Is The Black Community an Illusion ?

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Is The Black Community an Illusion ?£phrankleen





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  1. Very right. I tried to start a business where I am, the Africans who had been living here for many years refused to divulge the guidance I needed but tried to borrow the money from me to boost their own businesses. Very bad

    Timeless Black Excellence highlights innovating, inspirational and influential people of color. Discovering and presenting their ingenuity, creativity and perseverance, is the ultimate goal at Timeless Black Excellence. Showcasing Inventors, Scientists, Engineers, and Entrepreneurs in order to Recognize the amount of contributions people of color have made throughout time. At Timeless Black Excellence we Share their stories, making sure that these contributions are celebrated and stay relevant.
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    I want this content to reach classrooms, churches, community centers, libraries, etc. The possibilities are endless!
    THANK YOU!!!

  3. I don't know what kinda white folk you're around, but until recently, I didn't even notice the color of the stranger next to me because I didn't care. I'd argue that now, in America, white people are forced to notice color for fear of committing some imagined "microaggression", chancing losing their livelihood, friends, and family. I believe if we'd spend our time on constructive things instead of being consumed with race, we'd all be much happier.

  4. Umm…Yeah, you do realise that it was black tribes that helped capture other black tribes and people to bring to the coast for Europeans to buy during the trans Atlantic…The misconception is that the Europeans stormed into deepest Africa guns blazing, no they barely needed to penetrate deeper than the coastline because slaves were being brought to them…there's your black community, your African kings and Queens.

    What your talking about is deep rooted and the 'White' man is not actually to blame.

    Me sadly my life is better away from the 'black community' I tried to hard for too long.

  5. I'm trying to lay down some hard truths of the situation but my comment keeps getting deleted. I think I can just say to consider if there are any innate differences between the general groups. You must be able to see innate differences from yourself and the wider "community". Expand that consciousness to groups. Also consider an average American of lighter c0l0r telling certain people who look similar, but live in rural poor areas (you know at least one name for them, one of those names actually coming from the English), to sharpen up and stick together. Him vs that group… extreme differences. They're just never going to be the way he wants them to be.

  6. I have told all my friends that we should open a bank account, save money and get in to real estate. They said we have to have a meeting about it and I been saying this for years and we all see each other on a weekly basis.

  7. I think you are on point.
    I was born in 71 and I remember the the Asian community over here never used banks for loans, they would source the money though their family or community, and when that person is sorted they would pay it back or help another brother sister cousin the same way.
    I have never seen that with black people, we become jealous, and suspicious,… so wrong. Sounds crazy but a black person can sometimes feel isolated/alone within black area.

  8. Any community that doesn't look out for the best interest of their fellowman is an illusion and eventually self destructive. The term black itself is a metaphor used to describe a person's state of being. For example, how can ppl that identify themselves as black lead and uplift a community or even heal others when they themselves feel dejected and their perceptions about everything and everybody is limited and negative?? Life is way deeper than what's seen on the surface. Nobody on this earth is perfect or righteous without sin and the grass on the other side isn't always greener. The problem with society is that there's sense of entitlement at others expense and this sense of entitlement became a trickled down affect. The majority of ppl have these unrealistic expectations of others that they themselves don't even live up to! Nobody that's mentally sane wants to live their life walking on eggshells trying to appease ppl who can never be satisfied or content with their own lot in life! Perhaps ppl that are disgruntled and frustrated with so-called black ppl need to take look at themselves in the mirror and reconsider the things they consumed their minds with because the truth of the matter is that not everybody on this earth have the same purpose nor do they have the same aspirations in life.

  9. Every time Africans hear that I run ads on Facebook, Google, Bing, & Email, they want me to do it for Free because we are both AFRICANS!

    Bruh! It cost CASH TO RUN 🏃🏿‍♂️ THOUGH ADS! 💁🏿‍♂️💁🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️

  10. Well said, this seems to be the general narrative of African's so this issue must be pretty obvious and it takes no mental effort to recognize a problem but the question is who are those perpetuating this narrative through their behavior and what is the solution?

  11. You are a blessing to this generation thanks✊🏾 I keep asking my friends why there's no African Community in the UK or in diaspora as a whole all we do is (party after party) we need to start telling the truth we stronger when we come together


    1. Finish school and take advantage of the free education provided. Without a proper education you disadvantage yourself in the job market.

    2.Avoid pregnancy or starting a family before you have established yourself in the world and have developed a means to support yourself.

    3. Start to live and think long range. (Avoid short term thinking and acting. learn to delay instant gratification).

    4. Take 100% responsibility for ‘all’ of your choices, thoughts, words and actions. You must give up all blaming, avoiding known facts, complaining, making excuses, rationalising. Think about the consequences of your own actions.

    5. Some inherited parental practices need to be abandoned as they are actually quite harmful to our children, such as the beatings and humiliation, having multiple children to different partners, encouraging children to succeed with an overbearing attitude from parents that places extreme pressure on the child.

    6. Redevelop self-respect from within the family by both parents instilling the right moral values in their children by modelling the behaviour you expect from your children (Children tend to learn by example not so much by lectures or what you say).

    7. Where possible avoid welfare, it is a trap that few families can ever escape from. If you choose to have children it is your responsibility to support them, not the states. Practice safe sex until you are ready to start a family.

    8. Put family at the heart of rebuilding the community. Build strong families, with good strong values and morals so that children learn respect, have strong visible role models that they can look up to and learn from.

    9. Look for examples of success in the areas that you wish to move into. Success leaves clues, copy those who are already doing what it is that you want to do.

    10. Learn financial management. Don’t spend all you earn. Spend some of what you earn and save some of your earnings for the future. Flashy cars, clothes and expensive lifestyles are a drain on your resources. Spend money on things that are going to make you money (look for investments to grow your money).

    11. Value the only irreplaceable commodity that you have, your time. We each have 24 hours a day to do with as we please, be aware that for every hour you waste there is someone who is being productive with their time. Don’t waste it because once it’s gone, it’s gone.

    12. Read and listen to inspirational people on a daily basis Thomas Sowell is a very good start. We live in an age where knowledge is accessible to all, if a person has the will there are no limitations to what you can learn.

    Many reading this will think ‘it’s too late for me’ and that is the flaw in the thinking. Think about the generations to come. It is up to each individual to lay a foundation stone for those who will come after. It is very easy in the world as it is now to think only of one’s self, but that thinking is short sighted and destined to failure.

    And yes I’m leading by example from Leeds, West Yorkshire, it can be done and I hope many of you out there will have the courage to take up the challenge.

  13. Frankleen, you have spoke the truth, and nothing but the truth. Our people (African American, Black British, Carribean, Haitian, Native Africans) need to see the truth for what it is: Unless we come together, put our differences aside, and work together, we will NEVER be where we should be in the world status!!!

  14. Interesting video and straightforward. I am dutch, so I cannot speak about England. At the gym I am always surprised how many (good house fathers btw) are married to white ladies. I myself had relationships with black women and am a father of two biracial kids, so I hear things from both sides. The stories I can tell you…..I lived in Africa on and off since 1994. Discrimination and racism exist all over the world…. Visit Dubai for example. They have very strict rules and are well,.. Let me put it mildly "nationalists", but a lot of whites. Indian and other nationalities are successful. Back to Africa, I was one of the founders of west coast radio in The Gambia. That was in 1995. I had to deal with a black dominated society. Learned a lot of African lessons, but we persist and ultimately succeeded. What I observed over the years is there is a lot of jealousy among each other and toward outsiders as well. One way or another they do not grant you success. They will even go to the maraboes (witch doctors) to destroy whatever good you try to accomplish Lebanese however are the most successful businessmen/women over there . Why? Because of what you mentioned and…..they know the African ways and live there for generations. Watching some channels of the diaspora who like to move to TheGambia I see a lot of hatred and smearing against white people. Maybe it is playing the victim or just blame whites because they failed? This continuous dwelling on the past. We can learn from history to make sure it will not happen again and move on. Should I hate the Italians because the Roman Empire? Germany because of what they did to us and the Jews? We solved the problem within three generations and the war zone is on the football field nowadays. The Calimero complex. Germany is big and we (Holland) are small, but we'll show them! Also, many diasporas can not face the reality that they are not seen as "Africans'. With that I mean not being one of them. They are "toubabs" (outsiders) no matter the color. Right now I have longtime black friends, male and female , but it took me years to accomplish where I am now. Social and business wise. There are good and trustful people. That is the good news. May presence of mind be your a guardian angel If you decide to go back to the "Motherland" Paradise does not exist and money rules the world. Will I trust my money to any black person? Definitely not. Will I trust my money to any white person? No way! Goodness or meanness have no Color.

  15. I also saw great collaboration within the Brazilian community in the UK. They help each other learn English, get their papers in order, get hired and support each others busniesses.