubas) – Part One

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The History of Nigeria (Igbos, Hausas, and Yorubas) – Part One


Ann Connolly, John Krauss, Germain, Banzaifly, cdoublejj, Don Pascucci, Reginald Daniels, Frederick C Scherr, Bruce T Berger, Tom Wendelken
Darth Wedgius, Allison Reals, John Palmieri, Michael Hammang, Brenda Young, Michael Kiley, Greg Thatcher, Kenneth Tamburello, Matthew Willis
Dr. Jesue Walker, James L. Barr, Mystery Man, Dirk L…



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  1. Can you drive your car with expired documents? Can you get visa with expired passport? Your country has expired and everyone is aware of it and they arw all waiting for you nigerians to speak out about it first that is when you will know that a lot of countries are interested in your case. The British government is pretending over this, which is a criminal offense, they could be sued over this fact. By now they should have called the nigerians AREWA BIAFRA ODUDUWA to thank them and wish them as they decide to continue as one or separate but no these people are hiding under cover 😠. Nigerians home and abroad should speak out now bcos if this issue is not corrected nigerians will continue to float.

  2. Can you drive your car with expired documents? Can you get visa with expired passport? Your country has expired and everyone is aware of it and they arw all waiting for you nigerians to speak out about it first that is when you will know that a lot of countries are interested in your case. The British government is pretending over this, which is a criminal offense, they could be sued over this fact. By now they should have called the nigerians AREWA BIAFRA ODUDUWA to thank them and wish them as they decide to continue as one or separate but no these people are hiding under cover 😠. Nigerians home and abroad should speak out now bcos if this issue is not corrected nigerians will continue to float.

  3. It is impossible to talk precisely about the history of Nigeria before 1960 as the administration in different parts of the country was completely different

  4. It's really a tragedy that the entire way of life of this region was decimated by the British invasion…And then to listen as the narrator justifies the crimes as necessary for advancement and then to hear that the so-called missionaries softened the will of the people which led to economic and mental subjugation

  5. Some of this is true, but not accurate tbh. Depiction of the igbos isn't accurate. Numbers on the tribes, direction of the British. Cap.

  6. Disliked only to get your undivided attention. Saved to an appropriate playlist on this account. Thank you for sharing this loving language in truth.

  7. In the 1950s, Nigeria's founding fathers understood that the only way to turn the huge diversity of Nigeria into an asset rather than a bloody liability was to copy the FEDERAL system of states practiced by the United States. So that each state had significant rights to its resources, security, and societal laws.

    Unfortunately, Nigeria's military juntas and several other coup leaders imposed a strange quasi-federal system in Nigeria. This quasi-federal system has been practiced to date. It promoted massive corruption and guaranteed the gradual collapse of Nigeria due to the inevitability of strife that would naturally follow when very diverse peoples are coerced into adopting the way of life of others and forced into abandoning their own. Especially when those sets of laws are promoted by criminal-minded Nigerian rulers who do not respect Nigeria's diversity nor have the interest and survival of Nigeria at heart.

  8. I think you are more useless than those you regards as useless because alot of you base your understanding on your personal ideas and thinking but in a case like this one has go by international, unbiased history not by a mere tribalism, religion or sectional sentiment. The north has more educational and civilization advantage than the south even before the colonial masters and that is the actual reason why the north was govern indirectly, the north was more mature in governance by far than the south I urge you to check what lord lugard write up about the north then.more so despite the constant claim of more educational and civilization that the south claim the colonial masters choose the northners to be their secretaries in most of their colonies and that was also as a result of their qualities in governance and education which the south lack at that time despite all your claim. More so the desperity in western education between the north and south was that the northners feel they have attend a level that they decide for themselves as African they don't need western ideas that has a slavery,recism and transformation ideas that set to devided Africans just for their personal gain as what is actually happening now. More educated and civilized Nigerians now prefered those that enslaved, exploit our resources and continued neocolonizing us more than their fellow blacks and Africans which the north was not will never be part of.

  9. Sowell, America's Finest Historian well into the 21st century.
    Thrilling to see the most respected Historian in the United States offering historic presentation on Nigeria.

    I'm a Sowell Disciple.

  10. Being from the Hyam ethnic group of Kaduna State, it saddens me to see generalized historical accounts to this day. While the Hausa and Fulani cultures have had a great influence in Northern Nigeria, there have been so many Nigerians that have been wrongly categorised as "Hausa/Fulani".. if someone takes the time publish the history of people, then proper accounts on heritage should be recorded too.

  11. It is very good to always make reference to history. From all documents and documentaries we have to respect people's values and culture, when we talk about education, the west makes us believe that western education is all that matters which is the main problem with many Nigerians, for example no matter how smart you may be if you can't speak English an average Nigerian brands you as an uneducated. Well this is where our problem stated from as a people. Arabic education came through the northern Nigeria and they are well accustomed to it, western education came through southern Nigeria through missionaries which they took as the tool for religious and social way of life. Today look around you, how many professors do we have in the north, how many Doctors,how many engineers?
    If we duel too much in the past we might not progress as a nation.

  12. You still fail to mention the true motives of the European colonization of Africa and how they divide the continent along arbitrary lines. This destabilized many of the power structures and economies that were already there thus causing of much of the inter-tribal warfare that you mentioned. The exact same thing happened in The Middle East and we still see the implications of it in Africa and the Middle East to this day. You make the British out to be peacekeeping forces that 'civilized' the people of that country. and you fail to even say how Nigeria got its name.

  13. -The census prior to independence was also controversial but it was imposed on the country by the British. It was massively rigged to favor the North and the reason was to ensure the "Caliphate" area of the North would dominate the federal parliament. The reason was because of what I would call "interests" of the the United Kingdom. The South (especially Ibos) apart from being educated were nationalistic and unpredictable. A clear evidence of British infaltion of the North comes from the states of Kano-Jiagwa, Sokoto-Kebbi-Zamfara; Borno-Yobe; and Katsina.

    In the 1952 census, Kano-Jigawa jointly had a joint population of 3,397,358 out of 30,403,505 (in Nigeria- see Philip Ostien Univ of Oxford, 2012) which is 11.17 percent of the total. But strangely Kano-Jigawa jointly had in the 2006 census– 13,762,290 out of 140, 431, 790 or 9.80 percent of the total in Nigeria – eflecting a fall of – 1.37 percent of the total in Nigeria after 54 years! There is no evidence that people in Kano-Jigawa migrated to other parts of Nigeria than other ethnic groups. There is no evidence to suggest that they went through the "genocide" committed against the Igbo. There is no evidence that people from Kano-Jigawa migrated in large numbers to other parts of the world unlike people fom Southern Nigeria. On the contrary, Kano-Jigawa between 1952 to 2006 had been hostng perhaps up to a million people from Southern Nigeria which contributed to the population of 13,762,290 recorded for both states in 2006. In fact, in the book by former Amb to Nigeria Mr John Campbell, "Nigeria on the Brink" , he noted that even Northern elites admit that the North is ca. 40% Christian which the diplomat admitted lies to some extent "migration to the North by Southerners".

    I also mentioned Katisna. In the British conducted census of 1952, Katsina lying on the fringe of the Sahara had a population of 1.483,484 out of 30,403,505 which is ca. 4.88 percent of the total in Nigeria. However based on the 2006 census, Katsina had 5.801,584 out of 140,431,790 falling to 4.13 percent of the total. While there is evidence of migration from Katsina State to Kaduna State, it still does not explain why the percentage from Katsina fell just as Kano-Jigawa.

    For the Sokoto-Kebbi-Zamfara axis- the three states jointly had a population of 2,805,439 out of 30,403,505 or 9.23 percent of the total foisted on Nigerians by the UK. Well from the 2006 census, Sokoto-Kebbi-Zamfara jointly had a population of 10,238,090 out of 140,431,790 or 7.29 percent. This is yet again a fall of almost 2 percent in the same time frame. In fact what makes it even more bizarre is that these three states had since 1952 received Fulani pastoralists from other African countries now claiming to be Nigerians. This is one reason for the banditry in the state of Zamfara.

    Now let us look up at Borno-Yobe. According to the UK, both states had in the 1952 census 1,595,505 or 5.25 percent of the total. But in the 2006 census, the population of Borno-Yobe was 6,492,443 or 4.62 percent. This is a fall of 0.63 percent. This region has suffered terrorism via Boko Haram. But the Boko Haram insurgency began in 2011, so on wonders what is responsible for the fall in population.

    Summing up these figures, the far Northern states of Kano, Katsina, Kebbi, Borno, Yobe, Jigawa, Zamfara, and Sokoto fell from 30.52 percent in the 1952 census to 25.84 percent in the 2006 census.

    The reality was that this part of Nigeria was less than 20 percent of the population of Nigeria in 1952. We can even scale the likely population based on recent figures and compare to what we have in Niger Republic where the people are socio-culturally indistinguishable from those from this part of Northern Nigeria. This had been the problem of Nigeria and laid the foundation of all the problems the country had to suffer to this day. In fact, is likely impossible for Nigerians to evolve and see themselves as a single nation. The desperation by the UK created the problems and millions of Nigerians had been victims of this game of divide and conquer and of course control by the UK. This evidence dismisses any figures relating to ethnic or religious composition in Nigeria. There is a sense of insecurity by these Northern people themselves. They usually unlike other Nigerians return to their home states for Voters registration and even register in perhaps millions people who are far younger than the age of 18. Apart from this fact, there is no doubt a "jihad of the womb" by these people. The population growth of this part of Nigeria along with Niger republic ranks the highest in the World. It seems to be a "race" to meet up with the colonial quota handed over to them by the UK.

    In addition, I also need to clarify with what is meant by the "North". In these states, I made some observations. The areas dominated by Non Hausa, Fulani and Kanuri stock seem to have "dramatically grown" in population which again confirms my suspicion that the British apart from designing the "North" to be so large relative to other parts of Nigeria, desired that the said North be dominated by the Hausa-Fulani-Kanuri groups based on inflated figures vis a vis – the minority areas of the "North".


    —-The counter-coup was not exclusively Muslim. It comprised both Northern Christians and Muslims.

    —- The Igbo were not fully integrated. In the military for example excluded the Igbo from important positions. It took the last president of Nigeria, Goodluck Jonathan who was genuinely interested to heal old wounds to appoint an Igbo as military head. This of course was not acceptable to many interest groups in Nigeria. There are other examples to give. Another was the creation of states and local government areas (counties). It was also deliberately designed to marginalize the Igbo. Until 1991, the Igbo had just two states out of 21 states in Nigeria in spite of having up to 20% of the country's population. There has been little interest by the federal authories to locate federal institutions and investments in the Igbo homeland. This has made many Igbos to migrate even in greater numbers to other parts of the country where they are constantly reminded by the political elites and "natives" of those places that they "migrants" despite paying their taxes and contributing enormously to the such local communties. Igbos are also often targets of Muslim fanatics in the far North (see the states I mentioned). The assumption of course is that killing an Igbo means killing a Christian.

    They were given only 95 counties out of 774 in the country which is a far cry of their population. To till day no Igbo has been made Chief Justice in Nigeria while it seems to be a core policy of the corrupt ruling APC to exclude the Igbo from power.