Prophet Lovy Elias address DISCIPLES: The Cult of TB Joshua, BBC Africa Eye documentary

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Prophet Lovy Elias address DISCIPLES: The Cult of TB Joshua, BBC Africa Eye documentary

Prophet Lovy Elias has come out to address the DISCIPLES: The Cult of TB Joshua, BBC Africa Eye documentary on Prophet TB Joshua. Here is what he has to say.


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  1. No metter we talk and talk, way do they worry about same ones, worry about ur salf and TB j is of truth man of God by his spirit he has done❤we need to worry of our salf not the death one who passed

  2. Some interesting comments from this profit, this supporter of TB Joshua. It does not matter what the motive of the BBC is, the question is, are these women lying?????? That’s the question. A “mistake” is when you exit the wrong street or put too much sugar in your coffee. When you RAPE someone, EVERYONE involved knows it’s not a “mistake”. He says many “interesting” things but near the end he says something like “did he do bad things, well how many people did he feed”. 🤨😐🤔, uh, Hitler, Stalin, evil people feed others mr profit. smh, unbelievable. No sympathy for these women.

  3. Really???? This are the last days where Jesus said atime is coming and the hour is now, when the father is looking for those who worship in truth n in spirit.. not is Jerusalem or in a synagogue… those victims deserve justice n thats definitely a cult… false prophet time is real

  4. Serial raping for decades is “just a mistake”. Forcing abortion to hide your lies is “just a mistake”. This guy idolised TB Joshua above and placed him above Christ.

  5. And the simple fact that Lovy keeps saying "You Christians they are coming for your church (talking about the buildings)" and then catch himself by finally saying "us" and "we" is strange. Why was he at first excluding himself? Isn't he a Christian? They're coming for his church too. We MUST use the gift of discerning of spirits and discernment with everyone, every teaching, and every preaching message. Even Lovy Elias.

    There are people who will do good deeds but still go to hell for being a worker of iniquity. Whatever good TB Joshua may have done for people does not supersede sin. We will be judged according to our works, both good and bad. God will not let us in his eternal kingdom as sinners because we did some good deeds while we were alive.

    If God does not tell us AFTER WE ASK GOD QUESTIONS, we don't know if TB Joshua was a real child of God. The only way we become children of God is if we are filled with the Spirit of God. So the real question is this: was TB Joshua filled with the Spirit of God and was he filled when he took his last breath? Because contrary to popular error, God will take his Holy Spirit from us. it's called being a reprobate and being an apostate.

    Use the gift of discerning of spirits AND discernment, saints.

  6. The problem I have with Lovy's statement of TB Joshua casting out demons in Jesus' name is this: Jesus also said this after he talked about false prophets "21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’ – Matthew 7:21-23. this is for any false minister, not just false prophets.

    The problem that I have with the first question Lovy asked for thought is that the same happened with David. Nathan addressed David to his face for what David did to Bathsheba's husband, which was kill him in order to take Bathsheba as his wife. The public did not find out about it until AFTER David died.

    The problem I have with the second question Lovy asked for thought is a question I have for the question: why should the public view pictures and videos of rape and other abuses as they were happening?

    The problem I have with Lovy's third question is this: God will use anyone to expose wickedness going on in the Church for the sake of repentance and protection of his people. If we really knew God and Jesus, we would know that God uses whatever he wants, even weather elements.

    The persecution of the Church is going to come from both SAINTS AND SINNERS and has already started. It will get progressively worse.

  7. This prophet knows nothing about the people of God and what God actually want his people to do, I hear him say Shalom if you know what was the first greetings before the white people translated to Shalom ,then he will understand that what we need as people is the laws and not the churches

  8. Christianity and church has been dividing the children of the almighty, bru we don’t need Christianity and the doctrine of the individual Survivor churches to sarve almighty

  9. U are talking incorrect, Christianity was given to us ,it is not original, we need to go back for town halls the was we men of colors was Hebrew/ibo and the was wat Christ was and did and not this churches u are protecting what Christ never did and supported… islam or what what ,,, all not for the Ezeelu (israel) Christianity was a punching bag mr from the beginning, stop being emotional,,, the cast out of demons are not real we African, cannanit has magical powers of hypnosis and can make anyone dance crazy in trance,,, stop saying things you don’t know , you are far away gone in yt man created Christianity

  10. Well you may not know the character of God then – He used King Nebuchadneezar who was wicked to punish Israel. Jer 21:5 I myself will fight against you with a strong hand and a powerful arm, for I am very angry. You have made me furious! 6 I will send a terrible plague upon this city, and both people and animals will die. 7 And after all that, says the Lord, I will hand over King Zedekiah, his staff, and everyone else in the city who survives the disease, war, and famine. I will hand them over to King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon and to their other enemies. He will slaughter them and show them no mercy, pity, or compassion.’

    8 “Tell all the people, ‘This is what the Lord says: Take your choice of life or death! 9 Everyone who stays in Jerusalem will die from war, famine, or disease, but those who go out and surrender to the Babylonians will live. Their reward will be life! 10 For I have decided to bring disaster and not good upon this city, says the Lord. It will be handed over to the king of Babylon, and he will reduce it to ashes.’

    So if God never changes but remains the same – answer me this – Can he not use an ungodly organisation like the BBC to expose the wickedness in the church world?

  11. I´ll say the following, yes he is dead now, whether the documentary should have come out sooner or later, whether the creators of the documentary are Christians or not, whether TB J was fake or not one thing is sure, walk in the light, has He His Light.

  12. Can satan cast out satan in God’s name? See Matt 7 vs 21-23! Churches do not carry liability insurance and blessings you receive or abuses at the hands of preachers is at participants risks

  13. This is a very faulty logic! TBJ daughter is alive and DNA testing can settle that but you wouldn’t still change your mind. By this logic you’re insinuating that Hitler shouldn’t be condemned because he was not alive to defend himself! Prophet Lovy please have brains. You cannot save God by covering evil in God’s churches. Jesus said judgement will begin in His house. You used a lot false equivalence. Facts are stubborn things. They don’t go away! Falsehoods can travel years fast but the truth will always catch up! Let’s give credit as well to the millions of people who made donations! God does not print money!!


  15. I love this man he is full of wisdom GBU more the guy or a woman i can't even tell he or she with a funny hair cut and a glass on the one I see testifying against TB Joshua don't look like a believer this documentary is a work evil Satan they want put dirt to his name so Emmanuel tv stop doing the work of God but good always prevail.may God rest his soul in heaven and continue his church.

  16. Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely 💯 The gifts of God are without repentance. So you can be a prophet and when you keep sinning the Holy Spirit departs from you coz your heart is hardened. Now the gift of seeing and hearing in the spirit is still there. Satan now seizes the chance to manipulate that gift for his own agenda. Instead of hearing from God they now hear by divination. It’s that simple and it’s easy to confuse those who don’t understand this concept. Study your Bible. No one has the authority to tell you not to study the word.

  17. A lot of people don’t understand about spirituality and are very gullible. People stop believing the doctrines of men. Read, read , read the Bible. God never asked us to be like David, Moses or Solomon (right?) God called us to be in the image of Christ. So telling us about biblical characters that do not define our salvation is a waste of time. Be like Jesus.He is the one who died for your salvation and no man comes to the father by through Christ ( NOT David, Moses, Solomon, Elijah, Abraham, Jacob et al. They can’t save anyone even if they wanted😅😅😅) Read about them and learn but do not run around duplicating their weaknesses ( adultery, anger, lies etc) and using them as an excuse to sin! Be ye holy as your father in heaven is holy. Cmon man 😅

  18. Bisola have been consistently exposing the things behind the scenes at scoan even before tb Joshua died and she was vilified. She was also confirmed by former security guard as someone who was very close to TB Joshua. I am trying not to vilify victims of such abuse whenever they speak. I know that the world will soon persecute the church but we must never try reject the evidence of witness and victims simply because we love the so called prophet.if the man never spent time with his wife but female disciples what should we expect.