Yvonne Nelson Vs Sarkodie

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Yvonne Nelson Vs Sarkodie

Yvonne Nelson has revealed her decision to terminate a pregnancy because the man who put her in that situation refused to accept responsibility on the basis that he had another girlfriend.



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  1. Am wondering why Yvonne Nelson’s autobiography has caught so much attention ? And the content about Sark doesn’t make a difference what should we do with that past relationship you had? Past so why are you bringing it for us to do what with it? You people enjoyed your life together now you make it seem like someone caused you this bad. 😏

  2. The crazy part is she has probably had other abortions so why is she only talking about the Sarkodie one = selective memoire 🙃 then you were praying to have a successful abortion is this girl sick or something?

  3. U naa went to abort de baby, u are here blabbing, some men force women to abort but still some stand their grounds and gave birth to super humans. Nothing will happen to the brand masa