CAPE TOWN, world's most beautiful city | Table mountain, beaches & waterfront

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CAPE TOWN, world's most beautiful city | Table mountain, beaches & waterfront

Join me on a tour (in 4K) of Cape Town in South Africa, the most beautiful city in the world. The travel vlog features a trip with the cable car to the top of Table Mountain, a walk on the magnificent beach of Camps Bay, and a stroll in the Victoria & Alfred Waterfront.

Video chapters:
0:00 Table Mountain
14:41 Camps Bay
26:37 V&A…



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  1. Cape Town the most beautiful city in the world not a chance Istanbul and miami and vancouver and Melbourne are by far very far away more beautiful than boring Cape Town

  2. I wake wake up everyday to these views…with the mountain and see on either side and i never get tired of the same beauty everyday…we need to take back our beautiful Western Cape before this ANC government destroys it like they have done to the rest of the South African provinces…I vote for Cape independence…Independence for Cape Town.

  3. The crime on Table Mountain and Table Mountain National Park need to be adressed urgently,because it scares away tourists.There is attacks happening every day.😡

  4. Well…I think our RIO de JANEIRO 🌅⛱️still is the most beautiful city in the World + the people charm, the beaches etc…but …we are so in love w/ CAPE TOWN, ❤💙 we don't wanna leave anymore…🥲if you compare there's so many unique things here: wonderful architecture, great roads,,very good food for good prices, great bars 🍸 and restaurants, the water front ( I want to Live there!!) all the joyful people …❤ and …the civilization, clean streets, many things far ahead from RIO…we took only Mercedes or BMW UBERS (brand new!!) for half the price you pay in RIO or SP !! They took us even to the WINERIES!! (beautiful 🥂😊🍷) the food ,the wine, and supermarkets also are wonderful and cheaper …Everything is fabulous!! Thanks for your tips and vídeos 😊, definitely one of a few cities we will return!! (after 3 months in 🌍 AFRICA …)

  5. And…we are finally here, after watching your videos a dozen times 😂, we stay about a month and did all your tips: spent new year's eve at the water front (crazyyy) came back 3 times there (in love❤) the TIME OUT (great food with jazz band !!) Magical place, also the TABE MOUNTAIN (great !! great!!) the beachs, the GEITZ MOCCA at SILO ,drinks at SILO rooftop, tea at ONE & ONLY the beaches, ⛵️ sailing…And tomorrow we leave fir a 3 days trip visiting the great farm wineries 🍷 ❤❤😊😊

  6. The analysis was one sided. You can tell how they twist situations. The people fuelling sectarianism are PF. They fail to condemn it but would rather the government keeps quiet about it. The president was right to address the question about the vice president. You only need to go to social media yo tell what that means. People in PF have advised the vice president that she is being used.
    The whole truth about the expelled mps has not been fully explained. The reason why they are not out of Parliament is because they have challenged it. Therefore the speaker will wait for the interpretation by concourt. If the courts rules then the action will be taken in line with the ruling. The speaker does not decide but takes what is in the law and implements. No one in the government is refusing that the cost of living is high. What we are not accepting is that it is HH's fault or he has failed etc. We know the cost of living is extremely high but taken into contex5 with the world's economy. Listen to other countries. Every country at the minute is affected. Fuel and grain prices are up because of the war in Ukraine. The government has not been silent. They have tried to react as much as they can. e.g the shop rite mealie meal prices. They can only do what they can. We want people to recognise what is within our means. Some opposition have taken advantage to gain political milage and condemn every effort the government is making is condemned. That is what we are not accepting. The opposition have become notorious at condemning everything without appreciating where we are from where we are coming from. Zambians also need a change of mindsets. Moreover, we need to also understand that our only true help is from God. Let's work with the government of the day and take up opportunities available to us. There is no government who gives free things but creates an enabling environments.

  7. I feel so privileged to live in Cape Town. We relocated from Gauteng many years ago, and have never looked back. Not even the South Easter will get me to leave, love Cape Town. Thank you for a beautiful video.

  8. Thanx a million to the Luxury Travel Expert for this absolute super video clip. Giving us poor inland bastards a chance to experience the dream places what we otherwise wouldn't experience. For me not even in a lifetime.
    Apart from the nature beauty, the architecture beauty, and the tranquility atmosphere and peacefully casual people, is the absolute clean environment. Wish the other inland places especially the Gauteng and Vaal Triangle areas could copy this attitude.

  9. Thanks for the upload. Fond memories of this city. I wouldn’t say it was THE most beautiful city in the World, however Cape Province certainly has a landscape which is absolutely breathtaking and certainly qualifies as the most beautiful on earth.