Pastor Alph Lukau Miraculously Transforms Kenyan Woman's Life! #alphlukau #jesus #kenya #shorts
Pastor Alph Lukau Miraculously Transforms Kenyan Woman's Life! #alphlukau #jesus #kenya #shorts
Pastor Alph Lukau is a Bible Scholar, renowned International Speaker and a Power Televangelist. He is also the founder and General Overseer of Alleluia Ministries International and ministers in different platforms around the world. Pastor Alph Lukau is known around the world as the Apostle of Faith. A man of great humility, integrity and…
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Bro pray for us 🙏
Amen , wonderful propheci My Angel Cherubim,Amen Amen Amen 🙌🙌🙌🕊️🕊️🕊️💐💐💐☔☔☔🔥🔥🔥🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🌟🌟🌟
Please God show me the way🙏 I really want a job
Applying for me also. Amen
Jesus Christ apply more salary for my daughter l don't have husband and no family in our house my self and daughter is staying in Jesus name Amen
Please pray for a software job to my son JosephJoshi and for a set exam and for marriage
Praise the Lord Pastor
Amen 🙏
I want a husband. 31 single trusting God for 1
Lord. Me. And. My. Aunty. Also. We. Need. A. Job. A. Good. Job
Amen I received it in Jesus name Amen ❤
Look how many people are fooled by this prosperity gospel. LORD HAVE MERCY.
Glory To JESUS 🙏❤️🔥❤️
I want my healing in the precious name of Jesus amen 🙏💖🙏❤
Pastor please 🙏 pray for .y daughter and son in lA to arrive safely in South Africa ❤😂🎉😢
Hallelujah 🙏🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌
Daddy you're too much!!!
Please remember my family Dad!
You've forgotten me Dad!
Please give me a blank sheet and open cheque DAD!!
Amen 🙏🇰🇪
Pst I had a dream about you. You and I met at a junction when I was pray8ng to God to give me a double portion of your grace.
En thank the lord for his mercy amen
Hi happy evening brother,plz pray for my work n my husband drunker in final stage n my sister in law cancer Mary, anitha plz pray 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Please pray for. me my name is Aaron Das my problem is everything. India state Odisha
Praise the Lord
Glory to God ❤❤❤
Amen ❤️❤️
KING JESUS is here now to rule The Whole World literally. CLEAN-HOUSE Is here against lazy and wicked people! But it is not The End of Time of The Book of Revelation yet; it is A Huge Blessing of DADDYGOD to Me. KING JESUS is about to clean HIS WORLD of these garbage pastors, garbage people and their satan/devils!!! The SHOW is on!
>>Time is here now for 🌎Worldwide reign of True Christianity (Acts 2, etc)! Satan's deceptions, works and cronies were destroyed In JESUS NAME!!! Healings and restorations everywhere! Peace-JESUS Everywhere!!! No more tears for ZION/Palestine (Psalm 137) and All places of MY World! The KING JESUS Of Psalms 2, 72, 94; Isaiah 2, 11, 59:16-20, 65:16-25; and Zechariah 6 is NOW STANDING UP!!! About 5 billion wicked people, haters and persecutors of JESUS may be flushed out of This World soon!!! A Mega-HUGE APOSTOLIC CHURCH TEMPLE (Not Judaism's so-called third temple) will be erected at the original position of Solomon's Temple; PLUS Israel shall possess all The Land assigned her by God. Almost all Israelis now and all people (including muslims) who are truly seeking One-True God in The Messiah shall flee to HIM!!! There will be worldwide healings and restoration to all who desire so! The ShowDOWN is on! BeatDOWN against mr. Satan and his cronies is here!!! The ONE TRUE GOD is now Standing Up! Messiah's Church covers everywhere; KING JESUS Rules The WORLD through HIS InCARNATE! The launching of This SHIFT is at hand now!!! Hallelujah! Nevertheless, after This period the World shall become very decadent again, leading to the revealing of antiChrist and the rest of The Book of Revelation.
My son waiting for visa to Abroad for job;His name is Vijay Prasanna.
Dear Pastor please pray for my Son;He is waiting for job in software,he completed Engineering.
Please also 🙏 for my family
My name is Ruth brown please pray for me and my children
I love you great man of GOD please pray 🙏 me and my family and a lady dat name elvira perdomo she live in Honduras and she have cancer she whant to live doctor give her 3 months and she completely 4 months since doctor give her time please pray for healing 🙏 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
Papa ❤ ever seeing clear
I feel sorry for whoever believes this bullshit 😂
God bless me o lord
Is this church preparing it's members for heaven or hell?
Read Ecclesiastes 12:13, 14.
John 14:15.
Proverbs 28:9
James 2:10-12.
Exodus 20:8-11.
Ezekiel 22:8, 26.
Isaiah 8:16, 20..
Revelation 22:14.
Psalms 111:7,8.
Mathew 5:17-19.
Please pray for me I have suger brother
The Lord will prosper me in Jesus mighty name Amen 🙏 ❤
I still can't believe that legitimate and well educated people follow these guys entitled themselves pastors, Rev, Apostle etc for their future guidance at their ages. When those who owns the bible and Christianity are seriously into technology and infrastructure
Amen and amen