Jon Stewart Tackles The Biden-Trump Rematch That Nobody Wants | The Daily Show
Jon Stewart Tackles The Biden-Trump Rematch That Nobody Wants | The Daily Show
Jon Stewart kicks off his Daily Show Monday night residency by coming to grips with the reality of America’s two chronologically challenged presidential candidates: Joe Biden and Donald Trump. #DailyShow #JonStewart #Election2024
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Did you ever know that you're my hero,,? 💖. 💖.
Oh wow, this was the episode when he came back. Neat.
So Jon went from criticizing CNN's Crossfire for the absurd "Both Sides Have A Point" nature of the show, to becoming Crossfire.
Most people haven't even begun to understand the royal game of "divide and conquer" and are constantly being deceived, divided and set against each other. If you think your cross electronically or on paper will change anything, then I say yes, because you're casting your vote and burying it to perpetuate a system that robs you.
Amazing! I stumble with this news, Jon is back! For americans (i'm from argentina), you have to notice that this man, his mind, his strong feelings about what true democracy means, is a national treasure. Please, treasure him, no matter which party are you.
The super bowl champions are no world champions. They're the super bowl champions since the US aren't the world.
Biden is not too old. My mom just died at 100. But I'm voting rfk jr
Gawd i missed this man
9:56 that "ow!" Killed me
I'm glad that Africa Trevor Noah is nowhere to be seen. I never watched the Daily Show while he was hosting.
Now let's see if this show is funny.
Trump and his kids were under prosecution and were giving answers wolf of wall street style. Biden was rambling on about questions that were never asked and couldn't remember within years of when his own son died
Trump was our only special needs president
Bring RFK jr on your show
What a total fraud…..hey Stewart, you going to give back the 17 million you made by selling your 829% overvalued townhouse in New York that was appraised at 875 thousand??????
And just like that we find out John Stewart committed the exact same crime 😂😂😂
Nobody, since when is this hack speaking for everyone.
Spinners 😂 are the chumps at Daily
I love this! We are starved for balanced views that phraise or criticize both sides as deserved without trying to spin it one way or the other. America NEEDS more of this.
😂😂😂 no credibility