Pope Francis Says ''Africa Is A Special Case''

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Pope Francis Says ''Africa Is A Special Case''

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  1. These are the people we believed that they brought light or God to us. Everything religious should be ignored by Africans. Is religion and politics they are using to control the world especially, African countries and is the same religion they used to colonised us and it still continues till this day.

  2. Unless you buy our leaders.automatically the greed one will comply.the evil practice even not practised by animals.can he not use the term afrika.let him say the catholics to accept the dirty.sorry we dont have the space to embarass our ancestors.

  3. No no I hope not this is an abomination according to holy scriptures not in the motherland Africa,no LGPQ should not Allowed in church authority or be accepted in period😠 !

  4. Africans keep Satan's ministers out of your countries. They working hard for Satan to take over your souls. Please, pray hard to the GOD of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob to block all Satan's ministers. Enough is enough. They reign needs to come to an end. All of the chosen people of the GOD of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob need to turn back now more than ever to the Most High. If not Satan and his ministers are going to devastate us around this world. Please come together my people. I for one am tired of Satan and his minions.

  5. The Pope himself is a special case because clearly something is wrong with this man , this is a mad man because how on God's green Earth can a man who claims to be a vicar of Christ bless something detestable and disgusting as homosexuality and clearly is a sin in the Holy Bible !? I mean my God what is this !!!😮

  6. The Catholic Church here in America puts Priests who are Pedophiles in charge of children. They have been sued for millions of dollars but are being moved around in the diocese of the Catholic Church. They took Native Children sexually abused and in some cases killed them with no repercussion. The Federal Government allowed this to happen and sent their Police to take the children and send them to Mission Schools. Africa should not leave their children with these churches and Missionaries from America or any other foreign country. Protect the children!!

  7. It was the Romans' who crucified Jesus and rewrote the Bible and put Romans in the rewritten book. They came to the Americas enslaved the Native People and killed them off to steal their land. This is the foundation of the Roman Catholic Church to has looted stole land from and enslaved Indigenous People all over the World.

  8. The Pope is not the leader of Africa and they have a right to decide what is and isn't legal or acceptable. At least they are honest. America passed laws for LGBTQ and they have become targets and are being assaulted and killed!! Africa is not the Child of the Pope are the West in fact it is the other way around. The West acts like spoiled little children when they don't get their way!!